Oh May, you were a quick one. So much going on I could barely come up for air. Such exciting weather too. It’s 90. It’s 40. It’s 80. It’s 35. Frost. Gale force winds. Sideways rain. We got it all. Before I get to the rest of the week, here’s how my workouts went.
Monday: Walk 4 miles, Trail run 3 miles
Tuesday: Walk 4 miles, Strength Circuit
Wednesday: Walk 4 miles, can’t remember what else
Thursday: Walk 2 miles, 30 minutes bike intervals, Arms & Core work
Friday: Walk 1 mile, otherwise rest
Saturday: Walk 4 miles, Trail run 4 miles
Sunday: Walk 4 miles, Heavy Strength
Work was off the leash this week. It basically consumed me. My work/life balance has been way out of kilter the past few weeks and I runfess I pretty much phoned in my workouts. I am grateful that fitness is mostly hard-wired into me by now so I’m still able to get a little something in.
I made the most of Monday by hitting the trails, although it was already quite toasty out. No worries though. Mom Nature turned down the thermostat by about 40 degrees that night.
By the weekend I was back to cold-weather gear and had to turn the heat on in the house. C’est la vie. The trails were gorgeous though, despite it being a whole 37 degrees.
ZOOMA Summer Challenge. We’ll get underway in just one week. This challenge will have running/fitness aspects as always, but we’ll also explore the mind-body connection and take a deep dive into motivation, time management, goal setting and understanding how self-limiting beliefs hold us back. Join us here but hurry because this one is just about sold out.
In Other News
This week three nieces and one nephew graduated from middle school/high school. Time flies.
I had my sister over on Saturday. She had a nasty bike crash on a local trail earlier in the week, which yielded a broken toe, bruised ribs, a concussion and all kinds of cuts and scrapes. It could’ve been worse though. Sigh. We threw salmon on the grill and I made some Mexican street corn that was SO good. Sadly I failed to take a pic of it. I will most definitely be making it again.
New On YouTube
Full-Body Strength Circuit. Maybe because I’ve been so pressed for time lately, this weeks YouTube workout covers all the bases in a short amount of time. Who’s got hours for the gym? Not I. Give it a try and thanks, as always, for subscribing.
The Friends Reunion. I expected a reunion drama showing what the characters in the show are doing in the show vs real life. It was more of an in-real-life talk show format where they sat around and reminisced. Still worth watching I guess.
The Crown. I started watching this a billion years ago but stopped. We picked it up again and are on season 3. Looking forward to when Diana comes into the picture.
How was your week? Any Memorial Day plans? Weather whiplash?
I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Join us!
Definitely experiencing weather whiplash, but not quite as extreme as you. Yikes on your sister’s bike crash. I’m glad she’s (mostly) OK. I wasn’t a diehard Friends fan, so I think I’ll skip the reunion. I need to get started on the new season of Handmaid’s Tale.
Your sister’s bike crash sounds terrible- a concussion??? I’m glad she’s okay!
I was just listening to a podcast where they were talking about the “myth” of balance. More like you focus on one thing more, then shift to a different thing- but you can’t do everything intensely all at once. Hopefully your balance will shift soon. In the meantime you’re still managing to get in your workouts, which is great. Having the blog can be good accountability- sometimes if I don’t feel like doing something (like strength training) I think about how I’ll feel writing “I skipped it.” Better to just get it done!
Sorry about your sister’s accident- I’m glad she’s ok! Our weather has been all over the place too. This month did go by quickly. I’m thinking about watching the Friends reunion but I just don’t know if I’ll find it all that entertaining!
The weather went from 85 to 45 here as well! Craziness.
I loved the Crown! I’ve been rewatching it as my good friend just started and I realized how much I already forgot!
Congrats to all the family on graduations! My niece graduated from high school but we could only ‘attend’ by watching on youtube. She’s having a family party this summer though!
Weather whiplash for sure. Glad your sister wasn’t seriously hurt.
We watched Blue Miracle on Netflix yesterday — no surprises, but sometimes it’s nice to watch an uplifting movie with no one cursing every other word. Yes, on Netflix!
Otherwise pretty quiet.
Oh yes on the weather whiplash – I feel like we had all 4 seasons this week (minus the snow)!
So sorry about your sister’s bike crash – I’m glad she’s ok.
We finally got around to watching Ted Lasso and loved it. My husband is trying to convince me to dive into Game of Thrones but I’m on the fence.
Crazy weather for sure and I see that summer is coming back this week. Thank goodness! So sorry about your sister. Glad she’s ok. i took a tumble on the trails today, but fortunately no serious injuries except for my hands and my pride!
We watched the Friends reunion, which I thought was pretty good. We tried the Crown but the part about Diana made me so sad that I couldn’t continue watching.
Glad your sister is relatively OK. Sounds frightening.
I need to watch the FRIENDS reunion. I just want to the “Experience” here and it piqued my curiosity
Hope work gets saner sooner
Yes. crazy weather. summer one day and a few days later, it feels like winter.
Of course, I plan to watch the Friends reunion, I was hoping the same as you.
Weekend plans were a race and a day on the boat…Race – wet and cold. No boat!!
Yikes hope your sister is ok! I was a diehard Friends fan and it is fun to see them all together again. I have watched half of it so far. Drinking at dinner is not as easy as it used to be! Hope to see you next time I come to Chicago
Yes, the weather has been bi-polar in Iowa as well. Thankfully, no snow (I’m taking a big risk actually typing that LOL). I totally missed the Friends craze back in the day (I blame three little kids occupying my limited free time), but have finally been watching the reruns on Nick at Night. OMG…totally funny! I don’t feel like I’d benefit from the reunion show ((yet)) until I have a lot more episodes under my belt. Sorry to hear about your sister; hope she’s feeling better soon <3
I had the same thoughts about the Friends reunion show too! What really baffled me is that when they asked the cast what they thought their character would be doing now current day, did Rachel and Ross totally forget they had a daughter, Emma???? I was hoping they would mention her.
So sorry about your sister’s crash. That sounds scary.
Hopefully all your crazy busy stuff is behind you and you can start relaxing for this official (unofficial) first day of summer! -M
Sorry to hear about your sister. Glad she is OK. Yum on the Mexican street corn. 🙂 I don’t know how to watch the Friends Reunion. I believe it is only on HBO Max and I am not a subscriber. Hopefully it will be available on Netflix or Hulu. It is supposed to warm up again.
I hope your sister feels better soon, that sounds like quite the fall.
Congrats on your nieces and nephew’s graduation!
For Memorial Day we had a low-key family bbq, with hot dogs, sides and ice cream. The weather wasn’t too good to do anything else. The day before we were able to go to South Haven, MI, when the weather was still nice.
I love Mexican Street Corn. So good.
It’s pretty much just hot now. Sigh.
I’m glad your sister will be ok. That sounds so scary.
We are looking forward to some fun this summer. That’s what keeps us hanging on.
weather whiplash – yes! The Zooma challenge sounds really great actually, especially with a mind-body connection theme. So sorry to hear about your sister, Marcia. Hope she heals quickly.
We watched the Friends Reunion, my husband got pretty teary over it! We did used to watch it together when we were first going out together. Sorry your sister hurt herself so badly and hope she feels better soon. Do get her to look up advice on deep breathing when you have bad ribs – not for me to advise but our NHS told me to take a deep breath or two every hour with my bruised/cracked ones to prevent chest infections.