I told you over coffee it was a flying solo kind of week and I runfess I loved every minute of it. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, right? Here’s how the week in workouts went. I’m proud of myself for keeping up our walking ritual in my walking partner’s absence.
Monday: Walk 4 miles, otherwise rest
Tuesday: Walk 4 miles, Bike Tabata, yoga
Wednesday: Walk 4 miles, 30 min. trail run, 30 min. strength train
Thursday: Walk 4 miles, Upper body strength + Core
Friday: Walk 4 miles, Trail Run 40 mins
Saturday: Walk 4 miles, Tail Run 4 miles
Sunday: Walk 4 miles, Heavy strength
The chill was definitely on this week, with overnight temps dipping into the teens. I’m not complaining though. As long as the roadsides are safe and my trails are passable, I’m good. We haven’t had any snow yet, and normally we have some by October 26 so we’re ahead of the game on that front, however there are flurries in the forecast.
I was tired this week. Typically I rise in the 5-5:15am range without an alarm, but this week it was pushing 5:45 when I awoke. Not sure what is up with that. While my runs felt good, my Garmin still is not impressed and to be honest, I continue to cough a bit. That chest congestion from a few weeks ago is the “gift” that keeps on giving.
I’m chipping away at the Conqueror Amalfi Coast Challenge and am officially 40% finished, which means two trees have been planted in honor of my accomplishment. I received a few postcards this week. On my most recent run I made it to Conca dei Marini, a small town known for the Emerald Grotto. I haven’t been to the Amalfi Coast in real life since the year 2000, and I must have missed the Emerald Grotto. Hopefully I’ll get there again sometime as it is an amazing part of the world.
My cookbook culling project continues and the stack to be donated is growing. These Crispy Rice Peanut Butter Bars from Shalane’s newest cookbook are amazing! I’m already planning what I’ll make next from her Rise & Run cookbook.
New On YouTube
Low-Impact Strength Workout. Seriously I think the single most beneficial thing we can do for our health as we age is to maintain and build our muscle mass. I still hear some women express fear of becoming “too muscular” and that makes me sad. Grab your hand weights and join me for this quick sequence that hits all the body parts.
How was your week? Has it gotten chilly where you are? Ever been to the Amalfi Coast?
I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Join us!
A good week for you! I need to cull some cookbooks really, as I don’t tend to use them much – I have a trusty Good Housekeeping one from 1968 that gives me all the cakes I need and you just halve veg cooking times from it!!
I was tired this week too. Not sure why. Maybe it’s just the change in the seasons?
Those bars look yummy!
Yes. Freezing temps this week too. Luckily it was a dry week.
Nice to gain an hour today. But for some reason I feel more tired.
Good idea with the cookbooks. Though I actually prefer using cookbooks than finding recipes online as you know they’re tried and true 🙂 I have had too many ‘duds’ from things I’ve tried online. I just made a tortellini stew to bring for lunch this week and I am not sure I’m going to love it. Oh well. It’s edible 🙂 and has lots of veggies, so that’s good.
Sometimes a solo week is a nice change! Absence does make the heart grow fonder, ha!
I was impressed when our temps dipped into the 30s. I am not ready for the teens yet!
Those chocolate crispie bars look delicious. That’s not the kind of recipe I need to be inspired by, though. I bought some veggies at the farmer’s market in the hopes that will motivate me to fix them for dinner!
Oh, your trail runs look so beautiful! I can see why you did all three of your runs on the trail this week.
Those peanut butter bars look amazing. I’m guessing Shalane somehow put a healthy spin on that recipe? I’m just guessing she wouldn’t have a recipe full of marshmallows and sugar in her cookbook.
It was very chilly (and windy most days), but I keep reminding myself we’d already had two big snowfalls by this time last year. And, we still have a lot of pretty leaves remaining on the trees…so yeah. I prefer Summer, but this is bearable…for now.
Here we run again with the t-shirt. We understand that autumn is here because of the rain and the fallen leaves.
As I am Italian of course I visited the Amalfi coast and the Sorrentina Peninsula many times. Those are wonderful places with breathtaking landscapes.
It got chilly here too, but I don’t think it got below 30. My watch really thinks I’m slacking ever since my marathon. Whatever, doesn’t it know I’m recovering from my race?
I’ve never been to Italy at all. Mr. Judy was just talking about an ESIM card for the new phone in case we were to go to Europe & I laughed in his face. As if.
Thankfully no teens here but 20s! And also no snow yet either — that makes me happy.
I understand that alone time can sometimes feel really good. 🙂
Colds tend to come along when we’re really run down, so I’m not too surprised you feel tired. Hopefully you’ll be feeling more like yourself soon.
we had some really chilly mornings this week too. I find it kind of invigoratong! Looking forward on diving into that oookbook as well!
We saw our first frost this week, but like you, I’m not complaining! I just ordered Shalane’s cookbook – can’t wait to try those bars!
OMG those dessert bars look amazing.
I have Shalane’s first but need to look into this newest to see if they’re at all more accessible. Way to go on keeping up the walk streak.
Snow is afour letter word
Beautiful trail pics. Hope the cough goes away (and stays away) soon!
Those Crispy Rice Peanut Butter Bars look yummy! They remind me of a healthier Reese’s candy (my favorite).
Your trail run photos are always so pretty! Sorry to hear that you still have a lingering cough from being sick a few weeks ago. I hope it goes away completely soon.