It’s been a week. I did not run. Not one single time. It was one of those weeks where things weren’t quite right from the outset. We managed to get all of our walks in and I did workout a tad before everything went to hell in a handbasket. Before I get to the dirty details, here’s how my few workouts went:
Monday: Walk 4 miles, otherwise rest
Tuesday: Walk 4 miles, 30 minutes Bike Intervals
Wednesday: Walk 4 miles, Upper body strength
Thursday: Walk 4 miles, Strength & Balance Workout
Friday: Walk 4 miles, otherwise rest
Saturday: Walk 4 miles, otherwise rest
Sunday: Walk 4 miles, otherwise rest
We had some frosty mornings in the 20s. Hopefully we won’t see those again for many months, since May 15 is officially the last frost date for the area. Enough already.
Soon after returning from Atlanta, I noticed some tooth pain brewing. Since Thing 2 had a dentist appointment on Tuesday, I figured I’d mention it then, and I did. What I did not expect though is that they wouldn’t be able to get me in to look at it until Friday. In the meantime the pain grew and grew. When the dentist finally saw me on Friday, it was just for an xray, so there was zero pain relief. An infection was confirmed in a tooth that had a root canal many years ago. I was given an antibiotic and referred to an endodontist. Here’s the rub: Both endodontist offices my dentist referred me to were closed on Friday so I could not be seen, nor could I make an appointment. I am not a happy camper to say the least.
I lost a longtime friend this week. I’d known Steve since first or second grade. I remember him in his Cub Scout uniform. His mom was the den mother and was always volunteering at school. He married his high school sweetheart and was a sports television producer. Long story short, a week ago he had a heart attack and never woke up. He died in hospice care at age 58. It hits close to home because you probably know by now that heart disease is rampant in my family and it’s the very reason I started running. I’ll keep running.
Shifting Gears…
On Saturday Thing 2 got her first dose of the Pfizer vaccine at the county fairgrounds. We are officially on our way to being a fully vaccinated family. Yasss!
Thing 1’s graduation back in 2019, at what is now the Now Arena. No social distancing there.
Our high school changed their original plan of dividing up the graduating class for two outdoor commencement ceremonies and announced they were able to have all 1100 graduates together like they usually do, at the Now Arena, with families seated in pods limited to 6 people. All this said, I runfess I was a little incredulous when the CDC dropped the mask mandate. Is it just me or did it seem eerily sudden?
The Fitter Stronger Faster Challenge I coach for ZOOMA ended on Saturday. I’m so proud of all the women who consistently showed up, did the work and got great results! Next up is the Summer Challenge starting on June 7. Not only will we work on physical fitness we’ll train for mental fitness as well. It’s going to be a fun one.
New on YouTube
Strength & Balance Workout. Two of the most important aspects of fitness as we age? Strength and Balance. If we don’t maintain and build our muscle mass and train balance, we lose them. This quick workout will help keep you strong and train your balance. Grab some hand weights and join me.
How was your week? Are you surprised the CDC dropped the mask mandate for vaccinated people? When’s the last time you missed an entire week of running?
I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Join us!
I’m so sorry you had such a tough week–as if a toothache isn’t bad enough, losing a friend had to hurt all the much worse.
I’m actually watching Meet the Press as we speak and Chuck Todd hammered the head on the CDC about dropping the mask mandate. She was as slippery as mud. I agree with you on the dramatic shift in policy. Fortunately for me, not much will change. I’ll still mask at work and when I go to the store. I like being healthy. :p
Oh wow, so you’re still in pain, Marcia! So sorry to hear that. I hope you can get it all fixed first thing next week.
That’s scary about your friend Steve. We went to see a cardiologist last month for a checkup. I never thought of doing that until a friend told us how important it is. The doctor was happy to hear that we are runners. Yep, let’s all keep on running!
I am sorry to read that you had such a rough week. It is so hard to lose friends and people our age it really does hit hard. Toothache pain is the worst. I hope you are able to figure it out soon and get some relief. Yay for being a fully vaccinated family as well
Ouch on the tooth. Hope it’s settled soon.
Knock on wood, I run unless I have a broken bone. Broken foot June -July 2013.
Hooray for vaccines. NYS still has a mask mandate.
I’m so sorry that you had a rough week. I hope that you’re able to get a dental appointment for early next week so that you can get some relief with the tooth pain. My condolences on the loss your friend.
I was also very alarmed by the CDC statement about masks. This is definitely going to be a very slippery slope and it will be interesting to see how this goes over the next few weeks. I will continue wearing my mask everywhere even though I’m vaccinated.
Tooth pain is awful. I hope you can get that fixed soon. Endodontists are used to dealing with emergencies so hopefully they can schedule you ASAP. And so sorry about your friend- that’s scary.
Yes, I was surprised about the CDC announcement. Astonished, actually. I know it’s all political but I can’t help it- I’m fully vaccinated and I want to take off my mask. Of course I’ll still be wearing it where required, which probably means work (sigh.)
Congrats on Thing 2’s vaccination! We’re hoping to get my daughter her first shot this week as well.
I’ve missed a lot of running this year, but I keep getting back there. So sorry about the tooth! I remember when my front tooth that’s bonded decided to fall off on July 4th, so I definitely feel for you, Marcia. I hope you get that fixed very soon!
I agree about the mask mandate, and I’ve also read a few things that said yeah, they’re kinda jumping the gun there. Very glad to be vaccinated!
Oh Marcia. I’m so sorry for all the pain (emotional and otherwise) this week. It’s okay to take a week off from running (or any sport) if things are too crazy. As you know, I’ve now had two extended sabbaticals from running (not by choice). Hugs to you…I hope this next week brings much less drama.
I’m so sorry it’s been such a tough week. My condolences on the loss of your friend. Tooth pain is the worse – I hope you can get in to see someone about it soon!
I agree with you about the sudden change in gears on the masks – I feel like this is going to get a lot messier before it gets better.
Great news that your youngest got her first vax!
The nice things about running is that’s it’s always there. And it doesn’t mind you taking a week off when things get rough. I’m sorry to hear about your friend, and I hope you get into the dentist soon.
My thing #1 got his 2nd shot and thing #2 got his first this weekend. Hubs gets #2 this week!
I plan to continue masking when I can’t social distance! I kinda prefer to avoid all colds and diseases now 🙂 It’s been a nice year of never getting sick, ha!
I’m sorry to hear about your week Marcia. Tooth pain is THE worst and not being able to get relief is unbearable. I’m so sorry to hear about your friend as well; 58 is so young. Ugh, thinking of you….yes, keep running and keep that heart healthy!
I’m so sorry about your friend. That is so tragic. I’m also sorry about your tooth! I hope you can get an appointment soon. Dental pain is the worst.
I think the CDC guidance itself makes sense — if we’re all vaccinated, the risk should be really low — the problem is the inability to make sure that only fully vaccinated people operate under it, which of course is NOT happening.
I hope this week is better for you.
What a difficult week. Sending love to you.
yes, I thought the mask mandate drop was very sudden. Even though I’m vaccinated, I’m still very happy to social distance and wear my mask inside.
Tooth pain is the worst. I am so sorry it put a damper on your week. That and losing your longtime friend. I am so sorry. And it really makes you think, doesn’t it? So young.
As for the mask mandate – I don’t get it at all. I know that’s going to happen here (we already don’t have to wear one outside) and I will gladly wear my mask indoors for as long as I like. I don’t give a single frig who has a problem with it. A friend of mine already had some stranger screaming at him from the road as he was coming out of the grocery store. Ugh. So stupid. And you know that people will lie about being vaccinated. It’s been such a shitshow from the start with masks and so many other things.
Really hope your week is improving!
Sorry about the tooth, how stressful. Hope you feel better soon. The Summer Challenge looks great, I had an email about it, but non-US folk can’t participate in that which is understandable, but a shame.
So many emotions here! Tooth pain is not fun and having to wait longer for relief and to be seen sucks too. I am sorry about about your friend. He is young! Congrats on your daughter’s graduation! Exciting moment. My nephew graduates next week too. Ugh, I can’t deal with the mask mandate. Next we’ll hear that there’s been a mistake and to mask up again. 🙁