While last week was chaotic and fun, with college girl home and houseguests coming and going, this week quieted down considerably. The Caveman was away on business all week, leaving just me, Thing 2 and Ozzy to hold down the fort for 8 days. Here’s how the workouts went:
Monday: Walk 10 minutes x 3, 30 min TM intervals
Tuesday: Walk 10 minutes x 3, 30 min MetCon Strength, Stretch, Sauna
Wednesday: Walk 2 miles, Bike Bootcamp, Core
Thursday: Walk 4 miles, Treadmill Bootcamp, Core
Friday: Walk 4 miles, otherwise rest, well Core and a long work day
Saturday: Walk 4 miles, 30 min TM HIIT workout, 45 min Strength
Sunday: Walk 4 miles, TBD
I love that perfect triangle of light amidst the trees
The Caveman got out of Dodge just in time to miss the ice glaze we got on top of everything. It was so cold, even the road salt was no match for the ice. I’m still not sure how I missed out on breaking a hip, but thankfully I managed. While I continued to walk outside…at least a little…all of my workouts were relegated to the pain cave this week, and that was just fine by me. My treadmill may be vintage, but I will love it forever. I definitely run faster on the treadmill than when I’m outside and I really enjoyed the speed intervals this week. It’s been awhile since I’ve run at any kind of speed but it comes back quickly!
I ended up driving Thing 2 to school a fair amount of the week, which snips an hour off of both the beginning and end of my day. Because only seniors are allowed to park on campus, Thing 2 has a 20-minute walk from where she parks. Call me a helicopter mom, but between the ice and the -15 wind chill, I couldn’t bear the thought of her freezing out there so mom’s warm taxi came to the rescue.
Speaking of Thing 2, it was so nice to have some one-on-one time with her. She is my quiet one. I don’t want to jinx anything, but she’s been playing her flute more lately and when she does, I just shutdown everything and listen, it is such a treat. I’ve been hearing her play the flute solo from Ravel’s Daphnis et Chloe and it is just magical. With COVID swirling everywhere, I am keeping fingers crossed they’ll be able to have their All-State Band festivities as well as their February concert in person, but at this point, who knows?
New On YouTube
MetCon Strength Workout. This workout is a mix of strength and cardio to help torch those holiday calories. Grab some moderate hand weights and join me for this low-impact sequence.
How was your week? Are you on track with your goals? Have things quieted down for you?
I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Join us!
I’m glad to hear you had a calmer week! Sometimes we need it. I know what you mean about ‘just listening’ when J plays her flute. I used to be that way when my oldest would talk. It was such a pleasure to just listen to him after those years of silence. <3
Yup. The cold hit our area. But when you have half marathons to run and no treadmill you get out there.
Bundling up in a few minutes.
yes, this week was calmer for me as well, I feel like I am more in my groove now with training. The weather does throw some wrenches in my plans lately but that is part of the challenge I guess. It is always nice to have time alone with one of your kids. It goes by so fast! Have a great week ahead
The weather in the Midwest has been mucho frio since our departure. Iowa got more snow Friday, another 6-8 inches in some regions. There’s much to be said about things calming down, at least in terms of routine. Even with last week’s weird aches and annoyances, I feel like I have a good feel for our snowbirding set-up. We’ve had some great one-on-one’s with each of our kids recently. The son was here for the Iowa bowl game, the oldest daughter is joining us this next weekend, and the younger one FaceTimes me frequently. It’s so nice to have that time with each of them <3
I’m glad you enjoyed a quieter week.
How nice that your daughter is playing more. Hopefully, her concerts will still take place. I continue to keep my fingers crossed that these kids can hold on to as much normalcy as possible.
My quiet time is just beginning! My son went back to school today (sob.) Even though he’s technically 1/4 of our family, it feels like half the family is gone somehow. But like you, I’ll spend more time with my Thing 2. And I would totally drive her to school in bad conditions- it has the added bonus of more time together- they’re trapped in the car with you! (Funny side note- I’m listening to her practicing flute right now!)
Great job on getting in the workouts. Be careful on that ice!
I don’t blame you at all for driving your daughter to school. 20 min is a long walk from a parking lot! I’m glad you stayed upright on the slick sidewalks. I skated across black ice a few times, but never went down.
I love doing intervals on the treadmill. It’s hard to do a steady pace though — that’s when the tedium sets in.
We didn’t get much snow, not even really that much ice — but with the dangerously cold temps it took quite some time for the ice to go away (only to come back tomorrow, maybe). So yeah, more inside runs that I wanted.
You are a great mom! I drove myself to school as a junior & senior and my mom most definitely never offered to ferry me around once I got that license. OTOH she asks me to call her when I get home now, even if the weather is fine. How things change. 🙁
We’ve just begun getting what I would call really cold weather here in central NC. With temps in the 20’s my lungs just can’t handle breathing that dry, cold air in so I haven’t been running as much as I would like. I have a treadmill too but just haven’t been feeling it, because my days have also been more busy at work. If I come home exhausted from work I’m just not going to push myself and go for a run and I’m not a morning runner so that doesn’t work for me either. Luckily for us January is really our one true month of winter so I know it won’t last long. Next month will still be cold but there will be some warmer days mixed in, more and more. -15 wind chill is way too cold to be walking in for 20 minutes so your daughter is lucky to have you to drive her.
Glad you had a calmer quieter week, those are much needed sometimes. You have talented children musically!
My sister lives outside Chicago- I think she was hit with the same ice storm and her daughter slipped on the icy porch and broke her wrist 🙁 Be careful! That ice is tricky.
A 20 min walk from where she parks? Ugh. I would be concerned too. We have been driving my son to school ever since my daughter graduated, since she used to drive them both. I do enjoy our time together in the car so I will miss that when he gets a school parking pass. That’s nice you get to hear your daughter play. My son has been practicing his trumpet a lot lately and I do hear him improving. I hope your daughter won’t have to miss any performances again this year!
yay for mom taxi. That distance/temperature is just unsafe. Thanks as always for the pics
Did you/Thing2 see the story of the long missing flute that phoned home? So sweet
That’s a stunning photo, Marcia! You are right about that triangle of light – so perfect.
I see that you did a sauna session too. It’s the perfect weather for it!
My husband’s greatest dream is to have a sauna at home, he loves it.
Great workout week, too. I’m sure it’s a lot easier when everyone is out of the house.
A great week of activities without a single day of rest: well done!
-15…. well, in this case I would love the treadmill too!!!!
I hope you can enjoy the concert in person. Here Covid is everywhere!!!!
That ice sounds scary. What’s the point of being a parent if we can’t spoil our kids from time to time.
I wish A would play his clarinet more at home. He’s so good, but also so funny about practicing in front of people;. He has no problems performing, but on his own, he’s just not so into it.
I’m sure that your daughter appreciated the taxi service last week. Between the wind chill and the ice, a 20 minute walk would probably feel more like a 40 minute walk!