It was an exciting, tumultuous week. That said, it wasn’t the best week for running. Here’s how the week in workouts went:
Monday: Walk 4 miles, Track 3 miles
Tuesday: Walk 4 miles, Strength + Mobility
Wednesday: Walk 4 miles, Bike Intervals + Core
Thursday: Walk 4 miles, otherwise rest
Friday: Walk 4 miles, otherwise rest
Saturday: Walk 4 miles, Run 3 miles
Sunday: Walk 4 miles, workout TBD
Outrunning one of many storms this week
Running was sparse, and the little running I did do, was not great. Even after all those days of rest, my high calf strain felt pretty much the same on Saturday. Those miles were way slower than I’d hoped. With just two weeks remaining until Hood to Coast, I’m not sure how much better it will feel by then.
So Many Storms
The weather did not lend itself to running. The heat and humidity were off the leash and the volatile atmosphere blew up into wicked, damaging storms and tornadoes over and over. SO many trees are down. The tops of several very-tall pines behind our house were sheared off and it looked like a bunch of large Christmas trees littered about. Some of the potted flowers on our deck crashed to the ground and the trails are obstructed by downed trees everywhere.
Finally on Friday the heat blew out of here and we were blessed with cooler, MUCH nicer weather.
I was honored to help celebrate South African Women’s Day with some of my Balega Impi sisters. We shared our words of inspiration for generations of women to come.
Back to School
It was back-to-school week. Thing 2 was very excited to attend orientation, the Sophomore BBQ and finally the first full day of school on Thursday. She also started her first part-time job. Thing 1 finished her internship on Friday and by the time you read this, will likely/hopefully be back in Atlanta, ready for her Junior year. It was a week of doing all of her favorite things together, which included mom and daughter mani/pedis, deep dish pizza and of course one last visit to her favorite frozen custard place. I can’t wait to visit her in September!
I’ll leave you with a pic from one of our morning walks. It truly is the very best time of the day.
How was your week? Is your weather moderating at all?
I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Join us!
I’m so sorry your calf is still bothering you. I truly know how frustrating it is. Those dark clouds at the track look so ominous! Storm damage is scary. We’ve had hot days and wicked storms — including one that kept me up last night.
Yay for Thing 2 starting school – I hope she has a good year.
Funny that you already are looking forward to visiting Thing 1. <3
What a busy school week for the kids! I’m compiling a list of things to do with my kids before my daughter heads to college. Granted she’ll only be living on campus which is 25 mins away, but of course I won’t see her every day anymore 🙁 Sorry your calf is still bothering you. Fingers crossed for super speedy healing!
Those storms were crazy! I’m loving the weather we have right now!
Glad you got to enjoy your girls before school started back up. Didn’t it seem so early this year?
Today is finally beautiful. No tornadoes here, but definitely some wicked thunderstorms and trees & branches were down all over the place — thankfully they finished up on the bike path while I was running this morning & I had no troubles there.
I’m sorry you’re still struggling, Marcia. Sending you (along with Kim and Deborah) some healing vibes!
we have had really intense storms this week and crazy 100 degree heat. We lost power twice this week. Just crazy! I am sorry your calf is still giving you trouble. If you want to chat about prolo -give me a buzz. My baby is back to school this week too, sniff
I can’t believe you had such crazy storms and we had zilch here. Well, I guess there were some storms around us, but they kept missing our immediate area. It did feel like prime tornado weather conditions, though, most of last week with the off-the-charts heat/humidity. Hoping your injury rectifies itself…ain’t nobody got time for that (I can so relate).
Wow, that does sound like an exciting week! Glad you got lots of time with your daughter- my son and I have been doing the same thing.
That’s frustrating about your calf. I can’t remember if you’ve seen a doctor yet- maybe it’s time for some intervention!
You’re probably ready for a calmer week- I hope everything goes well and your calf starts to feel better.
We had storms here just about every night this week too. It finally cooled off a bit today! I hope the school year is off to a good start. Sorry to hear your calf is still bothering you!
Those storms sound pretty intense! The heat here was ridiculous but we avoided the storms.
I’m really sorry to hear your calf is still giving you trouble. Is it worth it to have it looked at?
Hope both of your daughters have great school years!
Such a busy week for you! I’m sorry to hear that the calf strain is still bothering you 🙁 Do you think a deep massage in that area might help? Or maybe some additional PT exercises?
Such an exciting time for your children. I hope that they both have great school years!
Ugh, I’m sorry the calf strain is still an issue.
Exciting times for your kids! Back to school was always so fun.
We had such bad storms like that in Switzerland a few weeks ago. So sad to see strong trees toppling over!
I hope your calf will loosen up until the Hood to Coast. Does the team have a replacement runner in case your calf won’t heal in time? Or will you push through all the same?
Oh, and you have the best track, Marcia! I would love to do my workouts there!
the weather sounds like it was crazy! what a bummer that the running you could get in didn’t go well. I’m really crossing everything for you for H2C.
Glad to hear the girls are ready for their next school adventures! And your visit with Thing 1 will most definitely be here before you know it!
Back to school? What happened to summer?
Hope you continue to feel better.
We had a rainy hot week. Things seemed to have calmed down. Wish my race was yesterday.
I am so glad it finally cooled down! I am loving the weather right now. That is exciting about your daughters! I hope they both have a great school year!
Crazy storms there, here the weather is always hot and humid.
Sorry for the calf strain I hope you get well soon and in time for the race.
I also hope that your daughters have a great school year!!!!