It’s a new month and and it’s time to sit down with Deborah, Coco and you for some catch-up time over your favorite brew. I’ve got my Japan Starbucks mug out in honor of the Olympics coming up in Tokyo.
Over coffee I’d tell you that birthday season is in full-swing here. Thing 1 turned 20 last week and the Caveman’s birthday is this weekend. Thing 2 turns 16 later this month and we’ll gather with extended family for a “July Birthday” celebration for a total of 6 family members.
Over coffee I’d tell you I ordered an infared sauna as a combo Father’s Day/Birthday gift for the Caveman. It won’t be delivered until August but I’m pretty pumped.
Over coffee I’d ask you if you’ve got any travel planned. I’d tell you we started planning a vacation. We planned to spend the winter holidays in Australia and New Zealand, alas at the moment Australia is closed to overseas visitors. Sigh. All plans are in a holding pattern.
Over coffee I’d tell you I’m still going through DMV he!!. After showing up to one DMV to learn it was by appointment only and there were NO appointments available, I took Wendy’s advice and went to another one that did not require appointments. We went late in the day, in hopes the line would be dwindling. Nope, it still wrapped around the building. Since then I did manage to make an appointment at the first facility, so it looks like, fingers crossed, I’ll be able to renew my license. Also since then, our Secretary of State extended license expirations until January 1, 2022, so I would’ve had lots more time. Oh well, better to just get it done already. Ugh.
Over coffee I’d ask what you’re reading. I’d tell you that in honor of a neighbor’s birthday, her family installed TWO Little Free Libraries in our neighborhood. Is this the universe’s way of telling me to start reading more? Yes, it is.
The illustrious vintage Lulu skirt. I wore it over capris, because I couldn’t make up my mind.
I told you in my Runfessions that Thing 1 is selling some of my old running stuff on the Mercari app. I gave her a couple of Lululemon skirts I no longer wear. One of them is actually the Lulu skirt that I ran one of my Boston Marathons in. Before I proceed, know that my kids give me crap all the time. They’re the first to tell me when I’m dressed like a dork or when something I say makes them throw up in their mouth. All that said, Thing 1 decided not to sell that Lulu skirt. Why? She wants to keep it because her mom ran the Boston Marathon in it. Maybe this dorky mom is not so uncool after all.
What would you tell me over coffee?
I’m also linking up with Darlene, Michelle, Renee, Jenn and Zenaida, for Fit Five Friday. Join us!
Awhhhh, that skirt 😉 It’s nice when the offspring surprise us with sentimental moments. We have a busy birthday month, as well…the two older kids have theirs, and my late FIL’s was on the 30th. I hope things settle down so your winter travel plans are able to happen.
I love your story about your daughter keep your Boston skirt! How sweet. Clearly you’re a cool mom after all (which we all know).
Sorry about the Christmas plans, but it’s still a long way off so fingers crossed. We need to fly to see the MIL, and still don’t want to, but . . . .
I can renew my license online (and it’s not due to my feb birthday in 2022), but I have to submit a certified eye exam, and I need to do that anyway. Yet I’ve been procrastinating on almost all medical appointments. DMV is rarely fun. Good luck!
Travel is still such a cluster. I am going back to see Holly in August, but I have booked to a different airport. Fingers crossed that goes better than my last adventure.
Well, I am so sorry about the DMV!!! When I went, it was winter–maybe all these people are fair-weather drivers too? Maybe try going on a rainy day? Mike still needs to renew his license. Even though they extended the deadline, I think it’s still going to be crowded.
Your story about the skirt gave me the feels. That’s how you know that you did a good job raising your girls…
I so love that your daughter is keeping your skirt!
Travel still seems to be a bit hit and miss, with a heavy emphasis on miss. It’s one of the reasons we decided to keep our getaway within driving distance. Hopefully, things will improve as we get into the fall.
Enjoy all of your birthday celebrations!
Aw, how sweet that your daughter thinks your skirt should be saved! Tell me more about this UV sauna!
We’re starting to think about a vacation next summer, but things still seem uncertain to me. Australia and NZ have been really strict with lock downs.
The DMV process can be so frustrating! I got my license renewed in November. It was annoying but they had very limited appointments so I got in pretty quickly. Although I was missing a document, so I had to go to Staples to print it and then go back. No travel plans for us at this point. Traveling with a toddler is stressful enough, plus if we travel we need to either quarantine or get him tested before he can go back to school.
That’s so cute about the skirt. I sold 12 skirts. Each one had a story. I didn’t sell the one I wore for my NYC marathon.
Sorry about the vacation. Big am I glad we did that Bermuda trip.
I was able to renew things online. Luckily.
We’re traveling to Austin TX next week! I can’t even remember the last time I was on a plane. Very exciting. For your Australia plans… who knows??? After the last year and a half, I’ve learned that anything can happen. I would be hopeful that things are moving in the right direction and you can go… but nothing is for sure anymore.
Love the story about the skirt. After all the crap they give us, it’s nice to have a moment like that!
Also love the fact that you’re getting into the spirit of the Olympics with your coffee mug!
Really hope your holiday plans work out. I lived for 3 years in New Zealand (as a kid) where my dad was studying and my husband went to university in Australia for 5 years where I was lucky to visit. So it’s a very special part of the world for me! Maybe one day we will go back and take the kids!
I absolutely love that Japanese coffee mug!
Happy Birthday to all the family celebrating!
I still need to get my REAL ID too.
You’ve been to australia before, right? If not, when you’re able to go (you will one day), happy to connect you with folks and share my favorite things.
I’m reading Karen Cox’s new book on Confederate momuments, which is heartbreaking but good. We have 3 LFLs in my morning walk route and I love it. Helping me purge the books for sure
Ugh – that DMV saga is so frustrating! The DMV was already annoying but add in limited appointments and it’s just craziness.
Awwe, that’s such a sweet story about your daughter and the skirt 🙂
we were also looking at Australia for next summer but who knows if that will be a viable option or not. Definitely frustrating! We also need to go to the DMV and also need appointments. Sigh. Thanks for catching up over coffee
You are not uncool at all! I love that your daughter wanted to keep it.
We are keeping our travel closer to home for the summer. Part of it is just caution, while the other part is the puppy. She’s a handful still and I get nervous.
We MIGHT go to italy next summer. But A might also have his 8th grade DC trip. And he’s got a lot of campouts and trainings he wants to do for Scouts. So we shall see.
Happy birthday month to everyone! :] I was supposed to be born in early July but was apparently too excited to start life, so I came super early, haha.
So sorry to hear about DMV woes–it’s so frustrating dealing with them. :[
That’s super sweet about your daughter keeping that skirt! :]
I’m so glad you still have that skirt :). What special memories with my special friend!