Another week, another weekly rundown. I am doing my best to savor each day as our summer slips away. This week the later sunrise was evident, even though many of our mornings were super overcast. Here’s how my workouts went:
Monday: Walk 4 miles, otherwise rest
Tuesday: Walk 3 miles, Trail Run 3 miles, Strength Circuit
Wednesday: Walk 4 miles, Run 3 miles + Glute Activation
Thursday: Walk 4 miles, Bike Tabata Intervals, Strength + Core
Friday: Walk 4 miles, Trail Run 5 miles
Saturday: Walk 4 miles, otherwise rest
Sunday: Walk 4 miles, run of some sort
Although I’ve got a ways to go before I’m anywhere near ready for Hood to Coast, running continues to feel good, despite our challenging (hot/humid) weather. My Garmin continues to whisper sweet things and increased my VO2max another point for a total of 3. Thank you baby Jesus! One of our relay team members pulled out due to injury so we are looking for a runner to join us. Anyone?
I’m finding the trails irresistible. I suppose I really should run on pavement once in awhile, for the relay’s sake.
It was quiet around here this week. Thing 1 was in Atlanta and the Caveman was away on business. Summer school is over. It was nice to spend quality time with Thing 2. We watched WandaVision (her pick) which I enjoyed. She already got a peek at her school schedule for the fall term and heads back in less than a month. The school supply section at Target is already open, in case you were wondering. Even worse? They put up the signage for the seasonal HALLOWEEN STORE at a local shopping center. Jump the gun much? Ugh.
New On YouTube
Glute Activation Exercises for Runners. In my experience as a runner and as a running coach, weak, inflexible hips and glutes seem to be the source of most running injuries. The glutes are a very powerful muscle, however they get lazy when we don’t know how to engage them and other muscles step in to compensate, setting up the perfect scenario for injury. Do this quick sequence BEFORE you run to teach your glutes how to fire and you’ll run with more power.
I’ll leave you with this sunset pic from our deck. Note the goslings and their parents in the foreground. The goslings are so big now they’re barely discernable from their parents. Sadly they seem to be a party of 6 now. They used to be a party of 7.
How was your week? Do you feel like summer is slipping away?
I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Join us!
I don’t feel like summer is slipping away but I do feel that I’m missing out this year. I got a lot in before I broke my leg and I am grateful for that. Speaking of gratitude…thank you so much for lunch and the flowers. It was wonderful to catch up! Nice to know that we can just pick up where we left off. <#
A solid week with no rest! I like that trail where you look very fast.
Here the later sunrise is evident too but the heat is terrible: to survive I had to change my schedule.
Have a good running week!
Wow that is an awesome view from your deck.
I do enjoy the trails too but mostly for walking. Ours are sooo muddy now.
It does feel like summer is moving by too quickly. Trying to enjoy it despite the soupy conditions. I will be putting your glute activation video on repeat – so needed!
summer is moving fast but I am excited about finally having races on my fall schedule so I am ok w that. I am at the acceptance phase of running in the summer heat but ready for fall temps. I so wish I could do your hood to coast race. That week is busy for me to go all the way across the country
My running watch has not been very nice lately. Shouldn’t it know I am struggling due to the heat? I can’t believe its already mid-July. Its definitely too early for Halloween stuff!
I feel like summer is slipping away every two days. The weather has been, well, not great. Maybe you heard about the flooding? lots of rain. I had to wear a jacket twice this week. ugh. Glad you are feeling good running wise and getting ready for HtoC. I would LOVE to do that one day – too bad I don’t live in the US and couldn’t possibly travel at this moment, let alone would I be ready for it. But it’s kind of a dream of mine.
I’m going to start running again so will bookmark your video! good reminder of how important it is to activate those glutes BEFORE you go out there!
Yes! My daughter also starts school August 10th. And I’m starting to see school supplies in the stores. I’m not surprised you’re seeing Halloween things- they seem to crop up as soon as July 4th is over (crazy, I know.)
I’ll check out your video- I’ve been doing glute activation before all my runs these days.
We got our Hood to Coast leg assignments and mine are all “easy” or “moderate”- thank goodness, as some of the legs look VERY steep! Are you doing any of those? I ordered a new safety vest with a light on the front and back. Any other tips? People on my team have done it before and said pack each run outfit in its own ziploc bag. So I assume then also bring some dry lounge clothes between runs. I’m excited!
I wish I was healthy enough to join your HTC team. That would be amazing! I’m glad running is going well for you. I’m barely awake enough to notice when the sunrise happens these days. I will be in for a rude awakening when I have to beat rush hour traffic into the office again.
That is too bad about the runner on the team. I would sign up but the timing is not good for me. I have seen the back to school stuff at Target (and have bought a few things), but Halloween is definitely too soon!
Beautiful sunset photo! My V02 ticked up one recently & actually stayed there this week. Totally weird.
Although the calendar is showing Summer moving too fast, I still have not noticed the sunrises/sunsets much affected. I guess since I’m out there early most days, it’s hard to see a substantial change…but I know it’s coming. Bummer summer cannot last a few extra months!
So glad to hear that training is going well!
Halloween signage already? That’s way too soon! My friend read today that Starbucks may release their PSL next month. That just seems so early. I hate when companies rush the seasons/holidays.
Yay on the increased VO2 max! It’s great when the Garmin is kind to you, isn’t it? 😉
Thanks for posting the Glute Activation video. You are so right about the glutes being important for runners. I’ve just done a very hilly trail race and I needed my glutes big time!
I did not know you were running Hood to Coast…I’ve been missing out on a lot of my blogger friends lately!
I have not been to our local Target lately but in the past I’ve always noticed that right after 4th of July, the school supplies come out…Crazy, right! Nothing like hurrying up the year. -M