Okay you’re not injured. At least I hope you’re not. I hope I’m not either but that’s wishful thinking. Try as I might to NOT ramp up the miles for Hood to Coast too quickly, this week there was a bump in the road…or shall we say on the trail. Here’s how the week in workouts went.
Monday: Walk 2 miles, otherwise rest
Tuesday: Walk 4 miles, Upper body strength + Core
Wednesday: Walk 4 miles, Trail Run 4 miles
Thursday: Walk 4 miles, Trail run 5 miles
Friday: Walk 2 miles Resistance Band workout
Saturday: Walk 4 miles, Trail Run 4,5 miles
Sunday: Walk 2 miles, Bike intervals, Balance/Mobility
The week got off to a slow start workout-wise thanks to some very early work stuff. I entertained the possibility of running later in the day but that did not happen.
See my hawk chaperone?
On Wednesday I headed to the track at 6am, only to find it quite populated once again. My run turned into a super-sweaty, hybrid pavement/trail affair.
We had a pretty wicked overnight storm that cooled us off a tad, leaving steamy shafts of sunlight on the trail. This run was a great one.
On the weekend though, with barely a half mile left, I came down a little wonky on an uneven bit of the trail, and strained what I think is the high part of my calf, just below the knee. It had been the slightest bit tender after some heavy strength training and this little movement on the trail set it off. I’ve been icing, resting and hoping for the best. Fingers and toes crossed it’ll be ok for Hood to Coast.
It was a single parenting week. The Caveman headed out last Sunday and was due in Thursday afternoon, but due to endless delays and finally a cancellation, he didn’t make it home until Friday, and yes, he missed Thing 2’s birthday. Thing 2 turned sweet 16. She enjoys smaller groups, so she requested two smaller parties, each with a handful of friends. It seemed like a good idea but let me tell you a party this weekend + last weekend +another one on her actual birthday on Wednesday, was a lot for this mama. So much food. So much cake.
So now the 3yr old and 7 yr old I had when I started writing this blog are 16 and 20. How’d that happen??
New On YouTube
Mini-Band Workout: This workout requires just one little mini-band and is really perfect if you’re travelling or short on space/equipment.
Foam Rolling for Runners. I created this one more for my coaching clients than anything else but it’s a great refresher if you’re not sure how to use the foam roller.
How was your week? Can you believe it’s AUGUST??
I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Join us!
Funny (not funny) I have some soreness in that same exact spot at the top of my calf. Not sure what it is really. I slipped on a knee compression brace and it seemed to help a bit. I figure it cannot hurt. Hope that both of us have a speedy disappearance of that one. No one needs that! Happy birthday to your daughter! They do grow up way too fast
Ouch!!! Hopefully, the calf strain is mild and will resolve in a couple of days. You’re a good mama–two parties? Enjoy the cake!
First off fingers definitely crossed for HTC. Second, poor thing 2’s Dad. Sad to miss her birthday.
time does, indeed, fly.
Oh no I hate reading about injuries. Hope this one is not serious and you are back on the trails.
Yes I do remember you having little kids.
Oh no! Hoping the calf ordeal is over and done just as quickly (well, almost) as it happened. Crazy how fast the summer is flying by…yeah, where did August come from???
Oh Marcia… I hope you really are not injured 🙁 keep us posted on how it’s going.
what a bummer that that caveman missed the Sweet 16’s birthday! but it sounds like she may have still had a good time last week! I am slightly exhausted for you by the way!
Crazy how time flies and kids grow up. My stepkids are now 20 and 23. Like.. WHUT??
I hope you’re not injured1 I think I’ve had tightness if that spot you’re describing and it never turned into anything. Hope your daughter had a good birthday1 This month marks 8 years of blogging for me. Crazy how fast its gone.
Ack! I hope your calf is okay! I can’t think of anything to do other than rest and ice… fingers crossed.
Parties exhaust me, even if they’re small. You’re a good mom to have three of them! Happy sweet 16 to your daughter!
Crossing my fingers you are not injured. Your daughters are all grown up! Wow, that many parties? Happy Birthday to your daughter.
Ugh, I hope your calf responds well to your measures! Being injured is no fun. Happy Birthday to Thing 2. I think you get Mom of the Year for doing three parties. Interesting the track is so busy at 6 am — is it students or the general community?
Ugh so sorry to hear about your calf strain – hopefully it will settle down quickly. I’m keeping my fingers crossed for you!
Happy birthday to your daughter! We celebrated my son’s 16th this week too – you’re a champ for hosting 3 parties!
How incredible that you have been blogging for that long! That’s very cool. It would be fun to chat about how things have changed, both good and bad!
I hope you are not injured and you can get well soon.
Running at 06:00 a.m. is good and I am also amazed for all the runners and walkers that I meet in early morning.
Happy birthday to your daughter.
Happy Sweet 16 to your daughter!
i hope that you are not injured and that it’s one of those things that will feel wonky for a day or two and then work it’s way out.
Can’t wait to check out the foam rolling for runners video!