June may very well be the most glorious time of the year here. The days are long, the sun feels amazing and all the flowers are blooming. Let’s enjoy it before it slips away. Let’s also open up the Runfessional before July shows up.
Typically I say it’s officially summer when two things happen: I see a snake and I inhale a bug while out on a run. While neither of those things happened yet this year, I runfess a certain incident occurred recently that I think I’m going to add to the criteria. While out running clad in shorts and a tank, a certain flying insect…looked like a flying ant??…ended up down my shirt and let’s just say it bit?? stung?? me between the girls. Not my idea of fun.
Thing 1 has been using an app call Mercari to sell her no-longer-wanted clothes and accessories. I runfess I gave her some of my stuff to sell. The Athleta and Lululemon things went quickly, while the Nike item remains unsold. I’m contemplating selling my RunningSkirts, but Thing 1 insists nobody would want them.
I finally got myself a new handheld water bottle. I ended up with an insulated one from Camelbak. It was backordered a crazy amount of time but I runfess it was worth the wait. It felt so good to finally get rid of my old, gross one.
The community garden of years past.
This was supposed to be the second year I decided NOT to plant anything in our community garden. With work going the way it is, planting around the house and my veggie containers on the deck are more than enough for me. Then our community manager stopped me when I was out with the dog and told me he RESERVED a spot in the garden for me. I runfess he caught me like a doe in the headlights so I told him I’d plant cucumbers. I runfess weeks have passed and I’ve planted NOTHING.
Ok your turn: What have you to runfess? Ever got bitten/stung by something on the run? Any success selling your used running gear?
’m also linking up with Darlene, Michelle, Renee, Jenn and Zenaida, for Fit Five Friday. Join us!
I runfess that I have yet to see a snake and I am shocked! The greenery is so lush on the trails. So either there are no snakes or I’m missing them. I hope it’s the former….
I may have to try Mercari to sell my gear if ebay doesn’t bring it.
I have an unopened package of cucumber seeds LOL It’s probably too late (?), but I’m tempted to see just what would/could happen. Ouch, that bite/sting sounds rather painful! Knock wood, nothing has made it into my mouth, but I have been pelted (in that vicinity) more than I can count while riding…
Oh, I would buy your RunningSkirts!
We don’t have them in Switzerland – anything to do with skirts is mostly tennis-related. Interesting that Thing 1 doesn’t think they will sell. Looks like they’re going out of fashion!
I have never seen a snake around here when I run through the country.
I planted sunflowers in my garden a bit late, but I hope to see them very soon high and …. beautiful!
I’ve already swallowed a few bugs this year. Luckily I haven’t been stung by anything! I’ve never tried selling my old running gear- I just donate it since its usually not in very good shape by the time I’m getting rid of it.
I should check out merceri. I have so many items to get rid of.
I sold 12 Skirtsports skirts in 5 minutes on FB. I gave away my runningskirts but I know runners who like them.
I saw a snake on an island in Lake George. Officially summer for me. It quickly saw me and went in the water.
I only planted some tomatoes this year.
Funny now that I think about it I think I have 1 or 2 old RunningSkirts in the closet somewhere. Now you’ve got me thinking I need to check out Meceri…
Every year I say I’m going to get a plot in the community garden but it never happens. I’m attempting tomatoes in a container on the deck – that may be all I can handle LOL
Yikes on the bug bite. I hope it wasn’t itchy …. LOL on the garden plot. I’m even getting tired of caring for my Aerogarden and that’s ridiculous! I’ve joined a SportsSkirts buy/sell page, but I’m just stalking for their shorts.
Bummed that work kept me from runfessing. I may sneak in a few in my weekly wrap.
I have sold a ton of stuff onPoshmark -athletic clothes do sell fast. I have not heard of Mercari but I will check it out. I did see a snake and those cicadas must have counted! Officially summer 🙂 Have a good weekend
I have to laugh at the thought of you panicking and agreeing to plant cucumbers. At least if your spot remains empty, he probably won’t reserve one for you next year!
I have to check out Mercari- i’ve heard of it but never tried buying or selling.
OMG – I forgot a runfession in my post. Your bug post reminded me. I have been bit and inhaled bugs. Here’s a new one for me. I was running on the Lakefront Trail by Diversey Harbor a few weeks ago and got pecked by a red winged black bird! Apparently, they’re defending their nests. One dive bombed me and beaked the back of my head. It hurt and was a freaky experience. I stopped and he circled and went away. Apparently this is a big problem on the path and at the zoo this year!
That’s interesting about Mercari – i will have to check out the app. I usually use eBay but they keep increasing their fees so it’s starting to deter me from using them to sell unwanted items.
It’s funny how Mr. Judy, who eats very few veggies, has been the one to start the garden (I often take over the care at some point).
Ouch, Marcia! I once got stung by a bee in the bathroom on my booty. It was NOT fun! Many, many years ago, thankfully.
I saw a snake on the trails a long time ago, before it was summer . . .
I have an insulated Camelbak. I no longer run with it, but I still use it all the time.
THAT is not fun! I once got stung/bitten by something during a race. But it was on my arm. Very irritating but I think a lot easier to handle than had it been between the girls!
From a gardener, I can relate to the saying you will plant something in a panic and then not doing it. LOL. In my mind, if I haven’t planted anything by now, chances are I won’t for the rest of the season. 🙂
I think i have a couple of RunningSkirts too. I need to check out the app too since I have other items to sell as well. Ouch on that insect! Nothing like that for me but I have had mosquitos go inside my mouth and sometimes my eyes. Not fun either.
We have yellow flies, and they will chase you down and sting you badly. They are mean, love the color blue and come out at dusk. No, thank you!
I wish we had a community garden. I wouldn’t know the first thing about planting it, but I would love to help.
I’ve eaten a few bugs already this year. Luckily nothing worst than mosquito for stings so far.
I find running skirts sell well on poshmark or if they’re a certain brand, the resale site. I’ve sold two in the last month or so. Not a lot of money, but a few bucks and space in my closet.