Well here we are folks. While technically there’s still plenty of summer yet to come, kids head back to school here this week so for all intents and purposes, summer is OVER. As much as I love fall, I’m not at all happy to bid summer farewell. Here’s how the week in workouts went:
Monday: Walk 2 miles, otherwise rest, well a 4 am work thing tapped me out
Tuesday: Walk 4 miles, rest
Wednesday: Walk 4 miles, Speedwork at the track
Thursday: Walk 4 miles Upper body strength +Cardio Barre
Friday: Walk 4 miles, Trail run 5 miles
Saturday: Walk 4 miles, Bike Tabata, Leg Strength + Core
Sunday: Walk 4 miles, Bike Bootcamp, Upper Body Strength
Despite a slow start to the week (hello two rest days) my workouts were decent. Making it to the track is always a huge win, even if it is the hottest, steamiest morning of the summer. Whew! The track will close when school opens so it was probably my last chance. In case you were wondering, those Nike AlphaFlys I’ve been sporting are pure fire. Review to come soon.
It’s not all fun and games at the track though. Look where the wasps set up shop. This is on the gate that you have to slide open to the get on the track. If you don’t see it, you’d grab right there to open it. Yikes!
We (well Thing 2) survived Marching Band Camp last week. Of course it was one of our hotter, more humid weeks. I’m pretty tapped out on saying all the mom things like “Be sure to stay hydrated! You need electrolytes! Where are your sunglasses? Wear a hat! and Don’t forget to REAPPLY your sunscreen!”
This week ahead is Thing 1’s final week at Nike. It’s been an amazing adventure for her and you all know how much I love my shoe fairy. Of course I’ll miss the shoe hookup but I’ll also miss her sharing views like the one above. Nike is a company that works hard and plays hard too. All that said, she’ll be HOME for a bit starting next weekend. Insert a huge happy dance right here!
New On YouTube
Cardio Barre. I’ve found myself doing more and more Barre workouts and I get requests for them all the time so here you go! This one will elevate the heart rate in the best way!
How was your week? Are you excited, bummed or neutral on back to school? Where’s the craziest place you’ve seen a wasp/hornet nest?
I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Join us!
I can’t believe the kids go back to school already! It just seems wrong. How long will M be home? I know you’re excited!
Those wasps do build nests in the strangest places! Years ago, they built on in one of the boat lifts on my parents’ pier in Door County. My dad employed all
This summer has flown by. I’m sad. I need that extra daylight and sunshine.
We seem to get nests all over the place.
Enjoy the rest of your summer. You are so consistent with your daily walks.
back to school already, wow! Summer is too short.
Oh my, those wasps! Freaky. But you’re right, that one’s face is kinda cute, ha!
School starting obviously doesn’t have much meaning to me, other than to try to not go out as the buses head out (we live close to both a HS & JHS). But they don’t start til after labor Day here (and of course end later too).
OMG on the wasps! That is just evil!
Although it wasn’t a crazy place to find a wasp nest, it took me completely by surprise when I saw the one over our driveway a couple years ago. It was the size of (almost) two globes. How it set up homestead there without anyone noticing is beyond me. I am so far out of the back to school loop…I do know our youngest has one more quiz to finish (online) and she’s done with her second summer class. Then one remaining semester before she dons the cap and gown at the collegiate level.
Schools don’t start around here for a few more weeks, and the one in our neighborhood doesn’t start until after Labor Day — which is important for me to know for traffic purposes.
So did Thing 2 enjoy band camp despite the heat? I hope being with friends and playing music was worth it.
I bet Thing 1 had an amazing time working and playing this summer. Such a great opportunity all around.
Yikes on the wasps. That is really scary! I hope the school gets rid of them before next week.
I am also loving my daily barre classes! I think they are really helpful for the hips and glutes. Speedwork in the heat is no joke. I am trying to keep it up as well
Oh that’s funny- i was going to ask where you got your cardio barre class from and it’s your own. I’ll definitely check it out this week- it sounds like something that will really help me.
Yep! My daughter goes back to school on Wednesday. Nest year she’ll be doing the marching band camp! My son said one or two kids always fainted during that week, ugh. Glad your daughter made it through unscathed.
Wow I can’t believe your high schooler is heading back to school this week! I hope the buildings are air-conditioned!
That’s great that your “shoe fairy” will be home soon. I bet working at Nike has been an amazing experience!
I have seen an onslaught of back to school ads this past week and can’t believe it’s almost that time. Kids here normally don’t go back until the last week of August or the day after Labor Day.
I can’t believe the wasps decided to build a nest right at that spot – how odd!
Schools don’t start back here till September so we have plenty of time to enjoy our walk / run routes the “right” way around as we don’t need to avoid school traffic (of course now it’s the “other” way round as most weeks it’s the school avoiding ones but we got used to these routes during lockdown!