Because I am not interested in walking in the morning with a headlamp, it is now officially too dark to walk at 6am, so 6:30 it is. Did you know we lose 80 minutes of daylight in September alone in the Chicago area? Ugh. That said, I’ve turned the corner mentally and, while I am sad to see summer go, I am all in for fall and embracing pumpkin, mums, asters and all the autumn scents.
Now Foods has two new fall-inspired essential oil scents that are so nice! Try Pumpkin Spice and Spiced Cider and remember to use code MARCIA to save 20% off your entire order at Now Foods.
The week in workouts was a light one. I’ll chalk it up to my dicey high calf/back of the knee and our kitchen project that rages on.
Monday: Walk 4 miles, otherwise rest
Tuesday: Walk 4 miles, otherwise rest
Wednesday: Walk 4 miles, Strength-Core-Mobility
Thursday: Walk 2 miles, Bike Intervals
Friday: Walk 2 miles, Run 2 miles
Saturday: Walk 2 miles, Bike Intervals, Upper body strength
Sunday: Walk 2 miles, Run 1 mile, MetCon workout
I felt like I could run pain-free, and on Friday I gave it a go. The run felt amazing but afterward my knee/high calf was the slightest bit tender so I’m not going to press my luck.
While I love that our kitchen project continues to clip along at warp speed, having the workmen here virtually all the time throws a kink in my workout plans. Because our home gym sits directly downstairs from the kitchen, the guys moved my treadmill and are in the gym pulling wires through the ceiling on the regular. If you’re committed you’ll find a way. Apparently I’m not terribly committed right now.
My plan to visit the college daughter in Atlanta was upended when she told me she was “the most sick” she’s ever been. Of course my mind went straight to break-thru Covid, which she ended up testing negative for, but still, I want her to rest and recover, so I’ll reschedule hopefully soon. Sigh. That said, the Caveman worked in Atlanta all week and by the time game day rolled around, Thing 1 was feeling much better so they took in a GaTech football game as planned, minus me of course. Sigh.
Ok enough negative Nelly stuff. Out kitchen is coming together and it looks AMAZING! The cabinets are IN! The appliances have been delivered! The countertop measurements are DONE! And as of Friday evening, I have use of my washer and dryer again. Yes please! I’m so SO grateful to not have to schlep to the laundromat any longer! If things go according to plan….hope I’m not jinxing anything….according to the handy dandy, day-by-day calendar the contractor gave me, there are only five days of work remaining. I hope you’re as excited as I am for the big reveal!
I skipped our high school’s 9-11 ceremony, marking 20 years since the horrific attack. It continues to be a profoundly sad day for me. Thing 1 was an infant barely 3 months old, sitting in her bouncy chair that morning when we watched TV as the second plane hit the tower. I wondered what kind of world I brought her into. I remember too, how the country came together in the wake of 9-11. How there was no petty political BS and hatred like there is now in the cancel-culture we’re living in. I choose to remember, honor and move forward in peace.
I’ll leave you with this sunrise shot. The morning mist added a fallish mood.
How was your week? Enjoying college football? Fall racing?
I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Join us!
That photo is spectacular! I’m glad Thing 1 recovered from her illness and at least got to see her Dad. Yay on the kitchen project progress — I can’t wait to see photos! LOL on not being motivated enough to workout around the workmen — I’d feel the same way.
Ugh, I hate it when there are people working in my house! You must be going insane. Glad to hear it’s almost done and yes, I’m excited for the big reveal!
It sounds like your calf is almost better. Sometimes you have to run just to see how it feels. Hope it continues to improve!
Not into all.
Yes on the racing. 5k yesterday and another in 2 weeks.
We have not had a sink or dishwasher in 2 weeks – and it looks like many weeks to come.
Happy to hear that your calf is improving.
Oh, I’m glad thing 1 is better & it wasn’t COVID, but sorry you didn’t get to go see her.
I’m right there with you on not being able to get as much activity as I’d like in, although for different reasons (lucky for you!).
My kitchen reno wasn’t as big as yours, but I well remember having the workmen disrupting life. Plus having to put the cats in the laundry room & keep the dogs in check as well! It is worth it.
Sorry your calf is still feeling sore! Hope that resolves soon. I am not liking the morning darkness either and I will also be moving back 30 m this week. Hope your daughter feels better soon
Sorry your daughter was so sick and you had to cancel your visit, but I’m glad she’s doing better! Thats so exciting that your renovations are almost done. I can’t wait to see how it turned out! Sorry you’re still feeling your calf a bit. Hopefully a little more rest is all you need.
I’m glad your daughter’s feeling better but sorry you missed seeing her. Hopefully, you can reschedule a visit soon.
A big yay to your reno project for staying on course. Having workmen in my house makes me crazy, but the end result is worth it.
Sounds like your calf is getting better – hope that trend continues!
We are totally in sync with our 9/11 feelings. I, too, am SO hoping the country can once again unite and all the political BS can be minimized (though I fear it is here to stay). College football is totally my game!!!! Well, I love college basketball, too, but that’s a few months away LOL I hope you calf continues to feel better 😉
Good news on the kitchen, nearly done! And that’s a stunning picture at the end. I’ve had a funny weekend as have realised I have to dial back on All.The. Running a bit as I’m running myself into the ground. Good to have my community around me to chat it through with, though.
Sorry to hear Maddie was so sick! I’m seeing so much crud in the office, but I’ve yet to have a positive COVID in any of the kids I’ve swabbed. Glad she’s feeling better.
I can’t believe how fast your kitchen remodel went! It will feel great to have everything back in place.
Sorry you couldn’t visit your daughter, but better to be safe! My niece is doing her first year at the University of Wisconsin, fully vaccinated, and is positive with Covid. She has to quarantine in a special apartment and has to have food delivered, etc. Not a fun way to start her college experience! I’m sure its confirmation bias, but it just seems like everyone who isn’t as cautious, even if vaccinated, ends up with a case, even if mlld!
Anyways, so glad the kitchen is moving along so quickly, that’s incredible!
That closing photo is breath taking!
That sunrise shot is amazing, Marcia!
Last week, Kai and I brought our neighbour to the airport at 5am and decided to add in a run. I didn’t think of the later sunrise and we stumbled through the darkness for the next 45 minutes until dawn.
I’m not ready for headlamps either!
Hey there, it’s been quite some time. Hope your leg feels better soon enough. Ill be back to read more later. Have an awesome day.
Glad your daughter is feeling batter and it’s no Covid!
Sorry for your pain; take it easy and don’t be in hurry (I know, easy to say and difficult to do).
Beautiful sunrise.
Here we lose the daylight too but it’s too beautiful to see the sunrise while running!
Have a good week.
Thank goodness your daughter tested negative for Covid and is feeling better. Hopefully you can re-schedule your visit soon.
I had a hard time on Saturday. The anniversary always gets to me, but I don’t know why this year was particularly hard. Maybe it’s cause of the 20th anniversary? I’m not sure but I did try to stay off social media for most of the day.