Here we are, the final day of July already. Summer sure slips away quickly doesn’t it? I’ve been absorbed with school registration, sports physicals, parking permits and Marching Band camp prep. School will be back in session here before we know it. Here’s how the week in workouts went.
Monday: Walk 3 miles, otherwise rest
Tuesday: Walk 4 miles, Speedwork on the road
Wednesday: Walk 4 miles, Bike Tabata, Upper Body Strength
Thursday: Walk 4 miles, Trail Run 4 miles, Strength + Core
Friday: Walk 4 miles, otherwise rest
Saturday: Walk 4 miles, Trail Run 4 miles + Core
Sunday: Walk 4 miles, Heavy Strength
My workouts were an afterthought for the most part. I sort of squeezed them in where I could. I did notice my mood dipping, which is unlike me. I’ll blame work stress for that. Thankfully some quality time on the trails fixed it.
July was a month packed with 6 family birthdays and this week we celebrated the final one. Thing 2 turned 17 and we celebrated with family, friends and lots of festivities. To give you perspective, she was 3 years old when I started writing this blog. Where has the time gone?
Work continues to be off the leash. I have a cutback plan but that won’t take effect until September so I anticipate August to be more of the same.
I had a tiny, nagging pain in my hip this week that made me reticent to run. What could it be though? A stress fracture from too much sitting at the computer? Right. Oddly enough I only feel the niggle when I walk. It totally vanishes when I run.
New On YouTube
Hips & Core Strength. Runners have notoriously weak hips and often a core to match. Grab a resistance band and join me for this one. Your body will thank you!
How was your week? Are you feeling like summer is winding down? Ready for back to school?
I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Join us!
I get some pinchiness in my hip area from time to time and can never figure out what it is from. The barre classes seem to be helping with that so I am going to keep them up. Happy birthday to your daughter. July sure did fly by!
I feel like July has just flown by as well! I’m sorry to hear about work, but as you know, I can certainly relate.I sure hope that hip twinge goes away!
Hope you have a less stressful August.
Sitting at the computer does a number on your back.
It dies t hurt when you run? Now you know what to do. Lol
July was a crazy fast-moving month, even more than usual this year. Hard to believe it’ll be August in just a few hours. Happy bday to your beautiful daughter 😉 Don’t they grow up quickly?
I’m sorry to hear about your hip pain and hope that it will heal quickly.
As a long time empty nester, back-to-school doesn’t affect me unless my clients need to reschedule due to events surrounding their children’s school.
Happy belated birthday to your daughter!
Wow, 6 birthdays in one month! That’s a lot! I both feel like Summer is & isn’t winding down. The temps certainly aren’t winding down, but there have been enough cooler days & the backyard is shady so it hasn’t been terrible.
Work stress is hard. You’ve got to take a breather now & again! Weird about the pain when walking — hopefully it goes away soon. That’s great that it doesn’t bother you when you run, though!
Happy belated to your daughter!
July really did fly by…I hope August is a bit calmer. And I hope your work stress lightens up so your mood improves!
Oh, the hip. My left hip kind of flares up sometimes but doesn’t keep me from running, so I don’t worry about it too much. I think it actually might be related to how I sleep!
I thought your workouts for the week sounded pretty good- lots of walking, some good runs and strength training. You did it all! Sorry about the work stress- and it sounds like it won’t end anytime soon. Well, September will be here before we know it- July sure went fast.
Happy Birthday to your daughter! Is she going into her senior year?
I’ll do your workout this week- it looks like it would be perfect for me.
It was a crazy fast month for sure!
Sorry to hear work is still crazy 🙁
Happy Birthday to your daughter! We celebrated my youngest 17th birthday on Friday. Seriously, where does the time go?!
Happy Birthday to your daughter! It was such a busy month for you between work and celebrations – I don’t know how you kept up with everything!
Summer really is only June & July these days. Don’t even think about trying to plan anything even close to August due to band! I hope the transition to school goes well.
That’s impressive that you started this blog 14 years ago. Wow!
14 years of blogging! That in itself is a great feat, Marcia. Thing 2 is just as pretty as Thing 1!
So sorry about your heavy workload. But it sounds like you have a good plan in place. Will you be employing another person? Or simply sharing the workload differently among a team?
Happy bloggiversary!! 14 years is an accomplishment!
I am not ready for back to school – it means that I need to get up at 4-something to work out before I get my kids up for the bus. I’ll take summer forever!
Summer is just about over here. A goes back to school on the 10th and this week is all about back to school tours and all that jazz.
Six birthdays in a month? That’s a lot!
I’m sorry you’re down. I think so many of us are just so worn out from so many things. Hang in there. Big hugs.
I am feeling like summer is winding down but I’m glad for it- it’s my least favorite season. I hate being hot. Looking forward to cooler fall temps in about 5-6 weeks!
I hope the hip thing isn’t serious. Injuries are no fun.
wow…. 6 birthdays in a month.
Those little niggles always get in your head, don’t they? Sometimes afraid to risk a run and sometimes we may overthink it. I hope it goes away for you. I’m impressed you’ve been blogging for so long. I love all the walking you do. I get my runs in the morning and then not much after and you inspire me to change that. Thank you.