It’s time once again to open up the Runfessional. I swear I say it every month but where has this year gone? It’ll be 2022 before we know it. Let’s get the party started, shall we?
As much as I love cycling, I runfess this was another year Blanche the trusty road bike saw zero action. She got a flat tire last summer that’s beyond the Caveman’s ability to fix, and I’ve been a super slacker on getting her in to the bike shop. My bad. In my defense, we had SO much road construction around here this year, cycling would have been a huge challenge anyway.
I runfess that constantly needing to get pics “for the gram” has been a royal PIA lately. Here’s a nice car photobomb one for your viewing pleasure. They slowed to a crawl and gaped out their window to see what I was up to. Can’t a girl take a runfie in peace anymore?
This cookbook was easy to kick to the curb. Who writes a recipe where a SINGLE SERVING contains 1-1/2C of added sugar?
I’ve been very intentional and deliberate with the way I’ve gone about putting things back (or not) into our newly renovated kitchen. I can easily slide out all of my cabinet drawers now and find what I’m looking for. My Tupperware cabinets are no longer jam-packed with mismatched lids. All that said, I’ve got a cookbook conundrum. I runfess I’ve got two stacks of cookbooks, each stack is FOUR FEET TALL. That’s right: My old kitchen had 8 FEET of cookbooks tucked away into various cabinets and shelves. Suffice it to say I’m not putting 8 feet of cookbooks back into the new kitchen. My goal is to cull the herd so to speak. Some of them were easy to cast off and donate while others have been more difficult. My goal is to make at least one recipe from each book that I’m considering keeping, and then decide if the book stays or goes. I’ll share what I made this week in the Weekly Rundown.
Thanksgiving will be here before we know it. This year my MIL hijacked that holiday weekend and made it a 4-day celebration of her 80th birthday. When we gathered for her 75th birthday celebration, us family members were assigned skits to act out, game shows to produce and poems to recite, all in her honor. Yes, it’s just as fun as it sounds. This year we’ve all been ordered to get a COVID test 3 days before the festivities begin. Let the record show that, except for three grandchildren that are too young, all of us are vaccinated. I runfess I’m not taking too kindly to the COVID test idea, especially since she’s planned dinners in both a restaurant and a country club.
Ok your turn: What have you to runfess? Would you get a COVID test to appease your MIL?
I’m also linking up with Darlene, Michelle, Renee, Jenn and Zenaida, for Fit Five Friday. Join us!
OMG, your MIL is an even bigger piece of work than mine was, LOL. I guess it’s a great lesson in what we won’t do when we have that title, right? I’m, ‘fessing about photobombs in my post, too. I’ll be sharing another one in the WRD…these photobombers just seem to find me (probably because I’m always taking selfies (?). Wow, that’s quite a library of cookbooks that you amassed 😉
My bike is still sporting the training tire. I guess I’ll keep it on for the winter, but I’ll have to take it to the bike shop for them to install the road tire. Ugh. I guess if you are all vaccinated, what is the point of the COVID test? We didn’t swab for my parents’ 60th because, vaccines. I swear, I am so tired of all of this. Like, done.
Just say no to the skits.
8 ft of cooking books?! Haha, Marcia, that’s incredible!
Looking forward to hearing more about your cook book selection project.
Oh, dear, your MIL is a bit, well, over-anxious?
My parents are in their 80s and both got COVID after their vaccinations. As expected, it was like a mild flu for them. Nothing terrible.
Have “fun” with all the festivities! 😉
While it might be a slight PITA, truly a COVID test isn’t that big a deal (unless you have to pay for it, which you probably would).I know that it’s not easy dealing with her, but what can you do — it’s your husband’s mother?
Wow. 1/12 c sugar — into yogurt that already has plenty of natural sugar? It actually sounds disgusting. I’m guessing that was a typo.
Most of my cookbooks these days live in my Ipad. I actually find it easier that way (and they do get used). I have released many,many cookbooks over the years.
1 1/2 cups of sugar for 1 serving?! My newly sugar-detoxed brain can’t begin to process that as a good idea any time, much less labeled a “healthy” recipe! 8 feet of cookbooks is an impressive collection…I must admit I’m probably right there with you and can’t bring myself to purge. I like your idea of cooking 1 recipe each.
Just no words for the 4-day extravaganza…I’m hoping for your sake she’s foregoing the skits this year.
Um, wow on MIL’s demands. Skits? I’d rather get a covid test, but agree that doesn’t make a lot of sense if you’re then going to dine out in public. Let the record show that I am letting my DIL decide what she wants to do for TG. 😉
And yikes on that recipe. That’s a lot of sugar. Judy mentioned the natural sugar already in the yogurt, but since it calls for vanilla yogurt, that would have added sugar too.
LOL on your bike. I’m so lucky to have my husb as my persoanl bike mechanic.
I’m with you on the bike. Mine has been very lonely.
A COVID test.? Can everyone revolt?
OMG I remember that from 5 years ago! My parents have requested the kids get covid tests bc they are traveling here for Thanksgiving. I am hosting. However, 2 of their grandkids are too young for vaccines. Hmmm not sure how that is going to play out. I love biking outdoors as well but mine really only saw 1 adventure this summer. I have no idea why. Yes, coming up w exciting insta photos on the daily is stressful!
Ha ha, your MIL sounds special! Maybe if someone in your family somehow ends up with a positive Covid test, you’ll all have to skip the festivities and have a nice, quiet Thanksgiving at home (oh, darn!)
That recipe is hilarious- I guess the immense amounts of sugar are to counteract the bitterness of the coffee? I would also ditch that cookbook, although I wouldn’t mind one tiny taste of that yogurt bowl- I’ll bet it’s delicious.
Wow, your MIL sounds like my previous MIL was, very much a narcissist. Maybe you can just start to feel sick the day before the “festivities” and you’ll have an excuse to stay home. No one would question that anyway. I was a total slacker with my bike this summer as well even though I really do enjoy riding it.
Maybe your COVID test can be “positive” so you don’t have to go? Just wondering. I wouldn’t have an issue with getting a test for a family get together but I would have an issue with your MIL 😉
My bike got 0 rides this summer, too. I have no good excuse.
Ummm…I have so much to say about the MIL situation but I will keep my mouth shut, lol.
When lockdown first hit last year, my mom and I did a deep clean of the kitchen and re-organized stuff. I can’t even begin to tell you to amount of stuff we trashed and donated. For some reason we had an ice cream maker – I’m assuming it was purchased in the last 90s? It was good to get rid of a bunch of stuff so that we could actually see everything that we have.
The MIL/FIL situations are not always easy but …. what can we do?
About the road bike: I don’t have anymore a bike for cross training, too many risks, but I ride a pedale assisting bike for moving through the city.
Argh, the photobomb! It’s always my fear when I try to do some running pics from thee gram, lol.
I think we all have in-laws that can be a little over the top about things…hopefully you’ll be able to have a good time. I haven’t even thought about planning Thanksgiving yet, but now I see I need to stake my claim now!
Thanks for hosting as always!
That’s a heck of a lot of sugar! Dang!
I wouldn’t mind getting a COVID test, I don’t think. Then again, I’m not down for huge hooplas at the moment, so maybe I would. I hope it all goes smoothly. <3