July is rapidly slipping away. Seriously where is this crazy year going? Before we welcome August, let’s open up the Runfessional. You know the drill.
Let’s get started.
It seems like racing is back for most of the country. When I saw someone on Instagram with a big bundle of Chicago-area virtual race swag, I realized that most iconic Chicago races (except for the marathon) are still virtual. Why? (since writing this the CDC has come down with restrictions and mask mandates in high-risk areas, although at this time Chicago is not a high risk area. I do wonder though, about all fall racing at this point).
I runfess I am grateful that I managed to finally renew my driver’s license and get a Real ID, even though it took me not one, not two but three attempts. I just learned that one of our local DMVs is closed again due to COVID. Here we go again.
Google images
I inadvertently headed out for a run with my ponytail held in a scrunchie. Remember those relics from the 90s? It held my hair so well. I runfess I’m continuing to wear them. Is this weird?
About that tooth pain. Remember when I was so outraged I could not get in to see the Endodontist for 6 weeks after I had that unbearable tooth pain? Well, knock wood, since taking the antibiotic, the tooth pain has not returned and….I runfess…I cancelled that long-awaited appointment with the endodontist when I realized my dentist referred me to one that isn’t even covered by my insurance. I have found a new, in-network endodontist, however I runfess I’ve yet to make an appointment.
Ok your turn: What have you to runfess? Do you have any scrunchies?
I’m also linking up with Darlene, Michelle, Renee, Jenn and , for Fit Five Friday. Join us!
The scrunchies never held my hair very well…I have a lot of hair (that takes forever to blowdry), but it’s very fine and kind of wimpy. The question of the day…did you also wear the scrunchies on your wrist? I’m keeping my fingers crossed my marathon holds (Sept. 18th) with the resurgence of some of the Covid crap.
I’ve also been wondering about fall racing with Covid numbers rising everywhere. Interesting that there’s been nothing scheduled in the Chicago area.
I runfess that I would have dragged my feet on the endodontist appointment too especially without insurance – that could get pricey fast! Hope your tooth pain stays away!
I’m surprised you still could lay your hands on a scrunchie . . .although I hairfess I may still have a few around — although I haven’t used them so it’s probably time to jettison them.
We got a real ID not long before the Pandemic hit. Yeah, how’s that working for us? Now Mr. Judy doesn’t want to fly out to visit his mom (again).
Glad to hear the tooth pain is gone! I have so many appts I still need to make. I tend to procrastinate on that stuff in normal times!
I runfess I wear scrunchies everyday and are always on my wrist. I didn’t know they weren’t a thing.
Hope your tooth pain doesn’t return.
Races are back in Albany. Not all but enough to keep me satisfied
LOL, my hair is too short for a scrunchie. I have so many health appointments I need to make. Funny how I only remember to call to schedule more PT appointments and massages ….
Ugh on the big shadow hanging over fall races. Mine aren’t until November, so hopefully we will get our sh*t together by then.
I love scrunchies! I was so happy when they started to make a comeback. I wear them all the time around the house and for ST but have not tried for a run. There is a part of me that fears fall races will get canceled again since DC just reinstated the mask mandate. sigh
I actually received some wrist scrunchies a few years ago that have little pockets in them–I think I may have shared them on the blog. Maybe scrunchies will make a comeback?
It is strange about the Chicago races–but I’m thinking that the lack of races is due to logistics in the city more than anything. Of course, now with the surge in COVID, I wonder if the races that are scheduled will be canceled?
Ha ha, I’m laughing at Darlene’s comment about scrunchies- “I didn’t know they weren’t a thing.” I wear them too! Maybe this blog post will be the beginning of the scrunchie comeback!
Florida seems pretty determined to keep things open, regardless of what Covid is doing. But it’s definitely out there and contagious (as my family knows ALL TOO WELL!)
I’m glad your tooth feels better, but I would urge you to go ahead and make that appointment. Once the nerve dies, the pain goes away but the issue is still there. I know from experience that if you need a root canal, it won’t just go away. Sorry to be a negative voice here, but I don’t want you to have even worse problems down the line.
Scrunchies! I used to wear them ALL the time in the 90s. I runfess that I even wore one on my wedding day – in white to match the wedding dress. So embarrassing…..
Now, I only wear the boring black hairbands. I would love to see a scrunchie-comeback!
I just got a “sleek” scrunchie. Kind of a mini one – LOL
I’m getting nervous about my fall races. Hopefully Delta will burn out some here like in the UK (she says hopefully!)
Like Darlene, I didn’t know scrunchies were ever out. My usual experience with all things fashion, lol.
With the way things are going now do you think the Chicago Marathon will actually happen? I honestly do not understand how virtual races are still happening.