While it is not technically summer yet, school is out, the days are long and the mercury is pushing up on 90 degrees here so I’m just going to proceed as if it is. It’s time once again to sit down and catch with Deborah, Coco and you over a hot or iced brew. I’m going with a cup of Harbor Dog coffee with collagen and a splash of half and half. Harbor Dog is a blend I found at the Green Tree Coffee Roasters during a trip to Maine about 10 years ago. All these years later I still like to order coffee beans from them.
Over coffee I’d tell you that in May, my dad celebrated his birthday in heaven for the first time. It was a weird feeling not having him here but I know he’s finally at peace after being ill for so long.
Over coffee I’d ask you if you’ve ventured out sans mask yet. I’d tell you I recently lost the very first mask I bought from Etsy when the pandemic began. Of course I’ve purchased loads of other masks since them but that one remained my favorite. Is it a sign we won’t be wearing masks much longer? That said, most of the employees at my local grocery store DO NOT wear masks, nor do many of the shoppers. It seems weird but those are the guidelines after all.
Over coffee I’d tell you the goslings in our yard are growing up so fast. I kind of love that when I come out to get on the trails they don’t even hurry into the water anymore. I guess they know I’m not a threat.
Over coffee I’d tell you I actually did order a new handheld water bottle. Sadly it is backordered until June 16, so guess who’s still using her old gross one?
Over coffee I’d tell you I am procrastinating my driver’s license renewal. My license expired last December but we got an extension thanks to COVID. That said I’ve got to get my rear in gear because time is running out.
What would you tell me over coffee?
I’m also linking up with Darlene, Michelle, Renee, Jenn and Zenaida, for Fit Five Friday. Join us!
We don’t have license renewals over here – once you pass your test, that’s it. But over coffee, I would tell you that I haven’t sat behind a steering wheel in YEARS.
We don’t have a car and if we rent over our local car-sharing program, usually Kai drives.
I think I will need to take driving lessons again…crazy, I know!
I’m still wearing my mask to the grocery store and of course, at work. I’m just not comfortable going maskless in the stores. People, ewww. It’s been nice not being sick this year, hasn’t it? Maybe we can meet up for coffee IRL soon. I miss seeing you.
Go to the Des Plaines DMV in the late afternoon–that’s what I did and I was in and out in 45 minutes. Mike has to renew his as well.
While the mandates have been lifted there’s still a lot of mask-wearing in the stores – especially the grocery stores – and I’m still good with that. I’m still finding it a bit jarring to see people without masks.
Good luck with the license renewal – our RMV has been a cluster ever since the shutdown last year. Getting appointments for things has been nuts! I got lucky because I could renew online this year.
I renewed mine online. My pic is like 30 years old.
I never bought a mask. Only used the deposable free ones.
No masks required. But I had to wear one at the hair and nail salons.
I think I’ll still wear a mask to public places — like the grocery store. I still have to wear one at PT, which is the only other “public” place I’m going. Do you still have to get appointments for the DMV?
I was surprised by how maskless people were in Chicago! We are a little slower to unmask around here but it’s coming slowly. I do need to go to the DMV this summer as well for all of us. It really is difficult to have the birthdays pop up of those we have recently lost. My sister’s birthday is always mother’s day weekend and after 3 years it is still so hard. I hope it gets easier for both of us.
Most of Botswana’s population hasn’t been vaccinated yet (anxiously waiting for vaccines) so we’re still required to wear masks. But I suspect even when were are told it is not necessary, I will struggle to let mine go. We’ve been wearing them since March/April 2020, not wearing one will feel soooo strange. I think I’d feel vulnerable for some time.
As much as I’m over wearing a mask everywhere I think it would feel weird to not wear one in the stores. I’ve also lost 2 of my favorite masks, I’m sure they’re in a jacket pocket somewhere but I haven’t searched yet.
Sorry about your Dad. I still miss my Mom and the things she’s missing out on. 🙁
The summer temps are coming in HOT for us this weekend. I think it’s going to be around 90 – definitely time for the AC to come on, lol.
When I run outside, I still have my Buff but just pull it up whenever I pass anyone. Although not required for vaccinated people here, I still wear my mask indoors. It seems like that is the norm for now until people start to feel more comfortable.
Yes, I think losing your mask was a sign! It’s the beginning of the end, and it feels so good.
The first year after a loved one dies is hard- you have to go through each holiday and occasion without them for the first time. It gets easier, but of course you’ll always think of him.
Funny thing, my driver’s license has the BEST PICTURE OF ME that’s ever been taken, in my life. No idea how that happened! Every time I have to renew it I’m afraid they’ll tell me I need a new picture, but so far I’ve been able to keep it. Eventually someone is going to say “Ma’am, this picture looks nothing like you!”- that will be a sad day.
Hugs on your Dad’s birthday. It can be tricky to navigate. My mom has been having some health issues, and I personally think it’s a matter of sooner rather than later (not that it’s imminent) but who knows. I think in the next couple of years, maybe even less. 🙁
I shop at the smaller stores, and so far everyone is masked (even though that’s no longer the mandate). Even so, I’m usually in and out pretty darn quickly.
Aww, you’re an honorary goose apparently!
I was just swapping out the laundry, and noticed so many of my masks hanging over the door knob…it was a weird feeling to think I may never have to touch them again. Your water bottle story reminds I should get a new “real” bottle for my bike. I keep re-using Propel bottles (that I wash and refill, repeatedly LOL) because they fit perfect and the flip-top caps are just so convenient.
So sorry to read about your dad, Marcia. It is strange not having your parents here with you to celebrate birthdays.
Bill and I have begun going out without masks. It feels weird, like I am ready to run back to the car and get one. We have started grocery shopping without masks and have even gone out to dinner a few times without them. We are fully vaccinated. We feel naked, but it is a good feeling.
I hate going to the DMV, so I totally understand procrastinating on that, haha. I hope you have a hassle-less trip (or that you can renew online(?)!
I still wear my mask but if I’m not around anyone and/or hiking where there aren’t many people, I go without it!
I still carry a spare mask with me, but everything is open and masks are not really required anywhere. It’s weird and a little scary.
It feels like summer here, even though it isn’t technically so.
Maine coffee in an NJ cup. I’m reporting you to the coffee police
HUGS on your dad’s birthday
I’m team summer starts June 1, although maybe if I didn’t the weather would chill. Need to get the fancy new driver’s license, but it’s so much paper work. Ugh.
I cannot believe it’s been a year since your dad passed away. Hugs to you. How long is your extension for your driver’s license? I have heard that the line to wait is long since they have closed many locations.