The house was alive with family and friends this week, since it was fall break for the college daughter and Thing 2 had no school on whatever it is we’re calling Columbus Day these days, so she invited 6 of her closest friends over.
Here’s how the running went:
Monday: Walk 4 miles, Trail run 3 miles
Tuesday: Walk 4 miles, otherwise rest
Wednesday: Walk 4 miles, Trail run 4 miles
Thursday: Walk 2 miles, Strength + Core
Friday: Walk 4 miles, Trail run 3 miles + Mobility
Saturday: Walk 4 miles, Trail Run 4 miles
Sunday: Walk 4 miles, Heavy Strength
I really enjoyed having Thing 1 home for Fall Break. We shopped, we dined, we laughed a ton. She’s since jetted back to Atlanta. I was sad to see her go but Thanksgiving will be here soon enough…so will the holidays.
We have some fall color but not a lot
We’ve been experiencing record warmth for October, along with record gloom. Sunshine is at a premium around here lately, although I will not complain about the warmth. I do think the mild temps are impacting the fall colors….or lack thereof. Peak color season is supposed to be the second week of October and I can tell you we are nowhere near peak colors right now. By the end of the week though we got a cold snap complete with 40 degree lows. That should make the colors pop.
Since the sun doesn’t rise here now until after 7am, our 6am morning walks are done in complete darkness. It’s a little unnerving when Ozzy goes rushing into the brush. We’ve already had a close-call with a skunk.
Tank and shorts in mid-October? Yes please!
Running-wise the week was very enjoyable and the trails are so relaxing. Now that my Garmin is working again after almost a month-long hiatus, it is far from impressed with my workouts. Whatever.
It’s a huge marathon weekend around here and I’m tracking athletes in Detroit, Grand Rapids, Atlantic City Columbus and here on the Des Plaines River Trail. I swear I am just as excited as a coach as I was when I was the one running. I am so proud of the efforts everyone made to get to the starting line healthy and ready to run. That truly is winning!
New On YouTube
Core Strength & Stability. I’ve got a quick core sequence to try over on YouTube. The core can always use a little work, am I right? This one requires no equipment so go check it out!
How was your week? Any races? Fall colors?
I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Join us!
I’m glad you had a fun time with Thing 1. Our weather has been all over the place. It was summery and humid until today, and now it’s cool and Octobery. Hopefully fall weather is here to stay until it’s time for winter. I need to figure out what we are doing for Thanksgiving ….
So glad you enjoyed your time with your daughter 🙂
The fall color here is lacking – no doubt the warm temps and humidity have not helped.
Good luck to all of your runners – how exciting!
It is so nice when the college kids jet back in for a few days. Always hard to let them go again but I am enjoying my relationship with my adult kids as well. Good luck to your runners this weekend. Fall finally came back today and I am all in for it
We had crazy weather here this week as well – with yesterday being the hottest and most humid (95% humidity). It was just yucky!
I totally forgot that the Detroit Marathon was this weekend. The half marathon is still on my bucket list since it goes through Canada – I just think that’s so cool!
Yes, we do have some Fall colors. And now Fall temps. Unfortunately some Fall rain too — it just never seems to end!
There is a very strong skunk smell a few houses there that seems to have been there for weeks. Thankfully we only smell it as we walk by.
Congrats to all your athletes. Finishing is winning!
This time of year is weird in Florida. It’s still hot, so I’m appreciating the later sunrise- makes those early morning runs a little cooler. If it’s still hot when we turn the clocks back, it can be hard to run an hour later!
Congrats to all your athletes! And you, as their coach. I hope they all had great races.
Glad you got to spend some extra time with both daughters this week! I hate how late the sun is rising these days. I just looked up when DST ends and its 3 weeks away! That should help a little. Your trail runs look so pretty!
We were surprised to see the lack of colors up in Wisco this weekend! I thought for sure Devil’s Lake would be popping. No such luck. It’s been such a strange year.
I was supposed to run the DPRT half this weekend. Sigh. The RDs are so nice and let me defer to next year.
Glad you enjoyed your time with M. Time with our big kids is just so precious! Some of us even do shots of Malort with them, lol
Our colors are just barely starting to turn, and I’m alright with that because we’ve been enjoying a somewhat extended summer. Glad you had a nice time with the collegiate back home! I’m thankful mine all were close by when they went off to school. Yes, I’m doing a lot of o’dark walking and running, and biking on occasion. Sign…it is what it is.
Whee on all of your athletes. You get all the excitement and non of the race soreness.
Glad the skunk was only a close encounter.
The gloom has been real, but we just got the snap you’re talking about and excited for some true fall running this week
Sounds like a lovely week, Marcia, and nice quality time with your daughter. I love side planks, will check out your core strength workout!
But I bet when the autumn colours do burst, you will have spectacular photos, Marcia!
Awesome job on coaching your athletes for these races. That must be so exciting!
How did it go for them? Did they all reach their goals?
Yup. So dark when I get up. Not inviting.
Then again soon it will be dark when I finish work.
Bring back summer.
Good luck to your runners.
I love helping other runners. It’s so gratifying.
Glad you spent good time with your daughter.
Now I don’t enjoy anymore the sunrise while running because my workouts starts after 08:00 a.m. The main reason is the car traffic: between 07:00/08:00 people go to work or to school and running at that time through and around the city is very dangerous.
To be a coach is a very awesome job: congrats.
Beautiful fall pics! It’s my favorite time of the year for running.
Autumn is definitely here and the colours were nice in the park where I messed up my half-marathon, and are nice in the gardens I look out at as I stay safely at home! It must be odd going out in warm temps but with the dawn and dusk fitting in with the season!