After a winter that did not want to quit, Mom Nature threw the heat on high this week. Not complaining at all because who doesn’t love some time in the broiler after 9 months of cold weather? My workouts were haphazardly cobbled together because work is off the leash as usual. It’s all good though, and very exciting. I’m learning to be very efficient with my time. Here’s what went down:
Monday: Walk 4 miles, Trail Run 4 miles
Tuesday: Walk 4 miles, Tread bootcamp, Upper Body Strength
Wednesday: Walk 2 miles otherwise rest…well work
Thursday: Walk 2 miles, Barre Workout, Core Strength
Friday: Walk 4 miles, work got in the way again
Saturday: Walk 4 miles, Bike Bootcamp, strength
Sunday: Walk 4 miles, Run of some sort
We cut some walks short because a certain canine friend just couldn’t go too far in the heat. Plus tick season is here in all it’s disgusting glory. Ugh. We made our maiden voyage to the garden center as well. It is finally time to get the deck set for summer and my new fire pit blazing!
The suddenly balmy temps sent me rummaging for for tanks and shorts. Now’s the time to review my Tips for Running in Heat.
Thing 2 had her final band concert of the school year. Of course I’m biased but they’re so SO good. It was bittersweet to watch what was the last performance for the seniors. It all goes so fast.
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Barre Sculpt Workout. We’re going low-impact and all-standing for this week’s workout. Chalk this one up to me being exhausted but it is a nice change of pace and we all know it’s good to keep the body guessing!
I’ll leave you with one last sunset pic. I am so loving the long daylight and soft breezes!
How was your week? Has summer arrived? Any races?
I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Join us!
Whooo it was hot this week! I was definitely not ready for it. But it does feel good to be outside without a million layers. Glad to hear you are getting on top of work.
Yes, my sister lives in your area so I’m well aware that you went from winter to a heat wave. I’m sure you felt the heat on those runs! Hopefully you’re get some more “normal” weather next week.
My daughter is also having her final band concerts for the year. She’s still in middle school, and my son went through the band program too, so I have been to a LOT of concerts. Sometimes before I go I’ll think “Ugh, I really don’t feel like hearing another middle school band play” but then once I’m there I enjoy them so much! I’ll miss this age when she moves on to high school.
I have to get out earlier with Bandit & sometimes cut his walk short, too. Doesn’t help that trees have been disappearing over the last few years so there’s little shade!
Hang in there, Marcia. Work’s gotta let up at some point, right? I love Barre! In addition to all the other stuff.
It hasn’t been too warm in the mornings here yet, but it has been humid!
I hope you are able to wrestle work back under control soon.
Congrats to Thing 2 on a great year!
I am all for the earlier sunrise makes it easier to get out of bed. Not a fan of the return of the humidity this weekend! It just kills me
What a gorgeous sunset.
I hope you spiked some of your smoothies to make it more manageable, volume wise.
I miss when we used to have spring
Yes, I’m in agreement…no complaining, whatsoever, on the heat because I feel like I’ve been waiting for nine months for it as well. It seems like just the past 10 days or so the sunrises have jumpstarted their appearances in the wee hours. No complaints on that either!!
You’re right about being more efficient when there’s a lot of work to do. I often think of the saying “work expands to fill the time available”…
Still, I hope you’ll get a break soon – I think you know by now how to be efficient, ha!
We went to a wind-orchestra concert this week. I thought of you and, of course, of Thing 2. So amazing!!
Glad you’re managing all the work stuff – hope things settle down a bit. Ma Nature turned up the heat here too – so not ready for the humidity!
It’s suddenly hitting 70 here and very humid, which is a bit annoying but there you go. Also the biting insects are back! Lovely sunset pic, nice long days here now, too.
I feel like we are going straight to summer here too. It’s going to be 90 degrees on Saturday – I am not ready for that level of heat yet, lol.
I like summer here in NC but when it’s near 90 with high humidity in mid-May, it’s just too much too soon! I have a race this Friday evening and the high that day is supposed to be 96!
I went to Florida and so I thought I’d be the only talking about the heat and humidity.
And yes I ran a 5k and almost melted into a puddle.
So much summer! Ugh!
I am absolutely embracing band mom life. I wish A had one more concert, but they are finished for the year, and he is now in mini band camp. It’s insanity!