It started of as an uneventful week. The holidays are very much in the rear view mirror (although I’ve still got some holiday weight hanging on), the Caveman is back to the office and it’s business as usual, as much as it can be, in this pandemic world. Here’s how the workouts went. Let the record show my workouts were solid and I actually ran outside a bit, thanks to a dash of milder weather, yes 21 degrees is mild now. It’s all about perspective.
Monday: Walk 4 miles, otherwise rest
Tuesday: Walk 4 miles, Trail Run 4 miles, Core, Sauna
Wednesday: Walk 4 miles, Strength, Sauna
Thursday: Walk 2 miles, 30 min. David Bowie Run, Core, Sauna
Friday: Walk 4 miles, 45 min Bike Bootcamp, Core, Stretch, Sauna
Saturday: Walk 4 miles, Trail Run 5 miles, Stretch, Sauna
Sunday: Walk 4 miles, TBD
The moon in the early morning has been magnificent all week. So has the light in the afternoon on the days the sun decides to show itself, which has been quite a bit, actually.
So a gruesome wildlife tragedy happened on the banks of the body of water shown above. You’ve seen this view before because it’s the view from my office and I often share sunsets from my vantage point. This pic was taken Monday evening…before all hell broke loose. We’ve been hearing TONS of coyotes howling at night. It sounds like they are right in our backyard. They’re actually right across the water but now that it’s iced over they walk right over. We keep a close rein on Ozzy. Maybe Wednesday or Thursday during the day I noticed a large area of “redness” on the ice at the far bank of the water. Silly me wondered if “pollen” of some sort had collected on the ice. It wasn’t until Saturday morning that I spotted a coyote, then another, then a third all out on the ice. Turns out they’d slaughtered a deer and one coyote was treating himself to some flesh while the other patiently waited his turn and the third laid down on the ice maybe 20 feet away. Because it’s been so cold, the carcass was well frozen and pulling meat from it took some doing. It was so gross and sad and they stayed and ate for maybe 20 minutes before they had their fill. Now every time I look over the water, I can’t help of look at the nasty frozen, gutted carcass in the distance, which I suspect will remain there until the spring thaw. Ugh. I’ve always wondered why I don’t see many deer around. Between hunters and coyotes the poor deer don’t have a chance. It makes me wonder too, that if coyotes can gang up and kill a large deer, they could certainly kill a human, which is substantially smaller than a deer. So far that hasn’t happened, and “they” say coyotes are afraid of people, but it sure makes you wonder. Sorry for the gory details. At least I spared you a picture of the feeding frenzy. I’ll move on now.
New On YouTube
Strength & Conditioning EMOM Workout. Grab your hand weights and let’s kick it EMOM-style! This one is short but intense! Perfect for when you’re pressed for time.
Runfession Friday Linkup
Yes, it’s time for the first Runfession Friday of the year! Join me!
How was your week? Are there coyotes where you live/run? Deer?
I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Join us!
That would have made me so sad, as you know I love spotting deer on my trail runs. Heck, I get sad seeing deer by the side of the road! Nature is often cruel and coyotes have to eat. Around here, they eat people’s dogs. I hope that your view isn’t spoiled!
Oh goodness. That’s tough. We don’t have coyotes here but in October last year we went up to Chobe National Park for a short holiday. On our game drive we spotted 3 lions devouring a warthog and it was messy. At one point, one lion grabbed the carcass away from the others and headed into a nearby bush. Luckily, the neighbouring car said we had just missed the actual kill.
Oh gosh Shathiso, I know it’s the “way of the wild” but it sure is horrible to witness.
That would have made me sad and grossed me out as well! We have a large number of deer in our backyard and a large family of red fox. They get along well and don’t both each other. The fox do make very loud noises some nights though. We do not have Coyotes around here. Anyway- glad the rest of your week was uneventful! Have a great one ahead
Oh Marcia…that would be a tough image to get over (if ever). I have such a fondness for animals, I hate coming across squirrels on the roadside when I’m out and about. Seeing a deer would really be a sad experience.
I’ve only seen one coyote in our back yard and that was several years ago; we do see foxes regularly, though. There are a lot of coyotes at the farm so we always worry about my mom’s cat on the nights she refuses to come inside to sleep in the garage.
There are coyotes near us but I’ve never seen them. That is truly a gross and sad incident (I waited till I was done with my breakfast to read your post- thanks for the warning in the title!) Poor deer. Although, I guess coyotes have to eat. I hope everyone is keeping their cats and dogs inside!
Yes, you had a solid week. Your snowy trail run looks pretty!
Oh that poor deer 🙁 We haven’t had coyotes around here for quite some time back then they were more of a threat to people’s pets than anything else.
Yay for a solid week and some semblance of “normal” – hope it continues!
What a coincidence. A neighbor just posted a video of a huge coyote from a camera in his yard. I’ve never seen or heard them but apparently they’re all around our neighborhood. It makes me glad I have a 6 foot fence around my yard!
You live in such a beautiful area, Marcia! I always love your photos.
I guess it’s natural that the deer serve as the coyotes’ food. Even though it must be gross to witness.
What bugs me much more are people “hunting for fun” and humans encroaching on wildlife space. It’s a shame.
So glad you could get some outdoor runs done despite the weather!
I am surprised that coyotes can take down a deer; I wonder if maybe it actually wasn’t a healthy one? Sorry you had to see that, it would definitely disturb me. Although we do have coyotes around here, I’ve never seen one in the neighborhood (although maybe a mile away a few times) — and I’ve never seen a pack. We’re too close to roads, I guess.
It’s the circle of life, I guess.
Glad you were able to get outside some! Me too! Although it’s still really cold here. But oddly relatively snow-free, just a few inches on the ground. Fingers crossed it stays that way!
Poor deer! No coyotes here (oddly enough). We do occasionally see deer if we go further afield, though not in the areas I run in usually. I’m quite glad we’re so suburban and animal-free!
O gosh, that is disturbing to know what was happening right outside your window. I’ve never seen a coyote in person ( unless it was at a zoo). Does that make you nervous to run there now? Stay safe! -M
oh, that scene would have made me so sad as well. And WOW- a herd of coyotes can take down a deer…I am sure they could take down one of my vizslas! Scary. Keep the pup safe Marcia!
Other than that story, great week and lovely photos! Spring will be here soon, hopefully!
Awesome job getting outside this week. I know the wind and the cold weather certainly didn’t make that easy.
The story about the deer just made me so sad 🙁 I know that’s how things work in the animal kingdom, but I have a special soft spot in my heart for deer. Those coyotes sound vicious!
Ugh, the circle of life is a vicious one. It’s more common for me to see deer that have been hit by cars, which makes me even sadder.
I’m glad you got out to run. Our mid-day weather hasn’t been too bad, but I just can’t cope with the teens at dark o’clock in the morning.
Would love to go running again! Can you please share your work out plan and diet?
Yes. That’s Gross.
It’s cold here but 30 degrees now feels like a heat wave. I am always happy if I can find dry pavement to get in all my runs.
Some beautiful sunrises this past week. And the moon was amazing.
Hi Marcia,
Yes, that would be a tough sight for an animal lover, but if we’re true animal lovers, don’t we appreciate predators like coyotes, wolves, lions, cougars, hawks, eagles, snakes, and sharks for maintaining the balance of our precarious ecosystems?
I adore and have cats, but what about people who allow their pet cats to roam and kill songbirds, whose existence is also precarious due to loss of habitat and climate change?
We have too many deer in our suburban area with too few predators to control their health and population, leading to diseases and starvation.
Anytime I run and see any kind of wildlife, I am grateful that they are still in our area. Development is making it harder for me to find safe spaces for them and me.
I didn’t realize that was your office view. I’m kind of jealous, but I have a great one too. Not that natural escape though. Circle of life is vicious, and human risk is certainly food for thought.
What did you think of the Bowie run?I didn’t love it despite being SO EXCITED for it.
Good job running outside! Here we are enjoying sunny days, perfect for running!
Around here we have some deers and some wolves.
However there is a big difference between the coyotes and the hunters …. I am sure you know what I mean.
OMG, that’s awful! I sometimes see raccoons or armadillos, but never a whole, slaughtered deer! Yikes! I know it’s the circle of life, but I would be so sad.