It’s May, better known as MAYhem around here, and it’s time to sit down with Coco, Deborah and you to catch up over a cup of something nice. I’m going with my Starbucks Spring Day blend, splash of half & half and a scoop of collagen. What’ll you have?
Over coffee I’d ask you if the school year is winding down. Thing 1 officially finished her classes last week and she doesn’t have any finals. She’s staying in Atlanta for another few weeks though because she still has a job there and time on her lease so honestly why not stay where it’s sunny and 80 everyday and you have a rooftop pool? I’m a little disappointed she’ll be home for only a short time before she ships out to Beaverton, but I get it. Thing 2 had AP exams this week and finals will be the last week of May. I say it all the time. Time flies, especially the school year.
Over coffee I’d ask if you had Mother’s Day plans. Sunday I’ll be heading to my sister’s to celebrate the moms in the family (4 of us) plus a couple of birthdays. Birthday season is in full swing here.
Over coffee I’d ask you if you saw Lululemon’s new Recycling Program. Apparently you can bring in your worn and no longer wanted Lulu clothing for credit toward something new. I was all over this because I definitely have some Lulu things that rarely if ever get worn anymore, and yet I resist donating them.
Over coffee I’d invite you to participate in the Free 7-Day Smoothie Refresh Challenge I’m hosting over in the ZOOMA Run Club. When you register you’ll get a free Smoothie Recipe book and a shopping list. Starting Monday, we’ll be making daily smoothies inspired by the colors of the rainbow. All you have to do is make one (can be from the recipe book or your own concoction) and post a pic of it to be eligible to win a daily prize. Register here!
What would you tell me over coffee? Are you a smoothie fan? What’s your go-to food for post-run recovery?
I’m linking up with Darlene, Michelle, Renee, Jenn and Zenaida, for Fit Five Friday. Join us!
My coed has finals next week. He will be staying in Madison for the summer–he has 2 part time jobs and a lease. His friends are there and besides us, there’s really no reason for him to come home. Like you said, I get it… sniff sniff
You know I have smoothies every day! i try to vary the ingredients so that I have the rainbow. It’s a great way to get all my fruits and veggies.
Yes, I’ll be heading to my moms. We weren’t quite sure if it would be Saturday or the actual mother’s day, but it looks like it’ll be Sunday. There’s only one birthday in our family in May!
I’ve done a lot of smoothies in my time, and even though I have done them when it’s cool out, I’ve come to realize it is something better saved for warm weather. Which we actually might get next week . .. good luck to everyone participating!
I may be the last gal (or person) on the planet who has not gotten into smoothies. Not sure if it’s the clean-up (which is not really a valid excuse) or just the mixing and “drinking my meal” thing. I know they’re convenient, or at least I assume they are easy, once you’re in a routine of making them…but I have yet to venture down that road. I need to burst out of my bubble…
Oh, I like that spring blend too!
We are deferring Mother’s Day plans to Monday when my son will be in town. Hopefully it will be easier to get dinner reservations then too. 😉
Ugh, I remember the stress of AP exams! I’m sure Thing 2 did well.
This is always such a busy time for us as well! Why yes I did see the recycling program and I have some super old lulu that I will see if they will take back. I can always use a credit 🙂 I know you like your activewear as much as I do 🙂 Happy mother’s day have a good weekend
Sorry. I’ve tried smoothie but not a fan. Luckily many runners are. So it should be a fun challenge.
I have race on Saturday and will probably go to my MILs on Sunday.
I leave for Florida on Monday (my birthday). very excited about the trip.
Our school year is different here – we run from January – December, three terms, with three 1 month breaks. So the kids are actually heading back to school on Tuesday for the second term of the year and I must say I’m very happy about that! I love the routine that school gives all of us!
Great news about Lululemon’s recycling programme. Hopefully, that will set a new standard for other brands.
What a great idea to merge Mother’s Day with various birthdays! That saves so much hassle.
The school year has been such a blur, though I feel like I say that every year!
If it weren’t for my pending sugar detox, I’d be all in for the smoothie challenge – especially with warmer weather (I hope!) on the horizon.
Happy Mother’s Day!
I resisted smoothies for years because of having to clean the blender until I realized it really isn’t such a big deal and if I make one for my daughter as well, it’s like getting 2 for 1 when it comes to the work of putting it together and clean up.
My daughter is also a junior and is in the thick of AP exams. it’s a hectic time for sure!
Happy Mother’s Day!!
I didn’t know about Lululemon’s new recycling program but it sounds pretty cool.
No special Mother’s Day plans her because it’s going to be rather chilly and rainy, but we will order takeout from my mom’s favorite restaurant.
I only have one Lululemon vest and a pair of running gloves and I love them both so won’t be trading them in. I’m not sure why I don’t shop there more, maybe because I get a lot of stuff from Athleta.
I drink a smoothie almost every day. It’s a sure way for me to get my fruits and veggies.
Yes, I can’t believe the school year is over. My son has finals next week and is coming home a week from today!!! My daughter is only in seventh grade but she does have some EOC exams coming up, and she’s done at the end of May.
I’m running a race on Mother’s Day (should be interesting) and then I’ll just be relaxing at home. No big celebrations around here, but that’s okay- I need the rest.
I used to drink smoothies every day for breakfast but now, weirdly, I don’t really like them. They leave me feeling too cold- I like a hot breakfast these days.
You know I am counting down to the last day of school. 🙂 Great news about the Lululemon Recycling Program even though I do not own any items (but want to try their bras). I signed up for the Smoothie Challenge. I have not downloaded the recipe yet. I hope I make it today to the store to get what I need.
All good things!
Your smoothies all look good. I’m not a smoothie drinker, but these are gorgeous!