Last week I made the “big announcement” about running Hood to Coast in August. That was the fun part. The reality is I have to train for it. Starting now. That’s exactly what this week was about. Figuring out how I’m going to get from here…running very low mileage for quite some time…to there, where I’ll need to cover roughly 15 miles, with hills and altitude, over the course of 24 hours or so.
Here’s how my week in workouts went:
Monday: Walk 4 miles, otherwise rest
Tuesday: Walk 4 miles, Track 3 miles, Trail 3 miles
Wednesday: Walk 4 miles, Strength Tabata
Thursday: Walk 4 miles, Bike intervals
Friday: Walk 2 miles, Treadmill 4 miles, Upper Body Strength
Saturday: Walk 4 miles, Bike Intervals, Corework
Sunday: Walk 4 miles, a run of some sort
The week started out cooler and less humid, with lovely overnight temperatures in the 40s. Then the humidity and monsoons came. I managed to get my runs in on a variety of surfaces this week. Track, trail and treadmill for the win!
I almost forgot about my commitment to the Oval Office but I remembered at the last minute and had some decent track time in cool weather.
Because that day was so nice and cool, even at mid-day, and because two of my conference calls were cancelled, I found myself with a pocket of extra time. I did what anyone with a relay coming up would do and headed out for another run. I hit up the trails this time and it was good. Not great, but good enough.
Later in the week I opted for the treadmill because I didn’t feel like playing cat and mouse with the rain. I don’t pay attention to pace but on the mill you kind of have to since you have to pick a speed number. I chose the numbers I always choose but let’s just say those paces felt HARD. Clearly I’ve been lollygagging on the trail. It’s not that I care about pace as much as I needed to specify to my Hood to Coast team how fast I expected to run and, at this time, I’m not running the pace I said. Sigh.
Birthday Week
Thing 1 turned 20 and said goodbye to her teenage years. Seriously it’s been the fastest 20 years ever. We celebrated (who am I kidding, we’ve been celebrating all week) with cake…lots of cake…dinner, and a mother-daughter spa day. Cannot even remember the last time I got a mani/pedi.
New On YouTube
Strength Tabata Workout. As we age, high running mileage and hours in the gym do not serve us the way they used to. This Tabata workout dials up the intensity and helps you build and maintain muscle mass. Give it a try and thanks for subscribing!
We finished Season 4 of The Crown. If how they portrayed Charles and Diana is true, it is very sad. We’re also still loving the Olympic Trials coverage.
My gardenia is blooming. For the third consecutive year. Gardenias are not hardy here so this one requires over-wintering in the garage. Apparently I’m doing something right. Oh the fragrance!
How was your week? Crazy weather? Do you change up your running surfaces? What are you watching?
I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Join us!
Happy birthday to Thing 1! Sounds like a wonderful birthweek of celebrations.
THis weather was bonkers, but I’ll take the cool end forever!
I like to run on trails occasionally, but they’re not super close (nor super far) — still, they get so buggy in Summer I’m not as willing to get up and out early & swat all the bugs. So the short answer is I don’t change up surfaces often enough!
I have no doubt that you’ll hit your paces, Marcia. It’s early days still. Although there is that pesky elevation . . .
Happy birthday to Thing 1!
I always lollygag on the trails, but the agility work and the climbing make up for it. So there’s that. I’m really enjoying mixing it up between trails and roads. I enjoy the trails way more, tho. You’ll do great–you always manage to pull it off. Experience sure pays off, doesn’t it?
Isn’t it fun to hang with our grown-up kids?
Your former teen is beautiful 😉 I’ve never tried my hand with gardenia gardening, but yours looks gorgeous. Nice triple T with all your various running terrain. The treadmill ALWAYS feels so much harder than the great outdoors, at least for me. An “easy” 10:00 pace on the streets feels like I’m sprinting on the treadmill…
Happy birthday to your daughter.
Yes our weather is crazy. Hot cool hot humid. And you never know when it will rain.
I’ve been adding trails one night. Though it is slow going. I was going to the track but it’s not that close so hard to schedule. Thanks for the reminder on different surfaces.
I missed your official announcement last week but I did see on IG about your exciting! I can’t believe your daughter is 20. Happy birthday to her!
A big happy birthday to your daughter!
Your gardenias are lovely. I’ve never tried to grow them…I don’t think they fair too well in the northeast.
Nice job hitting a mix of terrains for your runs! I’m betting that by the time Hood to Coast rolls around you’ll be ready.
Omg your daughter is beautiful and looks so much like you!!! Sounds like a fun birthday week.
You have a ton of running experience and should be fine in nine weeks. But that treadmill reality check is real- I’m sure I would have the same experience if I had to set my treadmill pace now.
Happy Birthday do your daughter – her cake looked delicious!
It looks like you had a great week of training. I agree with you about running certain paces on the treadmill – it always seems harder than running outside.
I am totally out of ideas of things to watch and getting bored with tv again. Hoping some new stuff comes out soon. I am not sure how hard core your HTC team is, all of the Ragnar races we did were pretty laid back about pace. We just ended up finishing right whee we thought we would overall time wise every time. I would not stress too much about it. I’ve always wanted to do that one! The kids definitely grow up too fast!
Happy birthday to your daughter! She seems like a great gal, must have been raised well 🙂
I need to follow your lead on double runs at random times…Hood to Coast- and running during the heat of the day- is going to be a shock to me!
Happy birthday to your daughter! Sounds like great celebrations. I’ve always found treadmill paces harder than outdoor paces, and I can’t blame calibration. I definitely need a longer warm up on the tread. I’m sure you’ll find your conditioning soon.
Happy birthday to your daughter.
I alternate trail and road but not in summer because the trail routes, here, are mainly under the sun.
Treadmill? A nightmare!!!!!! But I worked hard on it when I had to recover after the femur fracture (2007).
… and I like to run under the rain (if it is not a storm).
What a lovely birthday celebration! How exciting!
The Crown is hard to watch. Really hard to watch. While I respect Queen Elizabeth’s dedication and devotion to The Firm and service to crown and country, it’s also sad to see how her family was bulldozed and steamrolled in the efforts to maintain the image. Like they say, heavy is the head that wears the Crown.
Happy Birthday to your daughter! Looks like a fun week of celebrations. Awesome! I am sure you will do great at HTC. Excited to follow along your experience since I don’t think I will ever do one due to school. Right now I am watching on older shower “Shark”. It is only 2 seasons so I should be done with it quickly.
Happy birthday to your daughter! We’ve been eating far too many treats around here for my son’s birthday. So fun that you are doing Hood to Coast. It sounds like a great adventure!