Well friends, we’re off and running into a whole new year. What could be better than a new year, a fresh slate? How about a maiden voyage into the runfessional for 2022? You’re in luck because that’s exactly what we’re doing TODAY! Let’s get started.
It’s been cold here. Mom Nature has been dishing up the kind of weather that asks “how bad do you want it” pretty regularly. I runfess that once upon a time (when I had marathons to train for) I did indeed “want it” badly enough to layer up and get my arse out in the polar tundra for a mile or 20. Alas those days are gone. Right now I’m most grateful for a cozy pain cave for my workout pleasures, with some sauna action after.
Post-workout stretch, meditation, and coffee in the sauna = nirvana
Our kitchen reno has been complete since September and not a single day goes by that I do not thank my lucky stars that this project is complete and the outcome exceeded my wildest expectations. I do runfess though that I still have a box or two…and a bag…ok two bags…of stuff that was removed from the old kitchen and never put into the new one. Clearly we do not need this stuff, yet there it sits, in a corner of the guest bedroom. Waiting for what exactly? I’m not sure.
(Google images)
I’m still using the Peloton app, and I’ve hit the “century mark” on a few of the disciplines, but I runfess my interest in it is hanging by a thread. I was super excited for the David Bowie series, but the first run I did, the instructor talked and sang over all the music I had so hoped to hear. As a woman of a “certain age” I’m also disappointed that there are no older instructors. With the 65+ age group growing more rapidly than any other demographic, one would think Peloton would have at least a couple of older instructors.
Runner’s World magazine continues to show up in my mailbox. I runfess it’s been YEARS since I’d last subscribed, I think it was back when Running Times was still being published, remember that one? Yet the issues keep showing up.
Ok your turn: What have you to runfess? Do you still read RW?
I’m linking up with Darlene, Michelle, Renee, Jenn and Zenaida, for Fit Five Friday. Join us!
I just realized my RW finally stopped showing up in my mailbox, LOL. I tried (several times) to cancel my “autorenewal” thing online with ZERO success. Somehow, they must have finally gotten the message (?). I’m already dreading the return to reality this weekend, though it’s not going to be much colder than the “warmer” climate we’re leaving behind. How’s that for timing! I’m glad your kitchen re-do was a great success 😉 I bet you smile every time you walk into the room 😉
I love my new kitchen too. And I still have boxes in the basement from the old kitchen. Obviously I don’t need that stuff.
I used to subscribe to Peleton but I hated that the instructors talked though my favorite songs and yes why are all the instructors are YOUNG!!
Yes I still get RW but really nit much to read that’s interesting. Shoes again! Women’s Running too.
RW doesn’t keep showing up for me so I rarely read it online either since you only get a few articles per month.
It’s not so much that I love my treadmill, more that I love the option. I was walking at Olana yesterday on a bitterly cold, windy morning & I was thinking yeah, I definitely wouldn’t want to run in this, despite the sunshine. I only had the tips of my fingers exposed maybe a minute to take photos and they hurt something fierce; reminded me of living in VT where that was a regular occurrence.
There are a few older instructors on Peloton, but not many. But that’s what makes my mill runs and indoor cycling more fun. I do struggle sometimes to find a workout with a playlist that actually speaks to me, but I always do in the end.
I don’t have not renewed any magazine subscription because they arrive late in my mail box or do not arrive at all. Now I prefer to buy them at the newsstand. In Italy we have 2 good running magazines: Correre (Running) and Runners World.
Here the weather is perfect for running but cold and rain are coming again.
FWIW, the actual RW magazine isn’t great anymore. Mostly they want you to subscribe to some other “running club” to get all the articles.
I don’t object to the playlists on Peloton for the most part, but I think it would be nice if people over 40 were represented, and some of the workouts are entirely out of the question for someone older. I have not run across the older instructors yet.
I still get RW as well–I runfess that I don’t even read it. They go in the magazine pile–right now they are the only magazine in the pile, lol. I feel like I’m the only one in this group that doesn’t do the Peloton runs. I would be so annoyed at them talking over the music, but I guess their guidance is the point1 Keep enjoying that new kitchen.
I also runfess that I rarely follow the cues on the Peloton runs. Too often they want to crank up the incline, which I know for me is a recipe for disaster, so I do my own thing. Yet another reason I should cancel…
How funny about the RW subscription…I have the same situation with Women’s Running, I don’t ever remember subscribing and yet it has been showing up on the regular for a couple of years.
There are definitely some Pelo instructors I avoid at all costs because of the incessant chatter. In general, I prefer the strength and cycling classes vs. the runs, and when I do run I tend to ignore the cues.
Glad you’re enjoying your kitchen!
I do still receive RW mag but not sure if I still pay for it. I do read the emails from them as sometimes the topics are good I used to love the magazine and wait anxiously for it to arrive. You know I love all things Peloton. The runs are the only classes I do not do. I particularly love the strength classes and they keep me very motivated. I am also coaxed into doing so much more stretching than I would on my own. Glad you love your new kitchen
I’ve tried to drink the Peloton Koolaid, but it’s just not happening. I apparently like to do my own thing too much. I am, however, clocking lots of miles on the ‘mill. Somehow I’ve lost my cold weather running mojo and would rather crank up the heat and run in a tank and skirt than put on ALL.THE.LAYERS.
I’m still liking Peloton, but mostly for the yoga. I never really thought about the ago of the instructors but you’re right- I haven’t seen any older ones.
I don’t read Runners World anymore- it got less and less interesting over the years. But I would probably read it if it arrived free in my mailbox!
I’ve also lost my layer-up-to-run mojo, especially at dark o’clock. I’m holding out for the upper 20s. I’ve heard similar complaints about Selena’s Bowie run. Jess King’s Bowie ride is much better, and Leanne’s cool-down ride. I think the Peloton instructors are pretty diverse as far as the fitness industry goes. Christine is “older” and Denis at least seems older. And Ross (yoga, meditation) I think a few are in their 30s. But for sure there’s room for more representation.
That’s the Bowie Run I did! I’ll have to remember to avoid Selena.
I do love Ross Rayburn but I’ve only done meditation with him. I want to see some older runners, cyclists and strength trainers!
The weather has been pretty cold in Philly! I love cold weather running, but I can admit that there have been a couple of days where I said, “eh, not today”!
I haven’t had a RW mag in forever…I wish I was getting free magazines though, haha! It’s a shame that their quality isn’t what it used to be.
Thanks for hosting us! I have been thinking about getting a kitchen remodel or refresh but we may have to wait a couple more years!
That sauna photo with the caption “post-workout stretch, meditation, and coffee in the sauna” sounds like perfection to me. So peaceful!
You are right – there comes a point in life where you don’t want to torture yourself in the freezing cold anymore. By the way, do you use a meditation app?
Every time I feel cold here I think back to my days growing up in Chicago winters, flash forward to those I still know there and then I decide not to complain. Y’all have it cold. I’m just slightly chilled.
I have some issues as well with workout apps – can’t say much for peloton because I’ve never tried it – but Les Mills, for example, does have some older trainers, but not many. I think what bugs me lately is not that I’m not represented it’s more that we are still talking about “burning calories” and “getting in shape”. I’d love love love to have this dialogue changed and get people into workout out because you like it, it feels good and it helps you out mentally as well. It is not always about burning calories.
No RW here! Occasionally I’ll buy a copy though 🙂
That’s interesting that Peloton doesn’t have any “more mature” instructors. Of all the fitness brands, they seem to have the most access to inclusivity and variety. I hope they take a note.
I will runfess that I am not enjoying a marathon training cycle in the winter! All of my midweek runs are on the treadmill — mostly because it is DARK and COLD outside. I’m ok with dark if there is not possibility of hitting a patch of ice or snow. Luckily I have been able to get outside for my long runs on the weekends. But there is a lot more time spent trying to decide what to wear when it’s 20 degrees. I wanted to love the Peloton app — but sadly I do not. I am not a fan of “cheer leader style” instructors. Most of them are just a little too perky for me — and yes the age thing. I had always thought I should go through the process to be a certified personal trainer, because the people that have the time and money to have a personal trainer would not be 20 — so when you are not 20 you want someone closer to your age training you. Just my 2 cents 🙂
I almost cancelled my RW because there really wasn’t much to it any more but the last 2 or 3 have gotten better.
We had our kitchen remodeled about 12 years ago and it’s already outdated. 🙄
I runfess that I like the online RW better than the mag but I’m annoyed that they charge for it. Also, I runfess that I’m late to the party this week – I was off the grid at a trail running retreat with Flex & Flow!
Seems to be a common theme with Runner’s World! That used to be my FAVORITE magazine, but I do not find it all that valuable anymore- I do read some of the online articles though. I wonder what happened…or is it that we have access to so much other running advice online?
Somehow I always miss this link-up! I need to add a reminder a week in advance to my calendar so I remember! 🙂
I only use Peloton for strength and it has saved me a ton of money vs. the personal trainers I was doing. I just love the convenience- I wasn’t much of an at-home workout person until the pandemic and now I don’t know that I’ll ever go back to classes/trainers. But you make a very valid point about the instructors. You should send them a message on social media!
I used to look forward to Runner’s World but now do not find it valuable at all. I also find it annoying when instructors talk so much during a class. I used to get annoyed at Matty but now I don’t mind him at all. He is my favorite running instructor.