Can you believe it’s already time to open the Runfessional before August gives way to September? It’s true. Time waits for no one so let’s get started.
I told you about the guy who always seems to be lurking out on the trails didn’t I? He rakes the portions that go past the very back of his property. I’ve seen him out there with a leaf blower as well. There’ve been times I’ve also seen someone I assume is his wife out in the forest clipping something or other. Last week I was running on the trail in the general vicinity of this guy’s house when I heard what sounded like a golf cart coming from behind me. As the sound drew nearer I turned around and discovered there was a crew out, apparently spraying the trail for mosquitos. I picked up the pace because at that point there really is no way to get “off” the trail without heading into deep woods. The trail itself is way too narrow to just stop and let the cart pass. Plus who wants to be close to the gross mosquito spray? Not I. So I runfess my easy breezy trail run became speed work. It was not pleasant but it was better than the alternative. Who needs bug spray?
I’m enjoying Peloton’s AFO series so far. I runfess though that I chose a run with Rebecca Kennedy and Rufus because I thought it was Rufus from Chaka Khan and Rufus back in the day. Remember them? Yeah well apparently that wasn’t the Rufus I was expecting. Still though, the run was good and I’m kind of enjoying this new Rufus too.

My in-laws received Lululemon’s Mirror as a gift. With their subscription came a few free family subscriptions. When they offered one to me, I figured why not? I was interested to see how it compared to the Peloton app. Well I runfess that so far I’ve done a whopping ONE workout with the Mirror app. Apparently I’m a creature of habit and I’m in the habit of using Peloton. Whoops!

My Runfessions would not be complete if I did not runfess that I am entertained by all the sugar daddies, weirdos and “interesting” invites I get via DM on Instagram. Apparently I seem like someone who’d be interested in visiting a Torture Museum and sharing it with my friends. Uuummmm no. Not interested. Although I guess I just shared it.
Ok your turn! What do you have to Runfess?
I’m also linking up with Darlene, Michelle, Renee, Jenn and Zenaida, for Fit Five Friday.
Ha ha ha on the torture museum invite, LOL! I’m in a rather dry spell with the sugar daddy propositions…and that is NOT a complaint. Gotta love those easy runs that turn into major workouts 😉
Maybe it’s a good thing I don’t hang out on IG, LOL!
I remember Chaka Kahan — I do not remember Rufus. I guess my memory is selective. My husband just mentioned B52’s Rock Lobster & I was like what? I know the B52s, but that song? No memories. He even played for me. Nope, not ringing a bell!
I definitely would not want to be sprayed with bug spray, either!
Never heard of mirror. But I don’t find time to even use Peloton. I will cancel again.
I don’t think they spray our trails. Yikes.
I use IG. I’m glad my following is low. Lol.
I saw a few guys in the woods spraying as well–they looked like Ghostbusters, but I think they were trying to get rid of invasive stuff. Still, it was a little unnerving–here I am running on the trails and they’re wearing biohazard suits. Just so odd.
Um, no to the medieval torture. Takes me back to my home health days in the city and that is all I’m going to share here…
I have seen the mirror in the lulu store but never really been tempted to leave Peloton. I also had no idea who half of the music artists are! LOL. Oh I get some doozies in my DM’s nice to know someone still thinks I am attractive 🙂
I like how the medieval torture museum representative feels like your audience would be a “good fit’ for medieval torture. Why? Maybe because we’re runners, ha ha.
I would be REALLY annoyed if I were out for a nice trail run and someone was out spraying!!! You don’t want to be breathing that in during your run. Sheesh.
Oh dear, there are still people on this planet who think it’s a good idea to kill insects.
Crazy! And they are probably the first ones to complain when there’s no honey on the breakfast table….
Well done on your speed work, though!
I googled the Lululemon Mirror – an interesting concept. I’d be the same as you – once you’ve found your fitness groove, it’s difficult to switch.
I got the Torture Museum invite, too. I’ll admit, I considered it for a minute – LOL.
Are your inlaws using the Mirror? My brother and his partner have a Tonal and that’s pretty cool.
Hear me out. You go to your torture museum. I’ll go to my torture museum. We will compare notes and post the results. Everyone wins.
That is too funny on the torture museum! My coworker has that mirror but don’t think she uses it. So for the app do you need the mirror? I’m thinking that it is like Peloton where you do not need the actual Peloton bike for the bike classes.
Torture museum huh? Okay that beats any of the DMs I’ve received lately LOL
I runfess that I didn’t recognize most of the artists on Peloton’s AFO but did discover some “new” music.