Well June officially slipped away and here we are in July already. Happy Independence Day! Before we get to the week’s goodness, here’s how my workouts went. Nothing too special.
Monday: Walk 3 miles, Bike Intervals
Tuesday: Walk 4 miles, Upper Body/Core Strength
Wednesday: Walk 4 miles, Track 3 miles,
Thursday: Walk 4 miles, otherwise rest
Friday: Walk 4 miles, Trail Run 4 miles
Saturday: Walk 4 miles, Heavy Strength
Sunday: Walk 4 miles, Trail Run 5 miles
Wednesday’s appointment in the oval office was a day later and more humid than usual. I was soaked to the bone in sweat.
Friday’s trail run in temps in the high 50s felt like a little slice of pure heaven. The sun was out, the birds sang. All was right with the world until my Garmin proclaimed the run to be “unproductive” and told me I’m losing fitness. Really biotch?
DMV: Third attempt. This time around I HAD AN APPOINTMENT. That morning though, I received a text message confirming my appointment for 11:50am. I actually made the appointment for 10:20 am so I guess they pushed me back 90 minutes for one reason or another. Good thing I didn’t have somewhere I had to be. So I got there and found two lines outside. I got in the 11:50 appointment line and languished there for a good 30 minutes before being allowed to enter the building. Another 20 minute wait took place inside before I got to the information gatekeeper who I swear thrives on turning people away because they’re missing one credential or another. I however was fully prepared and allowed to advance to the picture-taking station, the interrogation guy, the cashier and finally the lady who gives you a copy of your brand spanking renewed license. Overall, the ordeal took about 90 minutes, but its probably my best accomplishment of the week. Insert a giant exhale right here.
Hood to Coast. I booked my flights so it’s officially going down for real. This week was not great in terms of ramping up miles. The heat does not help.
Wildlife. We had two wildlife encounters this week. One where a baby fawn decided to dart into traffic right in front of us, on a very busy,4-lane road, causing us to veer into the other lane. Thankfully nobody was next to us. Poor thing got scared and ran back up to the sidewalk but I shudder to think about that sweet baby trying to cross again. I suspect mama doe might have already crossed the road.
New On YouTube
Arms & Core Strength Workout. It’s no secret I love upper body strength workouts and it appears I am not alone. Actually this arm strength video posted earlier this year surpassed a thousand views recently, which for me is “viral” haha! Anyway, this latest video will work your upper body and core so give it a go and thanks to all who’ve subscribed. I appreciate it!
Watching. We started watching The Affair but turned it off shortly into the third episode. It’s a snore, what can I say. Still in need of something to watch.
I’ll leave you with this scene from one of our evening walks.
How was your week? Any fun July 4th plans?
I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Join us!
Congratulations on your huge accomplishment at the DMV!!! That must be a load off your mind.
I may have to check out your arm strength video- with all my PT exercises aimed at my hips, I realized I haven’t done any upper body in weeks- oops.
Hope you have a great 4th of July!
What a beautiful photo of the rainbow!
Where is your team staying for Hood to Coast? We rented a bit house through VRBO, but I have to check to see where it is. I don’t think its very close to the city. Easy direct flights from Minneapolis to Portland though.
Lovely rainbow pic at the end and well done at the DMV. i once had to spend a long time on the phone to the DVLA getting them to help me prove I DON’T have a driving licence and have never owned a car, as my renter had racked up huge parking fines and assigned them to my address thus me! They were actually lovely and helpful but it’s harder proving you’ve not had something than you’d think!
I need to do some upper body stuff so will go and have a look at that.
We all need to go the DMV as well but your stories have me less than excited about it. Glad you got it done! Kind of jealous of your hood to coast. That one has always been on my radar. We are trying to fill some spots on our ragnar team if you get the bug for October.
Yay for success at the DMV! Why do they make it so hard to get anything done there? It cooled off here at the end of the week too and it was a nice break from the heat. So exciting that your flight is booked!
Congrats on getting your license renewed. Which DMV did you end up going to? Mike still needs to go. At least they take appointments.
It’s been tough running in this heat–I think we are supposed to cool off later this week.
Woohoo on the DMV victory! Maybe that rainbow was Mother Nature rewarding you for that accomplishment too – it’s gorgeous. And the 50s are a gift mid-summer for sure!
Thankfully, the hubs and myself aren’t due for a DMV renewal for another year (I think?). Why are those peeps SO RUDE? Glad you were rewarded with your brand new (renewed) license 😉
Beautiful rainbow photo.
You look very fast with both the feet off the ground.
Congrats on surviving the DMV! No small accomplishment indeed!
I love upper body work so I will be checking out your new video.
That rainbow pic is just beautiful!
Yay on the DMV, and I love that rainbow. Glad you had a good week, heat aside
High five on the license renewal! I had those sorts of problems BEFORE the Pandemic. I need to get my eyes examined so I can begin the renewal process in time for my birthday next Feb, LOL!
Poor fawn. Yet another Albie sighting this morning but alas Mr. Judy was not here. He has the long lens!
Forgot to say on your last post that I’m eager to hear how the sauna is. i’ve always wanted one, but too much $$ & not enough space, even though I know they make portable ones because yes, i’ve looked into that!
sorry I’ve missed you the last couple of weeks Marcia! You DMV experience sounds… fun? 😀
so excited you’ve got your trip booked for hood to coast!! whoo hoo!!
Yay for overcoming the DMV!
I am so excited to hear your plans for Hood to Coast are coming together! That’s so fun!
We had a quiet night with friends on the 4th and it was great.
Speaking of deer, we have seen them A LOT around here lately. I’m not sure if they had a very active Spring or what but there’s many more of them walking around here than usual, but they don’t seem scared of humans which is a little odd!
Hooray for a successful (finally) DMV appointment and experience. I secretly think that some of the most miserable people work at the DMV – ugh!