I swear May flew by in a blink. I say that every month but seriously. I think the nicer the weather gets, the faster time flies. That said, it’s time to open up the runfessional, because who doesn’t love starting a new month with a clean slate?
Many of you asked about my tooth pain and I may or may not have answered you. The antibiotic the dentist prescribed to tide me over until I could get into the endodontist helped a ton. It was so helpful in fact, I found myself totally pain free. Not even the high-impact nature of running has aggravated it. I runfess I never actually made that appointment with the endodontist. In my defense I tried. I called no less than 3 times and each time the office was “closed”. I know I’m going to have to take care of this eventually….I mean soon….maybe…but so far I have not. Ugh.
I got some really kick a$$ trail shoes for Mother’s Day. I love them so much. They’re beautifully cushioned and because the kids got me the wide versions I apparently need for my old-lady hooves, they’re oh so comfy. I runfess, they make me wanna tool around on the trails for miles and miles. Way more than the paltry mileage I’ve been logging lately.
I runfess I’m so sick of those people who DM me on Insta or send me FB friend requests in an attempt to rope me into some multi-level marketing scheme. Maybe they’re advised to do that to be successful, but geez what a nuisance. After I declined her first offer, one woman contacted me AGAIN, apologizing she didn’t have time to “touch base”. Touch base? Really? It was a no then and it’s a no now. Sheesh.
I need a new handheld water bottle something fierce. I runfess I am embarrassed to even tell you how gross the bottle I’m currently using is. Somehow it never makes it into the trash, and since it’s the only handheld I have at the moment, I keep using it. I “should” just head over to Amazon right now and order a new one.
Okay your turn. What have you to runfess? Do you have a handheld water bottle you love?
I’m also linking up with Darlene, Michelle, Renee, Jenn and Zenaida, for Fit Five Friday. Join us!
May was a fast one! I runfess that water bottle sanitation is not my thing. I rinse my FlipBelt bottle out after each use and let it dry but I haven’t given it a proper soap up in quite some time. I keep the bladder of the my hydration pack in the freezer when I’m not using it, but at least that has the blessing of a nurse that I know.
Oh, the DM’s are SOOOO annoying. I never know if I should ignore them or reply with a (polite) “Don’t ever bother me again.” I’m getting oodles of emails, as well. One such gal also told me she was checking back to see if I was “still interested.” That’s after I tried unsubscribing after the first email LOL I totally had forgotten about your tooth…OUCH! Glad it’s under control, for the time-being, at least. Yes, May did fly by!!
Holly and I just had a conversation about the water bottle thing! I’m still using my Tailwind bottle with the bottle band for hydration. I’ve tried everything but I always come back to it. Old habits die hard, I guess K
You’re dealing with dental issues, I’ve got a nagging wrist thing that needs professional attention. But I don’t want to go… waaaaah
I must have missed whatever was going on with your tooth but I started having tooth pain right before the pandemic started and finally got into the dentist last September. I had to go to an endodontist to get a root canal which involved a consult and then the actual appointment. I think After that I had to go back to the dentist 2-3 more times for follow up. It was so annoying! Finally by January it was all done and my tooth pain was gone.
I runfess alot of times I dont reply to DMs from people I don’t know.
Glad the antibiotics took care of the pain!
My water bottles aren’t terrible, but they could use some cleanup.
I really need some new trail shoes, but I think I’m going to order some new road shoes first. It’s never ending, even when you’re not running that much!
May did go by quickly! Oh my, on your tooth pain! I don’t blame you, though, I’d do the same thing. I can’t cast dispersions about gross water bottles — but I hope you’ve ordered a new one by down!
My water bottle has been in my trunk since last summer. Eww.
My hubby did the same. Once the pain left he ignored it. Hope you it is settled before the pain returns.
I love the trails I am tempted to run but usually walk. And never have enough time I do want to stay out there longer.
I’m glad the antibiotics took care of your pain. I would be dragging my feet on making the appointment too – I loathe dealing with any dental-related things.
Don’t even get me started on all of the DMs – some people just don’t take no for an answer. I’ve started blocking people but it doesn’t seem to help.
Sorry about the tooth pain. Toothaches are horrible.
I don’t use a handheld for my water, I prefer a belt. I just washed mine with bleach and apparently didn’t rinse well because then my water tasted like bleach. Oh well, probably better for me than mold. Lol.
glad to hear your tooth pain seems to have subsided for now. Dental issues are no fun! I get those “touch base” messages every day. Yes thanks but no thanks. Does that ever work? I am all about my Orange Mud backpack hydration so comfy. Have fun with your new trail shoes
I think if you’re rinsing your water bottles and letting them dry, you should be fine. If you’re NOT doing that, maybe you should head over to Amazon ASAP!
I don’t blame you for putting off the tooth issue. I would do the same thing- pain is gone, problem solved! I guess it will let you know eventually when you need to do something.
I’m glad your tooth feels better but I’d get that appointment – just in case!
The MLM DMs kill me. For a while I was getting Beach Body ones like every day. Do I look like I need help with my fitness?!
Bummed that you can’t make it in for the run tour this weekend. I’d love to take you and Wendy on one!
I’m a huge fan of the Nathan handhelds. I think we have 3 or 4 here LOL. I used to always use the amphipod ones, but I found that no matter how well I put on the lid, they leaked.
We went right past nice weather to summer here…
Dental issues are the worst, I hope it gets resolved soon and you’re feeling better!
I have this one women who keeps trying to recruit me to her “Team” or whatever it is…I’m kind of curious what it’s all about but I know there’s no way I’d sign up!
1. Love your Youtube workouts.
2. I work in dentistry and trust me when I say keeping calling and get that appointment sooner rather than later otherwise murphy’s law is that it will blow up on a Friday or weekend and you’ll be in serious pain again! 🙂
I’ve been getting a lot of random DMs on Instagram as well. I always wonder how these people find my page, especially since I haven’t posted anything in weeks, lol.
I’m glad that the antibiotics helped with your tooth pain but definitely try to schedule that appointment soon. I speak from experience that although it feels fine, when the pain comes back it can come back with a vengeance!
Good for you for running more trail miles! I am loving the trails this spring too. No new trail shoes, though. Maybe this summer…
I hope by the time you read this, you have ordered a new hand-held! 🙂
you know what Marcia, I hate all things dentistry so I probably wouldn’t have made the appointment either. But yeah I guess you will have to take care of it at some point!!
what kind of shoes did you get??
I am also really sick of the DM’s on instagram and the comments “love your pic! send to @wearescammyaholes to be featured! Every day… block and delete…
I don’t even want to know what my handheld looks like…
I love trails as well. I come back more relaxed and calm after being in nature, somewhere far away from noise, cars etc.
I wonder if there are any glass handheld bottles or for safety reasons they need to be plastic?
I runfess I recently decided to get back into more of an active lifestyle and go out jogging and hiking. I’m still figuring out blogging lol.
I HATE those messages. And I hate when they start with “hey babe!” No, not your babe. Stop it.
I also hate carrying water bottles. So there’s that.
I hope you get your tooth handled. Teeth freak me out. I’m
Coming off a wisdom tooth extraction and while I am so glad it’s finally done (dentists have been advising it for YEARS), it was so hard just dealing with it. I’m bad about that stuff.
DM spam is the worst. And it’s so blatantly shit that I can’t imagine they make any sales. It’s like subway conversions or Mormo door knockers