Oh hello May! It’s so nice to see you. I’m very much looking forward to some consistently warm temperatures. Is that too much to ask? The last week of April was a changeable one here. Weather was up and down as usual. We tied the record high temperature of 87 one day then saw temps crash back down 40+ degrees. Over the weekend we rebounded back to the 80s. Lather, rinse, repeat. Here’s how the week in workouts went:
Monday: Walk 2 miles, otherwise rest, I mean massive weeding session
Tuesday: Walk 4 miles, Trail Run 4 miles
Wednesday: Walk 4 miles, Run 3 miles, HIIT Strength Workout
Thursday: Walk 4 miles, 30 Minute Bike intervals, Arm Sculpt Workout
Friday: Walk 4 miles, 4 miles Trail Run, Weeding session
Saturday: Walk 4 miles, Heavy Strength
Sunday: Walk 4 miles, otherwise rest
My running remains on autopilot. The trails are increasingly green and the air is fragrant with many things blossoming right now. The geese stopped by with their brand new yellow goslings. It’s so funny how Ozzy will chase the geese but when they have their young in tow he knows to steer clear.
This pic from the London Marathon two years ago popped up on my memories. That moment in the race, at about the halfway point where seemingly out of nowhere the Tower Bridge appears, and just like that we are traversing it. It was one of the running highlights of my life. One I waited a long time for and wasn’t entirely sure I’d ever get.
It’s been almost a year since this fiasco
Cinco de Mayo
Besides being yet another great day to enjoy some Mexican cuisine, May 5 here will always be the date the Caveman ruptured his triceps. I was actually making tacos when I heard the groans and falling weight bar emanating from the pain cave. Covid was fairly new then and it was so weird to drop him off at the hospital and go home while he had surgery. A year later, it’s easy to forget he ever sustained such an injury. He still works out religiously, although I’m sure he no longer lifts anywhere near as much weight as he used to. It’s still plenty though, trust me on that.
Find some of my favorite Cinco de Mayo recipes here
Fish Tacos
Tex-Mex Quinoa & Egg Power Bowl
Mexican Hot Chocolate Protein Bites
Grilled Chicken Quesadillas
New On YouTube
Low-Impact HIIT Workout. Be sure to check out my latest workout over on YouTube and thank you for subscribing. We’re working the entire body HIIT style. It’s a nice change-up from running!
How was your week? Any goals for May? How will you celebrate Cinco de Mayo?
I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Join us!
A year already? Glad he’s moved past that. The PT at CrossFit ruptured her biceps this week. She PR’d her deadlift but it wasn’t that–it happened when she was taking the plates off the bar. We’re all so fragile, aren’t we?
Have a great week!
wow a year already!? That is crazy. Is he all healed up? While the weather swings were weird here too, I am not really ready for the crazy humidity yet! Have a great week and an uneventful cinco de Mayo this year 🙂
Can’t believe that was a year ago! Glad he’s doing well now. We had up and down weather last week too. I’m ready for it to be consistently warmer now! (Not too hot yet though, haha)
I know how much you wanted to run London. Amazing it was two years ago already! I’m so glad you got your 6 star before all the corona crap started.
It was a weird week with the holiday on Tuesday, but I walked a lot in any case! I would love to have a good steady schedule but it seems like there is always something…
Amazingly, Iowa stayed pretty warm (though the wind was a bit chilly on Wednesday morning at 5:00AM). But, daily wind. Not just a gentle breeze kind of wind, but crazy steady (unrelenting) wind. We usually have wind, but it’s been pretty extreme the past few months. I’m just we’re seeing more sunshine. Wow, I’d forgotten about the hubby’s injury! May 4th is my dad’s b-day, so early May has always been a celebratory time in our family 😉 Salud!
The weather here has been a little crazy – we had a few wind advisories but luckily not too much rain like the previous week. I’m just waiting for Mother Nature to get it together and get some more consistency with the weather, lol.
Wow! I can’t believe it’s been a year since your husband’s injury. I’m glad that he was able to recover fully and get back to his workouts.
Wow, that’s a great picture from London! i was just reading something about how when Facebook shows you random memories from seven years ago (or whatever) there’s some kind of algorithm that filters out things like people lying in a hospital bed. So your husband’s injury shouldn’t be popping up on Facebook for you (although I’d be curious to hear if it has.) That must have been a nightmare for him (and you.)
Hope you get some more consistent weather, although not consistently 87, right? 70s would be nice!
Seriously, if I read about 80s on one more blog . . . today started out warm (maybe 64) but a cold front came through and it’s raining. There have been no 80s. In general there have been no 70s! Ok, sorry, you’re just like the third blog in a row with these enticing temps (and our mornings are still dangerously close to freezing often).
That’s so funny that Ozzy knows not to chase the geese when there’s goslings! Bandit has never (to my knowledge) seen goslings. He mostly ignores the birds & squirrels, too. But that rabbit poop . . .
Wow, a year! I remember that story, that was a crazy one…sounds so incredibly painful. My goodness. Glad that’s behind you guys!
I remember the Tower Bridge. What a cool experience! Man, I loved the London Marathon…I miss travel 🙂
It is interesting how injuries are life-consuming when you’re in the midst of them, but then a few months later you barely remember. I guess our brains need us to move on.
This Cinqo de Mayo I will be celebrating with my second dose of the Pfizer vaccine. I think I pick up take-out from our favorite Mexican place and at least get Sangria.
What a wonderful memory of the London Marathon – it’s so great the way those final pieces fell into place for you to complete the world majors!
And, amazing to think it’s been a year since your husband’s injury. It’s fantastic that he’s fully recovered and returned to lifting.
Wow, has it been 1 year already? Ouch, I cringed when I read it cause it must have been so painful. I am glad he is doing better. It is fun to look back at memories and see how things have changed. No Cinco de Mayo plans for me.
Our weather has been up and down too. Last night the news said get ready for temps in the 90’s but my weather app says 70’s, so who the heck knows. I hoping for 70’s. 🤞🏼
Animals are so smart and I would imagine mama goose gave him some warning vibes.
So cool to get to run over that bridge!
Happy May! You had a great week. I love that picture of London Bridge. Oh, to travel again!
I am really excited for Cinco de Mayo this year. I am making a grazing board, and it is going to be epic!
The bridge appearing during the race sounds awesome! So cool you got to experience all of those races. I just realized that I will be going out for pizza with friends on Cinco de Mayo. Maybe I’ll have a Corona 😉
Oh, I love that you are enjoying trails too! What a magic moment that London Marathon must have been. So fun!