Well if it’s my birthday that means there’s just one week left until Christmas. Are you ready? For once I am all shopped and wrapped. Not sure how that happened! Here’s how the week in workouts went:
Monday: Walk 4 miles, Yoga
Tuesday: Walk 4 miles, Trail Run 5 miles
Wednesday: Walk 4 miles, Mini-Band Workout
Thursday: Walk 4 miles, Treadmill 4 miles, Upper Body Strength + Core
Friday: Walk 4 miles, otherwise rest
Saturday: Walk 4 miles, Peloton Holiday DJ Run + Strength
Sunday: Walk 4 miles, TBD
It was another week of weather whiplash with two days of record heat (66!) coupled with some crazy dangerous winds. Of course the Caveman was away all week so it was up to me to secure the remains of the deck furniture and hope for the best. Other than a grill cover that went airborne and some grill utensils that migrated to another yard, thankfully we came away unscathed.
A rare pic with both of my chicks!
It’s kind of a tough time of year to have a birthday because pretty much everyone is having office parties, holiday get-togethers and my special day gets swept up in the madness. That’s ok though. I just pretend all the festivity and decoration are for me. Haha! Here’s to another trip around the sun. Wow!
I told you about Thing 2’s Holiday Band concert last week, this week it was the Orchestra’s turn and my favorite flutist was selected to join them, so I got to enjoy yet another amazing concert. Ong you guys, they were So. Flipping. GOOD! Thing 2 sort of loathes my over-the-top enthusiasm for music, but I think someday she’ll think back and smile about her crazy mom.
I finished Angkor Wat Challenge and the beautiful medal already arrived. I didn’t get around to taking a picture of it though.
New On YouTube
Holiday Strength Ladder. I couldn’t let the holiday season slip away without some fun in the pain cave. Join me for a festive strength ladder workout that will hit all the body parts.
How was your week? Any shopping left to do?
I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Join us!
I also had fun finishing the conqueror challenge this week. (video coming soon :)) Glad you had a fun birthday celebration and hope you all have a merry Christmas together. It is so nice to have all the kiddos together isn’t it?
I’m so glad J is playing the flute again! You just go ahead and rave because she’s paying attention. Glad you had such a nice bday celebration. Now we have to figure out a time to get together and celebrate you!
Congrats on completing your challenge. I love your trail pix. So beautiful.
And happy birthday. Nice that your daughters are there to celebrate.
Happy holidays to you.
I didn’t have to do a lot of shopping. Just one more gift card to buy.
Happy birthday again! Since I also have a holiday birthday (although plenty would argue it’s not really a holiday) I get what you mean.
Great job taking care of the deck furniture!
Glad you have your gang all back together! Sit da line this next adventure around the sun starred off great 🙂 The hubs & I don’t really “officially” exchange Christmas gifts anymore (we kind of just buy our own gifts, LOL). But, he surprised me a few days ago with something…so I’ve been in a mad scramble trying to find something for him. And I had to pay for expedited shipping to get it here in time.
Major autocorrect fail…I meant to say “it sounds like this next adventure ” instead of the jibberish that posted
Happy birthday, glad you had many celebrations.
Congrats on finishing the Challenge.
Enjoy the holidays!
Happy Birthday! I sympathize- both my kids have December birthdays and it’s always a struggle to make it special.
We had lots of concerts this season as well! My daughter is in middle school so the band isn’t quite as good… but still so much fun to hear them play in a live concert- we missed that last year.
Enjoy your week with your girls!
Happy Birthday! My husband’s was last weekend. I used to put off putting the tree up until after so he would feel more special, but that didn’t leave me enough time to enjoy it.
I am sure your daughter enjoys your enthusiasm now more than she will admit, and of course she will realize what a great mom you are even more as she gets older — they tend to get wiser that way. 😉
I am now done with shopping, but not wrapping.
That photo of you with your girls is lovely! I’m sure Thing 2 is very proud of her mum being so excited about music… you are absolutely right, one day she will look back and remember it with a smile.
Caveman knew he could trust you to battle the wind! Well done, Marcia!
Happy birthday, sorry I missed it! I’ve been all over the place this week, mainly worrying about my husband’s Christmas do he went to on Friday and managing to see my Highly Vulnerable friend on Saturday (the kitties loved spending the night in the guest room with me on Friday, I’ve just about got over the sleep deprivation!). That photo of you with your girls is lovely!
Happy happy birthday! What a great picture of you with your daughters. A wonderful looking family. You look like their cool sister talking them out for dinner 🙂
Enjoy your holidays! Hopefully you have a little time to relax too!
Great photo of you and your girls! Congrats to J on all of the concerts – I say rave away 😉
Congrats on finishing your challenge – always fun.
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday! I bet it was an amazing concert. It’s always so exciting to see how far the kids have advanced with their musical skills. That’s a great picture of you and your daughters. Enjoy the holidays!!
Congrats on completing your challenge!
So glad that you were able to have both of your girls home for your birthday 🙂
I feel like there is so much left to do!
I hope you had a wonderful birthday!
Glad it was only a case of traveling grill accessories. Glad the orchestra concert went well