It’s time once again to sit down and catch up over a favorite brew with Deborah, Coco and you. I’m going with my usual Harbor Dog from Green Tree Coffee Roasters, half & half and collagen. What’ll you have?
Over coffee I’d tell you that I’ve been flying solo all week long. Despite cancelled flights, (thanks American) the Caveman made it to Greensboro NC last Sunday, and I’ve been quite enjoying having the homestead to myself. Lots of cleaning, decluttering and of course work got done in his absence, not to mention I’m loving eating what I want when I want it, vs catering to his schedule and culinary whims.
Over coffee I’d tell you my cookbook culling project continues, however just when I’m trying to reduce my collection, my friends at Now Foods sent me a new one. Rise & Run, Recipes, Rituals and Runs to Fuel Your Day: A Cookbook (affiliate) is the third and latest book from Shalane Flanagan and Elyse Kopecky. At first glance there are tons of variations on Super Hero Muffins in it, including savory options that look quite interesting. There’s also a 14-week training guide and lots of cute pics of Shalane’s son. So far I’ve only made one recipe from it but the Crispy Rice Peanut Butter Bars are AMAZING! I’ll definitely be making more recipes from this book.
Over coffee I’d tell you we did not get one single, solitary trick or treater at our house on Halloween. I did see one of the neighbor kids out with his parents and golden retriever in tow, all clad in matching skeleton costumes, alas they never made it to our house.
Speaking of candy, over coffee I’d tell you I’m declaring this month to be NoCandyvember. That’s right: I’m staying out of the leftover Halloween sweets. I’m not much of a candy person anyway but if I start tossing them down I won’t stop so I’m just gonna say no to all of it.
The next best thing to running a BQ? Helping others do it!
Over coffee I’d tell you how proud I am that all 6 of the athletes I coached for fall marathons that were aiming for a BQ time achieved that goal, all with a healthy buffer too. I’m toying with the idea of heading to Boston next spring to cheer them all on!
Over coffee I’d tell you I got an invitation to go to Morocco and run the Marathon des Sables. You cover 156 miles across the Sahara desert over the course of 7 days. I was offered my choice of the whole 7-day enchilada or a more “doable” 3-day stint. The race takes place in late March so I’ve got a little time to prepare. Can you even imagine?
What would you tell me over coffee? What’s your fave Halloween candy? Do you have any of Shalane’s cookbooks? Have you been to Morocco?
But are you going to run it? Sounds pretty tempting! Congrats to all your athletes. It’s exciting to see everyone returning to racing for real again. Hoping I’ll be able to line up next spring. Coming back from my injury is more of a challenge than I expected.
Wow, Morocco? That sounds like a chance of a lifetime and quite an adventure!
It has not been NocandyNovember around here, but I haven’t gone crazy either. I bought a bag of the mini-size and 1-2 usually takes care of my craving.
Congrats on the success of your clients. Going to cheer them on would be so much fun!
Kit Kats. None left. We had lots of kids and even ran out of candy.
The cookbook is tempting. But who am I kidding. I never made anything from her other book.
I would love fir my hubby to go away for a few days vis hard to throw things away when he’s home.
That is awesome about your clients. I guess if I need a coach I know who to call. Lol
Yay for all 6 athletes! Well done, Marcia, you must be a great coach. I hope you go to Boston to cheer them on.
Ha, you know I would be all over that Marathon des Sables! My goodness, what an opportunity!! Please tell me you are going for it. The adventure of a lifetime!
I got the cookbook as well last week and I am looking forward to trying a few of the muffin variations. Enjoy your alone time it is nice sometimes to have the house to yourself
Congrats to the 6 athletes and … the coach.
I haven’t visited Morocco but I went to Lybia, Tunisia and Egypt.
Marathon de Sables will be a wonderful experience.
Oh Morocco! That sounds exciting! Sometime last year, I challenged myself to bypass the candy (in the tempting candy dish right next to my work station at the reception desk). I didn’t eat a lot of it, while working, but I would idly grab a piece as I walked by it. Oddly enough, I really didn’t miss it. I did “let” myself have a piece after coming back from lunch, but that was it. Doing that experiment (if you will) reinforced just how much candy people eat when it’s made available to them. Huge congrats to your BQ’ers!!!
That Morocco race sounds like a hell of an adventure! Please tell me you’re doing this.
Congrats to all of your BQ runners – Way to go coach 😉
I’ve been trying to offload my cookbooks too, but somehow I think Rise & Run will end up in my collection. I’ll be looking for the rice peanut butter bar recipe.
Wow! That is an amazing offer. I have a friend that went to Morocco — she loved it.
We got one knock at the door on Halloween — we’d pulled the curtains but it was early & we hadn’t turned the lights off yet. We don’t give out candy, so no problems there.
I used to enjoy when Mr. Judy traveled for work and I could eat what I wanted to, too!
WOW! Marathon des Sables- do it!!!!!! How exciting. No, I’ve never been to Morocco. i hope you end up doing it so we can hear all about it.
Congrats to you and your athletes- that’s impressive!
I’m an all-or-nothing type of person, so it’s easier for me to say no candy at all, than to try to limit myself to just a little. If you know you’re not eating any of it, it’s not that hard. Here’s to Nocandyvember!
Woohoo to your athletes, what a great program you m ust have them on.
Morocco. Wow. B ut the desert.
You’re going to make me buy that cookbook aren’t you? 😀