By the time you read this, I’ll hopefully be in Portland, maybe even atop Mount Hood, kicking off the Hood to Coast Relay. How cool is that? There aren’t many running events that excite me anymore, but Hood to Coast is a bucket lister I never really thought I’d get the chance to experience. The universe works in mysterious ways. All that said, no matter where I might be in the world, the Runfession Friday linkup goes on, so without further ado, let’s get started.
I runfess I am grossly undertrained for this relay….but you already knew that. Typically I am reasonably prepared. This time? Not even close. Ugh.
A billion years ago…think 2010 or so….Nuun sponsored their first Hood to Coast team and they invited me to run. At that time my kids were little and I declined the invite. I couldn’t imagine jetting off for a long weekend of running shenanigans and missing the first day of school. I runfess, however that I sort of miss the crazy opportunities that came my way as a blogger all those years ago. It was flattering to be invited, even though I did not always agree to do them. Transrockies Run with Dean Karnazes anyone? Turned that one down. Great Wall Marathon? Didn’t do that one either.
It’s been a loooong time since I’ve run a relay. It’s actually been a long time since I’ve run any kind of in-person race. When I started packing and foraging for my relay gear I came upon a mesh bag. I runfess it was like a time capsule from races past. I found a pack of Run Gum, a tube of Now Foods Effer-Hydrate electrolyte tablets, some B6 Energy Boost sticks and a coin. I thought it might be an English coin from the London Marathon. Then I thought no, maybe it was a coin from when I ran ZOOMA Bermuda in 2020 before the world shut down. But no, it was actually a Canadian coin. Must be back from Lululemon Seawheeze Half a billion years ago.
Speaking of Seawheeze, after Hood to Coast, I’ve got the Seawheeze virtual 10k coming up in September. With my recent injury and very low mileage, I runfess I’ll be hard pressed to even finish a 10k let alone race one. That didn’t stop me from perusing all the Seawheeze gear at the Lululemon pop-up shop. I runfess, however, that the stuff was pretty much ugly and over-priced. Oh and sold out.
What have you to runfess? Have you run a relay? Seawheeze? What’s the most you’ve ever paid for a pair of running tights?
Yes, I’ve done the Market-to-Market Relay 5 (or 6?) times (kind of a single-day Ragnar sort of event). I’ve also done a tri-relay, which was a lot of fun! I hope all goes well with Hood to Coast. The hubs and I are running DAM to DSM on Saturday, and he’s horribly under-trained…fingers crossed he’s able to persevere through 12.4 miles.
I am sure that even if you are not well trained you will run a good Relay: you have the right experience to manage your “strength”.
I ran only one relay an age ago: July 25, 1986 (yes 35 years ago!!!). It was a 10 km (4 runners x 2,5 km each): I ran the 1st leg and my finishing time on the 2,5 km was 9:28 (21 of 28); at the end my team was 14° of 28.
Good luck. You will have so much fun. Can’t wait to hear about it.
I’ve run the Vermont marathon relay twice. I’d love to run the Seneca 7.
I’ve never run a relay though I think it would be a fun experience. I hope all goes well with Hood to Coast! Have fun!
I’m always amazed at all the opportunities you’ve had over the years. You’ve been truly blessed. The good karma will get you through this race! Good luck!
I hope you are having so much fun! The early blogging days were pretty crazy cool! I love they brought us together.
Relay races are a blast! So much more about the experience and the team vs the pace and time. I have no doubt you will rock it. have the best time!
Good luck! I feel bad for you that you weren’t able to train the way you wanted (I know how that feels!) but I hope you have a lot of fun. I’ve never run a relay- maybe someday. Can’t wait to hear all about it!
I hope you have the best time at Hood to Coast. I have a half in November but started freaking out last night thinking it was next month because I haven’t been putting in a lot of miles. 😬
I’m sure you’ll be fine. Just have fun! 🙂
I’m here, too! This is my 3rd time running H2C (I did 1999 and 2008) and I also did Reach the Beach in 2000. I never thought I’d do this again. I’m prepared running wise, but I suck at missing sleep – LOL. I hope our paths cross. Have a great time!
Marcia! You turned down a Transrockies Run with Dean Karnazes?! You said no to the Great Wall Marathon?!
Oh my goodness, what great opportunities! But I understand – the timing has to be right. 😊
Good luck with the Hood to Coast!
I hope you have a wonderful time! I did the Ragnar Relay in Pennsylvania 4 years ago and absolutely loved it! I wish I could do it again!
It looks like you’re having a great time! You made the right decisions for you at the right times.
I’ve only done one two person relay. A long time ago, too. No overnight involved. It was fun.
I hope you have the best time at your relay. It’s going to be great! I’ve done a couple of relays, and I have another one coming up in April.
Most I’ve spent on tights? About $100 on a pair from Lululemon.
isn’t it great how ugly and overpriced help our wallets?
Was so great to see your/Erica/Jessie’s photos from this weekend and can’t wait to read about it.
Tights um. Well best thing about being 5’2 is capris are often tights adn tights are a foot too long. I did buy a pair of the Skirt Malbec Chic ones so probably those. Everything else is dirt cheap from TJX/Kohls