Hello and Happy New Year! It’s time to sit down with Deborah, Coco and YOU to catch up over a nice cup of brew. I’m going with the remainder of my Green Tree Coffee Roasters Holiday Blend, what’ll ya have?
Over coffee I’d ask you if you’re back on track after the holidays. While I enjoyed all the holiday food and festivities, it is definitely time to reel it in. I am grateful I did not let my workouts slip by the wayside, because I just don’t feel well at all when I’m eating poorly and not getting my workouts in.
Over coffee I’d tell you we did yet another giant decluttering purge. All of my running skirts were donated. I let them sit idle around here for way too long because I thought I should sell them. Finally though I was sick of having them in the way, so off they went. I’m finding it a bit easier to let go of stuff when I think of someone else being able to use it. Maybe that will be the case with my skirts.
Over coffee I’d tell you I’m still enjoying my Lumen Metabolism tool and learning a lot. It’s definitely helped me know when/if I need to fuel up before/after a workout and how much to eat. It also has shed light on fasting. I’ll tell you more about it in an upcoming post. Check out my initial review of Lumen here.
Over coffee I’d tell you we’ve had a couple of Thing 1’s friends staying with us this week. Sadly the weather has been positively ghastly, unless you like high winds and polar tundra. They’re all flying back to Atlanta on Saturday to thaw out… I mean start the spring semester. I’m a little sad Thing 1 is not coming home for spring break so it may be awhile until I see her again. Sigh.
Over coffee I’d tell you I decided to keep the Peloton app for now. I know I don’t “need” it but I do enjoy the tread and bike bootcamps, and I’ve done over 75 meditations so far. Of course I could be using the Calm app for meditation, but whatever, I’ll stick with Pelo for now.
What would you tell me over coffee? Do you struggle with letting go of stuff? What are you making space for this year?
I’m linking up with Darlene, Michelle, Renee, Jenn and Zenaida, for Fit Five Friday. Join us!
I’ve been slowly purging my INB collection–the shirts and the singlets–but I still have the skirts. I should probably try to see those on ebay. I’ve had pretty good luck with that.
I feel you on saying goodbye to your college girl. I’m in a state of melancholy right now…so is Cocoa…
I totally hear you on letting stuff go. My closet is full of stuff that I don’t need, but it’s tough to part with because everything is still (sort of) in style, LOL.I do agree, though, there is a lot of satisfaction in knowing someone else may have a better use for it. January 22nd is my Peloton D-Day, and I’m definitely leaning towards keeping it as well.
I have the exact same problem with old running clothes. I have a bag and another box and I always think I’m going to sell it . . . but I have been decluttering & organizing so maybe this is the year! Even donating stuff isn’t easy right now.
I know it’s hard when the kids grow up and become independent, but that means you did a great job raising them.
There’s something about Peloton, isn’t there?
I let my workouts slip by the wayside! I kept up the running, but not the strength training.
We spent our 10 days in Switzerland gorging on food and living the lazy life.
We are back in Cape Town since yesterday and I did my first ab and upper body workout this morning. Oh my… I’m feeling it already.
I need to follow your lead on the donation. I’ve got a stack of running gear I keep saying I’m going to sell…time to just let it go.
It’s great to hear that you’re learning a lot from your Lumen – I ordered one right after reading your review! The data it provides is so interesting. Looking forward to hearing more about your experience so far.
Always hard when the kids pack up to return to school. Perhaps there will be a trip to another Atlanta in your future 😉
Definitely ate too much and the wrong things but that made me run and walk more.
I keep bagging my old clothes and just throw them in the bins. I’m lazy to sell and donate. But my closets are still fun.
Yup. I am thinking of giving peleton another try. It got me in the bike. Yes I could use free youtube videos.
I struggle with getting rid of things, but feel better if I can give them to someone who will use them. I have so many tops I wore for spinning and yoga that I don’t bother wearing working out at home where just a bra will do. If I ever do go back to a studio I will want to wear them again ….
The Peloton app is so inexpensive. It doesn’t take much to get your money’s worth out of it! I probably should freeze or drop my CPY subscription again. I do like their yoga classes better than Peloton’s but still don’t use it. I should schedule it once a month to get my $20 worth. 😉
I’m sure your daughter will be happy to thaw out at school!
I have been purging some clothes also. I gave a bunch away and sold a few things on Poshmark. I have a ridiculous collection of activewear 🙂 Funny, the one thing I never do on Peloton is meditation! I am sure it would be good for me. Right now, I am pretty obsessed with all things strength on there. I am loving the variety. It is hard to let the kiddos go back to school, isn’t it? My son left already too. Stay warm up there
I’m not quite back on track yet. My son is home until the 16th and we’ve been staying up late watching movies (currently working our way through Harry Potter) so I’m not getting as much sleep as I would like. I figure my “New Year” will officially start on the 17th.
I need a giant decluttering purge! That’s another thing I plan to do later in the month.
Looking forward to your Lumen review- I’m intrigued!
i did some de-cluttering over the holidays as well, but I’m having a hard time giving away any of my work clothes. Technically i haven’t work any of them in 2 years but I know that working from home won’t last forever, so I still want to keep them.
So happy that you decided to keep the Peloton app 🙂
I was doing a pretty good job decluttering but fell off the wagon last Fall. I have boxes and bags in the garage that I need to donate. For a while I tried selling some of the stuff but there were no takers. Then again I didn’t really try that hard to sell it. Anyway, it’s a process.
Yay. What’s your Peloton screen name if you’re no longer staying incognito
I rehomed many of my skirts as well and have taken a few bags to the trift shop. Physical clutter is a stressor that I can (mostly) control and look forward to trying to keep on top of
Hope Thing1 gets back to school safely
I am the worlds BEST purger! In 2013 I sold a house I had lived in for 25 years and downsized. I took load after load to goodwill and other places — and still ended up filling 3 dumpsters!!!!! YIKES. Now I always have a box that I am filling to get rid of. It feels amazing to get rid of so much stuff!
As for slipping over the holidays —- I sadly admit I did a bit. Like you I did not let the workouts slip – I just gave myself permission to indulge a bit — so now I am back in healthy eating mode — Boston will be here before I know it.
I have been trying to decide if I need to keep Peloton or let it go — the verdict is not in.
I did a bit of a purge before the holidays, and I’ll do another one in March.
I am kind of back on track, but I found that I’m not being good about eating lunch. I need to improve and soon.
I did a recent-ish closet purge but it wasn’t enough of one so I’m due for another soon! I have a hard time letting stuff go too because I’m worried it’ll end up in a landfill or that I’ll have a future use for it or that I should sell it, haha. I’m working on it though… I ended up offering them up on my local buy nothing group and they came and picked it up, so that was super convenient!
I also need to purge and clean up little by little if I want to move this year. Not if, when I move this year. 🙂 I missed one week of running due to the weather but I did use my bike this week. I am happy you are keeping the membership. I haven’t done a bike bootcamp yet. Not sure why since I do have the bike. I hope your daughter has a safe flight home! Maybe you can sneak away for a short weekend to spend time with her.
I just weeded my skirt collection. It’s still big but at least it fits back into the allotted storage now. I’m giving it all to a friend to sell to fundraise for the Chicago Marathon. Everyone wins!
My kid just accepted an internship in Michigan for the summer, so he’s not coming home this summer. I’m still struggling with it (even though it’s the perfect opportunity for him.)
I have a lot of new running stuff, most of which obtained as a swag or age group awards and others from my running team. However, I don’t have space problems because my son and his sons play sports. Over time I learned to ask the organizers for the sizes that suit them.