With just 4 weeks remaining until the Hood to Coast Relay, the words WTH was I thinking come to mind. It’s not that running doesn’t feel good, it does. It’s the low mileage that worries me. Ramping up too quickly would be even riskier so there’s that. We are still looking for one runner to join us so holler if you or someone you know would like to join us. Here’s how the week in workouts went:
Monday: Walk 4 miles, otherwise rest
Tuesday: Walk 4 miles, Track 4 miles
Wednesday: Walk 4 miles, Upper Body/Core Strength
Thursday: Walk 4 miles, Trail run 4 miles, Balance & Mobility
Friday: Walk 4 miles, Trail Run 5 miles
Saturday: Walk 4 miles, otherwise rest
Sunday: Walk 4 miles, workout of some sort
I had the track to myself for a change and it was so nice. Sadly the track will close when school reopens in just a few weeks.
The trails are my happy place. I’m especially grateful for the shade when it’s hot.
I did not plan to dress in trail camouflage. It just worked out that way. Ha!
New On YouTube
Full-Body Strength Circuit. Can you get a solid workout in 30 minutes? Yes! You sure can. Grab your hand weights and join me for this one and thanks to everyone who has subscribed!
I’ll leave you with this beautifully eerie, smoky sunrise.
How was your week? Is back-to-school sneaking up? Are you training through the heat?
I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Join us!
Time flies. Can’t believe it’s almost august.
Love that sunset pic.
Escaping the rain is my biggest problem. And it is raining again as I write this.
I know you will be just fine on hood to coast. Better to be a little undertrained than tired or injured. I so wish I could take that spot but the date doesn’t really work for me. I will have serious FOMO! What do your mileage legs look like?
yes, training through the heat as my fall races are quickly approaching. Dreaming of fall temps
You’ll be fine for Hood to Coast, I have no doubt. I have to admit that I’m not missing running as much as I thought I would right now…this weather is my albatross! Of course, I was busy doing other things last week. I may start to have running dreams this week with all my downtime…
Have a great week! I can’t believe school is starting soon again!
Ok, why did your orange sun show up & neither my friend nor I could get a photo of it?
I bet you have a great time in HTC. wish I could, but just can’t. Enjoy!
You are smart not to try to up your mileage too much fofr HTC — but we knew you were smart about training already! Does the track close altogether once school starts, or just during school hours? We can still use our school tracks before school.
I’ve been wanting to do some weight workouts so I will check your Youtube out!
We have over a month before school starts so I’m not even entertaining those thoughts right now…lol
Kids here have only just broken up, so we have a good few weeks of no school run globs of kids and cars to get in the way of our walking and running in the mornings! Well done for being so sensible, I’m sure you will be OK for the race, and love the camouflage!
Me! Marcia, Me! I would love to run a relay! If only I lived in the US.
You will be absolutely fine for that race, I am sure. All those workouts in the Oval Office will pay off!
I have track work again tomorrow. I’ll be thinking of you.
I’m sure you will do just fine in your relay! Better to be undertrained than overtrained. I can’t believe that its going to be August next week!
I feel like this summer is slipping by oh so quickly! The heat seems to have disappeared for the moment but the rain and humidity, not so much.
I have no doubt you’ll be fine for HTC – a little undertrained is definitely better than risking injury.
Yes, back to school is definitely sneaking up- our kids go back August 10th (ack!). I agree that it’s better to be a little undertrained- just keep doing what you’re doing and you’ll be fine when you get there.
Is it 4 weeks already? Regardless, I am sure you will do fine. I know I have said that before but I am excited for you and wish I were doing it too.
Another great week of runs and workout for you this week! And only just a month to go?! It seems like your training is flying by. Thanks for the new YT video – you know how much I love strength training!
That’s a bummer about the track closing soon, but it’s awesome that you have so many nice trails near you.
You’ll be fine at Hood to Coast! You’re an experienced runner and will know how to pace yourself to stay safe. Can’t wait!
I didn’t realize Hood to Coast was that close…but you’re in great shape, so the mileage you have now (plus in the next few weeks) should suffice. Haven’t the sunrises been just breath-taking lately?
What a beautiful sunset!
Another good week of training, You are working well to be ready for the Hood to Coast day.
My training through the heat is not scheduled: mileage and speed depend at the moment by the weather situation.
great week Marcia! I know I said it before but I really wish I could do HTC with you! you’re going to be great though – ti’s going to be an amazing experience!
Oh, how I wish I could join you! It sounds so fun!
School starts in like three weeks! What? How? I’m so nervous and excited for A. It’s been a year and a half since he’s been in a school building and it’s just going to be so crazy.