Well hello August. You sure came around quick. August is kind of a buzzkill around here because both my kids head back to school, although they’re looking forward to it, so maybe not so bad. To me it signals the slide toward the end of summer and the end of the year. I’m sitting down with Deborah, Coco and YOU for the Ultimate Coffee Date.
I’m going with a House Blend from Stumptown Roasters with half & half and a scoop of collagen in it. What’ll you have?
Over coffee I’d give you an injury update. I haven’t run since Sunday but things are moving in the right direction. I’ve been able to walk farther and faster with no pain. I’ll be staying off of uneven surfaces for awhile though because that’s what ticks off that strained muscle in my high calf/behind my knee.
(Google images)
Over coffee I’d ask if you have any home projects coming up. Can you believe I actually have an update on our kitchen project, that’s been percolating since January? Apparently the cabinets for our mudroom are in but the kitchen ones are not, although they’re supposed to be in “soon”. The contractor very much wants to start on the mudroom and….get this….demolish our kitchen at the same time. Um, with no kitchen cabinets on the horizon, that’s a hard no from me. Plus having the mudroom done BEFORE the kitchen means the appliances, etc. would all need to come THROUGH the mudroom and no doubt it’d get banged up. On a positive note, I’m encouraged the contractor is actually communicating with us and hasn’t completely disappeared, so there’s that.
I’d also tell you that the infra-red sauna I got the Caveman for Father’s Day was delivered. As soon as the electrician comes to wire a circuit for it, our “serenity room” will start taking shape.
Over coffee I’d ask you if your kids are headed back to school soon. Thing 2 starts on August 12. Thing one heads back to Atlanta on August 15. Because she still isn’t sure whether she’ll be able to move into her new apartment that weekend or the weekend of August 21. Because the Caveman will be working in Atlanta that entire week so he’ll be there to help her, I decided NOT to go to Atlanta for the college drop-off this year. We’re planning on visiting her in September anyway so I won’t have to wait too long to see her.
Over coffee I’d ask you if you’re experiencing delivery delays. I’d thought the crazy delivery delays were behind us until I experienced a complete sh!t show recently. Not one, not two but three orders from Athleta were delayed and then promptly “delivered” somewhere other than my doorstep. While FedEx, UPS and the postal service have no problem locating my home, apparently the delivery service Athleta decided to use this time around did not. I watched my packages bounce around for days until they sent me a notice that said they were DELIVERED. Um yeah not to me. I called and emailed the delivery service to no avail, but to be fair, Athleta customer service was wonderful, and promptly refunded and resent my stuff. The incompetence on the part of the delivery service (that touts itself as the “finest in the Midwest”) was frustrating though.
What would you tell me over coffee?
I’m also linking up with Darlene, Michelle, Renee, Jenn and , for Fit Five Friday. Join us!
Good news on the injury, Marcia!
You still have a month to go to your Hood to Coast, right? It looks like you’ll be in good shape until then.
We ordered a fridge in June – our current one is 25 years old and falling apart. Well, apparently, there’s an acute fridge shortage in Europe – it looks like we won’t be getting one for months!
We’re moving forward with our projects now that my road is 90% done. They put sod down and it looks really nice again! I hope you get some forward movement with your kitchen.
I shared my delivery woes on my runfessions post- my main beef is with the USPS. Who is this ‘best in the Midwest’ delivery service? LOL
Matthew is all registered for fall. He also snagged a lab position, so it looks like the gap year really paid off for him. He is moving into a new house next week. Glad I don’t have to help with that! LOL
I’m happy to hear your calf is healing!
Things were going well here on the deliveries front until just recently – I’m now in a quiet panic that some of the things I ordered for my son to take to school are not going to arrive in time.
Hopefully, your kitchen cabinets will make an appearance soon. I’d take it as a good sign that your contractor has been in touch.
Good call on the kitchen/mudroom sequence. I hope your cabinets come in soon. We finally got our new A/C and furnace after waiting for 6 weeks.
Most schools here don’t start until the last week of August or after Labor Day. I think kids are looking forward to going back after last year.
I hope your calf continues to improve!
It is bittersweet to have the kids go back to college. It was nice having my son home all summer. I think USPS is the worst! Packages just sit around and take so much longer to arrive. I do best w fedex so I usually upgrade if possible. We did a bunch of house projects in the last year but it is never ending. Glad yours is finally starting to move forward.
Take care of that calf.Glad to hear it is doing better. It is always something!
Luckily when we redid our kitchen we didn’t touch the very old cabinets. It was still a pain, and it always takes longer than quoted even in the best of times. Good luck!
Delivery is still iff, for sure. Usually Athleta gets here quick, so that’s strange!
Good vibes for the healing process — it sounds like you’re making progress.
Yes, school starts so early and it feels like summer is ending. But it’s still early August! Crazy.
Glad to hear your calf is better. Walking with no pain is a good sign. You should be good to go for HTC. Fingers crossed!
Glad to hear the injury is feeling better! Fingers crossed things keep moving in that direction. Our youngest, the one remaining student in the household, got moved into her new apartment last weekend, and is eager for classes. She took a couple classes online (over the summer), and had an internship, so her spring semester momentum wasn’t interrupted. No idea when the schools around here go back LOL; I’m totally out of that loop.
I’m glad that your injury is continuing to get better. It sounds like having some days off of running really helped too.
I’ve had a few late deliveries every now and then but nothing as bad as over the holidays – that was nuts!
Sending healing vibes your way.
We are renovating our kitchen. Ugh. So far new appliances have arrived and wallpaper has been removed. I’d say Christmas is when it’ll be done.
I’m glad your injury is continuing to head in the right direction–sending healing vibes!
That’s exciting about all the renovations! Best of luck with all of them — definitely interested in how the infra-red sauna + “serenity room” turn out! I’d love to have something like that in my future home! :]
That is good news about the injury! I mean, not that an injury is good news but that it is feeling better. I love it when companies have excellent customer service. Are you still doing HTC?
Good news about the injury. I hope you get well soon.
My wife wants to renovate our kitchen too: terrible days of chaos will come!
In Italy the lessons start in middle September and my grandsons are already sad for that!
Here I don’t have direct experience about delivery delays: my wife buys many things on-line I prefer to support the local dealers in this difficult period.