Can it really be May already? I’m not even going to complain about the weather anymore. I think dwelling on what spring “should” feel like and begrudging what we actually have is draining me. Going forward, I’m going to make the best of what we have. Here’s how the week in workouts went. Spoiler alert: It wasn’t pretty.
Monday: Walk 4 miles, Trail Run 5 miles, Upper Body Strength
Tuesday: Walk 4 miles
Wednesday: Walk 4 miles
Thursday: Walk 4 miles
Friday: Walk 4 miles, Bike Bootcamp + Core
Saturday: Walk 4 miles, Trail Run 5 miles
Sunday: Walk 4 miles, TBD
After our long weekend in Atlanta, the Caveman continued on with business travel and I headed home. It was another single parenting week, which I enjoy.
Monday I was exhausted from travel and didn’t feel like running, but the run totally surprised me. It was one of those rare runs that feel so good you wish you could bottle the magic.
After that amazing run though, the week slid South. See that big hole with three consecutive unplanned rest days? Let’s just say my work/home life “balance” took a big tilt toward work and I’m kind of angry with myself for letting it suffocate me the way it did. I sacrificed my sacred morning workout time for meetings. There is also no YouTube Workout Video for you this week. It’s the first time in 2 years I’ve not done one and let the record show I am not happy about it. Are you familiar with that caged-animal feeling of frustration you get when the day slips away and you did not get so much as a minute to yourself let alone a run in? That feeling was prevalent this week. My workouts are the glue that holds my sh!t together. I will figure it out and learn to be more protective of my time. You live and learn.
In Other News…
Thing 2 was inducted to the National Honor Society and the National Music Honor Society. We are super proud of her! Last weekend was prom at our high school and the seniors had “Senior Sunrise” on Friday. I cannot believe another school year is just about over. They fly so darn fast.
How was your week? Did April end on a high note for you? Do you get cranky when you miss workouts?
I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Join us!
Love the title. No never.
I hate it if I have to miss runs.
I actually took the morning off from work so I could run.
Best decision ever.
Hope things calm down.
Oh, Marcia, I feel you getting sucked into life! I get angry when life intrudes on my workouts. I know you won’t let it happen again!
Congrats to J on getting inducted into NHS! You must be so proud.
Congrats to your daughter! How fantastic! Now that my kids are out of the house, it seems less hectic to balance things. Traveling always throws me off though. I hope you have a calmer week ahead!
Congrats to your daughter on both honor societies. That’s terrific! My work-life balance sucks, but it’s usually out of whack at the end of the day, so my morning workouts are safe — unless I have a plane to catch. Sounds like you are turning your frustration into determination to set better boundaries, but sometimes you do have to accommodate other people’s schedules ….. Here’s to a better week!
Congrats to the daughter! It’s tough keeping things in balance. It was prom last night, and for a brief moment I was a tiny bit sad & nostalgic… but it passed, LOL. For so many years, my springs were crazy busy with so many tasks I chose to take on. I don’t regret all the activity, but it did wreak havoc I hope things calm down for you <3
Well, you did walk four miles on those days, which is not nothing. Maybe it’s not the workout you wanted, but it’s still more than a lot of people do. I get your frustration though- hopefully this week will be better.
Congratulations to your daughter! Is she finishing her junior year? Yes, it’s crazy that the school year is winding down. My son will be home in two weeks! I’m a little sad his freshman year is already ending. I lamented how fast high school went, and now college is flying by as well. SIGH!
I’m sorry you had such a challenging week. I said to a friend last night that my socialization button is broken, but I think our balance settings are off as well. It’s really hard to go zero to sixty again. Hugs my friend
On the bright side, Marcia, I see “Walk 4 miles” every single day! That is way more than the average person and you can be proud of yourself that you didn’t allow that to slip.
I get very cranky when I can’t get in my workouts – I feel for you.
I hope things will ease up soon!
I can complete relate to what you said about the work/life balance when it comes to workouts. I’ve been struggling and kind of just going through the motions when it comes to my workouts – getting them in because I know that exercise is important, but mad that I was spending 10+ hours a day working. There was really no balance for a few months.
It was a big week for your daughter – congratulations to her!
Sorry that work took over mid week. It’s not easy finding balance, and sometimes it just happens.
That daffodil blooming in the “lake” — nature finds a way!
Here’s to a more balanced week, Marcia!
Congrats to your daughter! I hope things settle down a bit for work, I definitely have had times when I can’t find the right balance…
Well done to your daughter! I definitely struggle sometimes, even though as a self-employed person of many years I feel I should have this under control. The worst thing is this one client who is lovely, very loyal, and very long-standing but he’ll say he’s sending me work at x time so I don’t go for my run, then delivers it an hour later, so I could have, but by the time I’ve done the work blah-blah-blah and I’m having a horribly late, hungry run or moving it to the afternoon etc etc. So yes. Hope it’s better next week.
I think you just have to do the best you can and not even try to seek that “balance.” Travel on top of the day-to-day things definitely makes it harder to get things done. Congratulations to your daughter!