As if on command, Mom Nature flipped the switch here and winter raged in with a vengeance along with the new year. I runfess I did zero runs outside this week, sorry not sorry.
Monday: Walk 4 miles, otherwise rest
Tuesday: Walk 4 miles, 30 mins TM Run, 30 mins strength
Wednesday: Trudge 10 minutes (so cold and windy), 30 mins bike intervals, core
Thursday: Walk 10 minutes, 40 mins tread bootcamp + strength & stretch
Friday: Walk 10 minutes, otherwise rest
Saturday: Walk 10 minutes, 30 min. treadmill run, 30 min. strength/sauna/stretch
Sunday: TBD
The polar blast really threw a kink in our morning walks. It’s just too cold for Ozzy’s little paws to bear, so we end up carrying him and shortening our outings considerably. It’s the nature of the beast.
While Thing 2 headed back to high school on Tuesday, Thing 1 had one more week with us before jetting back to Atlanta. It was sad to see her go but this mama did not cry…for once. Now that she (and her sorority sisters) are gone, it’s time for me to buckle down diet-wise.
A Running Sign of the Times?
March Madness was my first ever half marathon back in 2007. I mention this race every year because I use it as a bellwether for the running industry. Registration opens at 6am on New Year’s Eve and typically sells out quickly. About 10 years ago, it would break the internet and would be totally sold out in 15 minutes. In the years I ran it I’d have to set an alarm and be sure I was poised at my computer tp get a spot. Fast forward to now, registration opened over a week ago and spots are still available. Apparently Disney’s Princess Half Marathon registration is still open as well. Is racing losing it’s popularity? Chalk it up to COVID uncertainty? What do you think?
New On YouTube
Mobility Exercises. Many of the athletes I coach have no idea what mobility is. Do you? Mobility is your range of motion and repetitive, high-impact activities like running do a number on it. Join me for these exercises that will loosen up the muscles around your joints and leave them feeling great.
How was your week? Have you settled into your “regular” routine or are things still a little chaotic?
I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Join us!
I saw that about March Madness as well–I was shocked! I wonder why as well. I’ve never run that one because it was so hard to get it! The other turnoff for me was the lack of support for people who finished over 2 hours. I don’t need that kind of pressure in my life, lol!
Can we make this ice go away, please?
Many of the bigger races still seem to fill quickly but it seems the destination races do not. Makes sense as so many have been getting canceled or postponed it is hard to plan for. My March race in Asheville has already switched the route this week bc they lost their permit. Yes, to mobility. I do the same Peloton hip & glute mobility class weekly and I believe it makes a big difference. I will check out yours! Thanks for linking and keep warm up there
I think a lot of people are probably burnt out & cautious from races getting cancelled or going virtual — or maybe it’s the current surge.
We get your weather a few days later. There will be no walk for Bandit today, and pretty sure not Monday or Tuesday either. It’s a dog’s life, indeed!
My cat goes in and out. I think he wonders if it will be warmer out a different door.
I’ve been running in the cold but my walks have taken to the mall. Masked of course.
I guess some runners are cautious and others are excitedly signing up after a year off.
I hope the weather warms up because it hits us a day later.
Ugh, looks like we chose a good January to high-tail it out of the Midwest. I hope Momma N mellows her attitude after this current tantrum ends. Yes, to getting back on a routine! It’s fun traveling, etc., but the suitcase gig is a PITA. Deborah shared a great hip/glute Peloton workout with me that I’ve been doing on the regular to keep my hips (somewhat) happy. I’ll check out yours later this morning 😉 Stay warm!!
My life is still chaotic because- and I’m sure you can relate- my son is home for one more week. I hope I can follow your example and not cry when he leaves!
Now that I’ve been walking more, I’m impressed with the amount of walking you do (well, on a normal week.). Walking takes a long time! You must keep up a good pace.
About the race- I think people are still cautious because of Covid. Either they’re afraid of getting or spreading it, or they’re afraid to commit to race that could be canceled. I certainly hope racing is back full-force soon!
I think a lot of it is covid uncertainty. Even Cherry Blossom didn’t sell out last year. Hard to plan around being able to travel and wondering whether big races like Disney would be safe, crowd wise. Someone asked the same about the January races here, but I’m not sure Fred/JoeK ever sell out because January in NYC.
Poor Ozzy paws, glad he’s not too hesvy to carry. Thanks for sharing the walk photo
About your zero runs outside: sometimes we have to be grateful to the “dreadmill”.
As I am retired my routine is always regular with a workout every other day.
About the races here people are cautious because we don’t want to pay the fee in advance for a race that has many chances to be cancelled or postponed.
Now that A is back to school and Mr PugRunner’s work is a little more normal, things are getting back to the status quo. Break was fun, but I’m ready for the consistency.
Scooby’s morning walks were iced out, but he frolicked in the yard until the neighbor’s terrier started yapping. Interesting on the race sign-ups. I bet people are being covid-cautious — at least with committing to travel plans.
I think people are being cautious with travel plans and also so many things get cancelled maybe it’s better not to book in the first place. I know a local 5 mile run DID happen to day – the one where you get a box of cherry tomatoes in your goody bag!! I didn’t do it but a few friends did.
Interesting that races aren’t selling out! I am sure its covid uncertainty, as I think running as a whole had a bit of a boom during the pandemic when gyms were closed as people didn’t have a lot of other options! But that’s sort of settled back to normal I’m sure.
I prefer the ‘old school’ races that have been around for a long time, like this March Madness sounds like it is!
I think trying to plan for those big destination races like Disney is just too hard right now. It will be interesting to see how things play out as the year moves forward.
I’m always looking for mobility moves so I will definitely check out your latest video!
Stay warm 🙂
That’s interesting about March Madness not selling out.
As you know, I’m trying to get into the Berlin marathon this year. If people are hesitant to sign up due to the Covid cancellation risk, that would mean that I have a better chance of getting in. Selfish, I know! 🙂
Is that ice on the pond? It looks beautiful!
OMG same here – it got brutally cold here last week. Lots of single digit temps, ice, wind and snow.
I think Covid uncertainty is probably the main reason that race registrations have gone down. I’ve also heard of some races charging a lot more money for races so that could be a factor as well.
Interesting about the race not selling out yet. I haven’t noticed that trend around here. I think people here are still excited about in person races, but with all of the covid going around, it does make you think twice!
Thanks for the mobility video. I’m guilty – I didn’t know what mobility meant either. Would this be a good routine after running, or something to do separately as a workout?