Can you believe it’s already MAY?? How’d we get almost halfway through the year? Nevertheless it’s time to sit down with Coco, Deborah and YOU to catch up over a cup of something nice. This time around I’m sitting down with a Grande Starbucks Pike with a splash of half & half. We’re in Atlanta helping the college girl move out of her apartment and store her stuff until she returns to school in August. School is out for summer!
Over coffee I’d tell you how excited I am that Thing 1 will be home this summer. I assumed she’d work in Atlanta so imagine my surprise and joy when she learned her internship could be done from home. That said, I’m fairly certain this will be the last summer we’ll have her at home. I’d also tell you that she was chosen to be a Macroeconomic Analyst on a team of students that decides how the Georgia Tech Foundation Endowment should be invested. She’ll start working on that in fall.
Over coffee I’d tell you that school is winding down for Thing 2 as well. She’s been a different person (in the best way) since she went back to in-person learning. I’d post a pic of her here except she’d kill me.
Over coffee I’d tell you I’m always happy when mother goose brings her goslings to our yard in the spring. I got a little worried when I saw them on two consecutive days and then they didn’t come around for 5 days. I began to wonder if the coyotes got them. Thankfully they were back again grazing, safe and sound.
Over coffee I’d ask you if you have any race plans. I’m still in a place where I’m perfectly content with not racing. I love tooling around on the trails and not giving one sh!t about pace or even distance really. All I care about is that I got outside for fresh air and had some aerobic exercise. I spent many years running almost every mile gunning for an exact pace and to tell you the truth, I’m well over it. Any run at any pace is a good one in my book at this point.
Over coffee I’d ask you if you have any travel plans this summer. We were toying with a trip to Arizona or Banff, but knock wood, our kitchen reno project might be rising like a phoenix out of the crapper. If so, work would commence at the end of June and likely last through July. That’d put the kibosh on any trips but I’m not complaining!
Over coffee I’d ask you if you have Mother’s Day plans. May truly is MAYhem here with so many events coming up. Our Mother’s Day celebration will also be celebrating a birthday and four graduations among my nieces and nephews, in addition to four moms. I think the gathering is going to be outside, although I believe we are all vaccinated at this point too…except for the under 16s.
What would you tell me over coffee? Is May starting to fill with all the events?
I’m also linking up with Darlene, Michelle, Renee, Jenn and Zenaida, for Fit Five Friday. Join us!
Congrats to Thing 1! That sounds like a great opportunity. LOL on not posting a pic of Thing 2.
I guess you want to monitor any kitchen work, but going away during the reno means fewer meals you have to fix at home while it’s torn up. I think I had several trips during ours but luckily my husband was home to see they hadn’t cut the counter-top deep enough for the stovetop ….
Yay on your older daughter spending the summer home.
We have kitchen plans but I am afraid to start…..
Races are slowly coming back…I will do a few but truthfully, they do not feel like races until the pandemic restrictions are over.
I have to laugh at your comment about not posting a picture of Thing 2. My Thing 1 would be perfectly fine with that, but my Thing 2 would also kill me. Glad your daughter will be home for the summer!
No big Mother’s Day plans here and no race plans… although I’m pretty sure I’ll do a 5k on July 4th. Like you, I’ve just been enjoying my runs too much- I thought about doing a race on Sunday but didn’t want to miss out on my trail run!
Wow! Such a momentous and significant team your Thing 1 is on. Very cool!
I do have race plans and vacation plans for this summer. So happy to have things beginning to open up again! We are visiting both of our sons – in Colorado and Oregon – this summer. Looking forward to flying for the first time in over a year. Good luck with your kitchen reno.
Congrats to Maddie–sounds like she’s a chip off her mama’s block! Enjoy having her home. I know my boys are not coming home anymore and while I enjoy the good night’s sleep I get, I do miss them. A lot. Glad they are local, but I have this feeling my youngest will be spreading his wings eventually…
I enjoyed my 2 spring races immensely. It was fun to use all that fitness I earned last year. But I’m good with that and will just enjoy the summer runs easy and slow. Fall brings a couple more races, but I am definitely dialing back.
Congrats to your oldest – and how nice that she’ll be home for the summer! I chuckled at your comment about not posting a picture of your youngest. My youngest son feels the same way – blog photos are off-limits LOL
I’m so itching for a summer get-away! I hope your kitchen project comes together, and you can still finagle some time away 😉
I’ve got just one race on my calendar at this point – still waiting to see what opens up. Hoping ZOOMA makes it to the Cape!
That is exciting news about both your daughters! I haven’t raced in over a year and while I do miss it, I am OK with not racing. I am enjoying my runs and working on speed. I am loving how I am doing. I do want to travel and am thinking of Mexico but who knows. So many things I want to do this Summer.
I want to go to Banff!!!
We have a staycation planned at a nearby resort, and are working on some other things. I am hopeful your kitchen reno works out!
That is so exciting to have the GT student back home, and congrats to her on all her accomplishments. That’s also great news about the HS student…glad things are back to a more normal(ish) grind. I’m looking forward to my marathon in September, but it’s been two years since I’ve “had” to do those LONGER than 13.1-mile runs. I just can’t get excited about any specific paces or finish times, so I’m going to focus more on distance for the time-being. Happy Mom’s Day, Marcia 😉
A Macroeconomic Analyst on a student team that decides on the investment strategy – wow! Well done to your daughter. I think it’s really cool that the university gives students a real project to practice on, too.
That’s a tough one with the kitchen renovation. I hope you can move your vacation to later in the year… Florida in December sounds nice, too. 😉
This year has definitely been flying by (I’m starting to feel like every year does :(!)
I’m glad the geese are ok! I have a backpacking trip planned + some hiking but otherwise not really planning on anything. I’d love to go to Banff someday though!!
Good luck with the renovation plans for the kitchen + happy Mother’s Day!
Why is it goslings are so cute? I’m sure thing 2 is too. 🙂 Nice to hear that being back in school is turning things around for her, can’t even imagine how the younguns are dealing with all this.
I’m also content to not race. Although I never worked at it as hard as you. Considering maybe the end of the year, but really not sure at all.
Of course we have our trip this weekend. My sister just told me about a family that traveled, a dr & his family, all vaccinated early on, who got COVID on their recent trip. Seriously, why would she tell me that? I still have my sights on maybe a short one — drivable — around July. In fact I’m going to push Mr. Judy to make up his mind while we’re on LI, because that area sells out fast — even in a Pandemic.
Happy Mother’s Day, Marcia!
So glad to hear your girls are doing so well!
Like you I am enjoying my time outside way more than caring about time, distance and pace. I’m just so happy that I have the ability to get out there, that I have THAT even those most everything else I had is on hold because of corona.
No plans to race or travel unfortunately either. That’s fine. We just have to power through until we get our vaccine and then maybe we can finally get our lives back slowly (with some adjustments, I’m sure).
I know you are just as happy to have your daughter home for the summer as I am to have my son home. Probably my last summer as well. We are coming to Chicago at the end of the month to visit our daughter I will message you about it. Happy mother’s day!
Congrats to Maddie! That internship sounds beyond awesome and interesting – I’m sure she will learn so much and have a blast while doing it!
I do not have any race plans this year. Local races in my town are not in person yet but I have a feeling that may change in the Fall as more people get vaccinated. No plans for a vacation this year, probably just a few staycations. While I’d love to travel somewhere, there’s just too much going on at home right now for me to consider a vacation. Maybe next year!
That’s great that your daughter will be home for the summer! We’re going for a weeklong trip to Vermont next month that I’m SO excited about. I wanted to also plan a beach trip in July, but I’m not sure if that’ll work out.
I thought about running another half in June, but now I’d rather focus on the fall. I know there will be a crazy amount of races to choose from so I need to sit down and think about what to do!