Well 2021, you were an interesting one. As much as we’d hoped 2020 was the crazy train year, 2021 brought much of the same. It was a quieter week here for once, and it felt great to catch my breath a bit and enjoy some quality family time. Here’s how the final week of the year looked workout wise. It was a strong finish if I do say so myself:
Monday: Walk 4 miles, Bike Hill Tabata, Lower Body Circuit
Tuesday: Walk 4 miles, Trail Run 4 miles, Upper Body Strength
Wednesday: Walk 4miles, Bike Bootcamp, Mobility
Thursday: Walk 4 miles, Run 3 miles, Corework
Friday: Walk 4 miles + Strength + Yoga
Saturday: Walk 4 miles, Treadmill Bootcamp + 30 mins. heavy strength
Sunday: Trudge 4 miles, otherwise rest
We had a few snow “events” this week and it’s still coming down as I type. When 288 days pass without measurable snow, even a couple of inches becomes an event. I got out on the trails right before the snow started. Who knows when they’ll be runnable again?
Our family walk may have turned into a snowball fight
On New Year’s Eve we went out early and loaded up on groceries while the kids got their booster shots. Later we visited the in-laws followed by dinner at one of our favorite Mexican restaurants. We did our annual Christmas lights drive before settling down in front of the TV for the NYE countdown. Thanks to Thing 1 who is a total night owl, I managed to stay up well past the ball drop. It remains a mystery how I managed to wake promptly at 5am on New Year’s morning, despite just a few hours of sleep. Our morning walk was a rough one. Although the snow hadn’t yet started, the wind was pure ice with chills in the single digits. We got our 4 miles in though!
On New Year’s Day it was so nice to hunker down by the fire and relax while it snowed all day. We watched Netflix, played board games and ate ourselves silly.
Peloton App: Will I Stay or Will I Go?
It’s time to decide if I’ll continue with the Peloton app or cancel it, since my free trial is ending any day now. I did enjoy it and I used it every single day. There’s something about getting those badges and hitting those milestones that I find very motivating. All that said, I don’t use it for running and rarely for walking, and I find some of the instructors talk over the music way too much.
New on YouTube
Arms & Shoulder Strength & Tone. It’s no secret upper body strength work is my favorite. Grab your weights and join me for this one!
I’ll leave you with this festive pic of the covered bridge in our little town, which was voted one of the top 10 best Christmas towns in the the US. We’ve lived here over 21 years already. Where has the time gone? Cheers to a happy and healthy 2021, despite all the crazy in the world right now. It may not seem like it sometimes, but remember that kind, decent people are everywhere. Focus on the good!
How was your final week of 2021? What are you looking forward to in 2022?
I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Join us!
It’s nice to have time with the family at home, isn’t it? We did settle in on the couch in front of the fire too, but the only games happening here were bowl games, lol. Life with boys…
Happy New Year, Marcia! I am glad to see the covered bridge all in one piece!
I’m glad you said that I thought it was only me. They talk too much.
I was thinking of starting back up. Maybe or maybe not.
I love that posted trudge 4 miles.
Yesterday I dragged my body 7.
Happy new year.
Boosters on NYE – how covid is that? 😉 We ended up watching Miley’s NYE show, but didn’t stay up long after the countdown.
The snow looks pretty, but you can keep the biting wind. That sounds miserable!
You know I’m a pelo-addict, but it’s the strength that drew me in, and you’re good at that on your own. The cycling classes are growing on me — I wouldn’t use my IC4 without them.
My Peloton 2-month trial has until Jan. 22 for me to decide on what to do. I’m already leaning towards keeping it, but I agree with your thoughts on the chattiness of some of the instructors. I’ve done a couple walking classes (kind of meh for me), and have zero plans on doing any of the running. But I like the cycling, strength, and core options. The winter weather really turned rather ugly this week in the Midwest!
Focus on the good is a great reminder! And we all need that reminder from time to time, so thank you. Sounds like a nice holiday — except this girl doesn’t stay up to midnight, not unless it’s actually necessary.
It’s funny, badges just don’t motivate me. I know, I’m weird! But I do like Peloton for some things, so I keep it, although I also totally agree abut some instructors talking WAY too much. Which I’m probably guilty of myself on my own videos . . .
Time spent with the family at home is priceless!
I am glad that here we don’t know what snow is. The last time we got up finding the white carpet on the streets was 5 year ago.
We have spent the final week with our children and their families, moreover I have run on Dec 31st in late evening to enjoy the Christmas lights.
You know how much I love Peloton so I vote for you to stay! We also have a super secret FB chat for all things Peloton if you’d like to join us. I do not use it for runs at all but love it for everything else. Happy new year!
I must have missed that you were on the Peloton wagon! I only use it for strength; I don’t know that I’ll ever go back to classes. I’m saving a ton of money with just the digital subscriptions and so far, I’ve been motivated to do it on my own and love the flexibility. I agree with the chattiness of the instructors and sometimes think there’s too many breaks and/or the warm-ups are too long. 🙂
Anyways, happy new year! We watched the Miley Cyrus special but were in bed by 11 CST.
The snow is pretty, but I’m over it. I want clear trails 🙂
Oh, I love that covered bridge! St. Augustine (my town) is known for its Nights of Lights displays, which are gorgeous. I love to see what other places have to offer.
Good luck on your Peloton decision. I can see how it would be fun, but also how it might not be necessary.
Yes some of the Pelo instructors are too chatty – I’ve weeded them out over time 😉 I do find the badges fun.
So glad you’ve had some great family time! I agree – focus on the positive. There’s a lot to be grateful for! Happy New Year!
Your New Year’s Day sounds so peaceful, Marcia. Getting up at 5am for a 4-mile walk is awesome! Is that your daily routine?
We went to bed at 11pm, I was way too tired to stay up. Maybe it was all the champagne we had with our Alaska salmon…:-)
I love the bridge! I had a good last week of 2021, as I got my weekly running miles back up to where I like them to be, having ramped up slowly like a good runner. Nice runs with friends and also some good walks to get my daily steps up for a bit. Happy New Year to you and hope this is a good one.
“Crazy train” is a great way to describe 2021, lol. I love the photo from your ‘snowball fight’. We haven’t had any measurable snow here yet, but I think we might get a few inches by the end of the week.
Of course you know my vote is to keep the Peloton app 🙂
Wait. You got the whole family up early on New Year’s Day for a four mile walk in single digits??? How did you accomplish such a feat? My kids would laugh in my face if I ever suggested such a thing.
So your town is one of the top 10 best Christmas towns? I want to live there, at least for December! I’ll come back down to Florida in January.
I’m looking forward to some good running in 2022! That would make it a good year for me.
How can i be a member ?
Happy New Year!!!
Love the covered bridge picture! I hoped for a snowy Christmas but it didn’t happen. I did get plenty of snow on our ski trip though so I was all set! Happy New Year to you and your family!