Who knew the Runfession Friday Linkup would fall on Black Friday? Color me clueless as I did not see this coming until it got pretty close. Oblivious much? No need to fear though because, I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Black Friday or not, the Runfessional is OPEN for all of your transgressions. Put down those turkey leftovers and let’s get this party started!
I runfess I am SO not a Black Friday shopper, however one year Target had a huge deal on enormous TVs so I sent the Caveman to wait in line outside in the dark of night, for the doors to open so he could charge in along with the rest of the thundering herd and possibly snag one of those generic brand, jumbo sets. You know how Target has two separate sets of doors at opposite ends of the store? Well the line was cueing at one set of them, so smarty pants Caveman went to be FIRST in line at the OTHER set of doors. This ticked off the shoppers waiting at the opposite set of doors to no end. Some of them went so far as to go over and tell the Caveman he could not wait there. Thankfully a fight did not break out (although it came close) but the Caveman did not score an el cheapo TV either.
(Google images)
I love a good Starbucks holiday drink as much as the next person, however this year I runfess I’ve only had ONE (half-sweetened) peppermint mocha and I have no intention of getting another. When the barista told me my tiny “tall” drink was a whopping $5.36, I said to myself “no mas”. Call me Scrooge but it’s just not worth the $$$ to me.
I’ve already scored a couple of gold medals
Speaking of Scrooge, I know that many of you love your Peloton equipment and the app almost more than life, and I’ve been a holdout. I runfess I secretly went over to “the dark side” when they made the app free at the beginning of the month.
While I mostly love the app and the workouts and guided meditations, I runfess I don’t know wth I was thinking when I clicked on Cardio looking for some kind HIIT workout and opted for Beyoncé Dance Cardio. Oh dear God. Let’s just say it was not for me.
Because I’ve got my free Peloton app, and because the weather is prone to be horse dung on any given day, I’m riding my indoor bike a little more. I runfess that sometimes I ride in….um….questionable footwear. It’s not weird to cycle in Birkenstock sandals, right?
Oh one more Pelofession: Sometimes while I’m cycling or whatever, I like to scroll up and down and see who else is doing the workout and how far through it they are. I runfess I did not realize that while I was scrolling around, I was inadvertently high fiving some people…and some of them were high fiving back. I feel like a creeper.
What Runfession have you to share? Do enjoy Black Friday shopping? Any escapades to share?
I’m also linking up with Darlene, Michelle, Renee, Jenn and Zenaida, for Fit Five Friday. Join us!
Ha ha ha, I went to the dark (Peloton) side this week, too. I’m such a newbie (and totally a tech idiot) that I landed myself in a live class and had no clue how to escape outta there. Ugh, that Beyonce class would not be my gig either. No Starbucks for me (yet) this season…though I do want to snag a few more of their holiday cups to finish off a wreath I started making a couple years ago (I’d seen one made out of the “tall” cups in one of their shops).
I runfess that I tried to download the Peloton app but it wouldn’t let me take advantage of the free offer! Apparently, I had signed up before. I tried another email address but it wouldn’t take that one either. Oh well…Your story about the dance class reminded me of a step aerobics VHS tape I bought by mistake. There were dance moves and yeah, I couldn’t do it. I was so frustrated with that, lol
I work from home so I had only one Starbucks.. saving a lot of $$ this year.
Yup have used my bike with flip flops.
I joined the dark side but left it. I enjoyed my stationary bike when it was too cold to walk outside and when al activities were cancelled. Now I run or walk outside and it’s not worth the $$. I do like the options and instrictors so some day I may give it another try.
LOL about the high fiving. I don’t love Peloton more than life itself, but I do like it. Hopefully we will have a treadmill soon, because Winter is definitely coming.
I definitely save $$ by not getting tea out (usually) but I sure can spend it elsewhere. But not out at an actual store today. Besides the atrocious weather, you can get great deals from the comfort of your own home. I runfess that there has been a lot of pre-Black Friday shopping.
Ha, that Beyonce dance class!!! I’ve never done any of those- but I know Kim (Kooky Runner) does. But I think she does them for fun and doesn’t consider them a workout.
I’ve been getting lots of Starbucks, but I just get my usual earl grey tea which isn’t as expensive as the fancy drinks- I just like the holiday cups.
I always have to work on Black Friday! But that’s fine- I’ve never really been a Black Friday shopper anyway.
I remebmer the days when my husb used to go to work super early on Black Friday to hit up Toys R Us on the way in. I’m glad the “trend” of being closed on Thanskgiving seems to have stuck for a lot of scores. I’ve got some electronics on my shopping list, so I’ll be looking for on-line deals.
LOL on the Beyonce Dance Cardio class. I haven’t tried any of that genre but hear that was is better to watch than attempt! The Peloton strength classes are hit and miss and need better programming/structure, which you offer on you own. The rides have really grown on me once I found instructors I really like.
I’m sorry Marcia, I just realized I forgot to link back to you for Runfessions. I’ve had a lot on my mind lately! I’ll fix it later.
I did not know you were doing some of the Peloton classes too! High fiving is good! Dance cardio is not my thing but the strength classes and stretch classes are great. I am not a black Friday in person shopper but could not pass up on some of the sales on my favorite activewear. I think I have a problem 🙂 Hope you had a great Thanksgiving
Yeah, I take a hard pass on the Black Friday shopping too – it’s just never been my thing.
Still haven’t ventured into Starbucks for my holiday cup…that price tag for a cup of coffee does give you pause, doesn’t it?
Too funny about the dance cardio class! I can’t even imagine what that Beyonce class was like LOL! I think there’s a lot Peloton could do to improve the app so you can find the types of classes you want.
Haha, that story with the Caveman at Target is HILARIOUS!! I love stories like that.
Have you heard of the book “The Latte Factor” by David Bach? It’s about how spending seemingly small amounts of money every day can add up and can even cost us our financial freedom.
With only one peppermint mocha you’re doing great, Marcia!
I runfess that I am very thankful to be starting my day off with a nice juicy batch of runfessions, so I’m glad that it fell on a holiday. I didn’t stick with Peleton for very long but I got a lot of new ideas from it, so it was a very worthwhile (free) experience. Absolutely positively if you *can* wear pink Birkenstocks for cycling then you SHOULD wear them!
I also got the free Peloton app until December but have yet to try it. I keep forgetting about it.
Starbucks is so expensive. We have one in the hospital I work at, so it’s way too accessible. I usually just get a brewed coffee to save money.
I sometimes ride my stationary bike in slippers. 😉
Great Caveman’s story!
In Italy we only have 15 Starbucks and the nearest is 50 miles far from here.
My husband would have done the same as The Caveman. Rules do not apply in their world. Sigh.
I did notice that Starbucks has gotten more expensive. It’s far and not convenient for me to go to, so it’s a rare treat.
Love the pink birks!
Starbucks have gotten ridiculous. I like it as the occasional handwarmer/treat, but it’s just not that much better than Dunkies or *gasp* 711. I’m still spending too much on coffee given I a Keurig. But sometimes I don’t know i want coffee until I’m out
I love Peloton strength and stretching, but never done any of the cardio classes beyond running, and I do those preloaded so no high five creeping there