It was another colder than normal week. Although I am grateful it did not stick, the snow and 20 degree temps we got were most unwelcome. Walking miles are lower, since the Caveman was away on a business trip; his first in over a year no thanks to the pandemic. Here’s how the week in workouts went.
Monday: Walk 4 miles, Trail Run 3 miles
Tuesday: Walk 2 miles. Run 3 miles
Wednesday: Walk 2 miles. 30 minutes Bike Hills & Sprints, Upper Body Strength
Thursday: Walk 2 miles, Trail Run 3 miles, Strength/Cardio Workout
Friday: Walk 4 miles, Trail Run 4 miles + Balance & Mobility
Saturday: Walk 4 miles, otherwise rest
Sunday: Walk 4 miles, Heavy Strength
The trails are greening up nicely, but what you don’t see in this pic is it was 25 degrees out when I took it.
The very next day it was warm enough for a tank & shorts run.
Overall it was an uneventful week. It was kind of nice to have a quiet house, with the Caveman away and Thing 2 in school all day. It was also nice to spend time with her in the evenings, just us two.
Ozzy was the best boy as usual. Here he is fresh from the spa, with his spring style.
I did my share of baking. First I made a batch of Gluten-Free Chocolate Chip cookies. I followed those up with some Gluten-Free Lower-Sugar Banana Bread. It came out soooo good. I’ll share that recipe tomorrow.
I sat down with Nicole DeBoom for a chat on the She Runs It podcast. We talked about Mobility and why it’s SO important to all of us as we age. I shared some easy ways to maintain and increase our mobility too.
New On YouTube
Strength + Cardio Workout. I designed this one for those days you don’t have much time and want to cover all the bases. Strength exercises are alternated with cardio intervals to keep that heart rate high and the metabolism fired up. I runfess I kicked my own ass with this one.
Runfession Friday Linkup
Join me right here this Friday for the April opening of the Runfessional!
How was your week? Have you had “seasonable” weather? Can you believe April is almost over?
I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Join us!
Glad you had a peaceful week! Yes, I’m ready to get off the temperature roller coaster too. Ozzy looks so handsome!
I see lots of walking and some beautiful time on the trails.
We had some snow but it didn’t last and then some cold temps. This week will be a return to warmer temps which I will miss since i’ll be in F;prida…so happy to escape.
I had a quiet week too, but with some late nights at my computer to make up for my mornings at PT. That banana bread looks fabulous.
A nice quiet week, it looks like. Love your baking! It’s been cold, hot, windy, still … here … !
Yep, our weather was all over the map as well, and a big jump to “summer” is in tomorrow’s forecast. I’m ready to just move on out…Spring is always a bit of a fail in Iowa LOL
Our weather has been a bit hit or miss too – Mother N can’t seem to make up her mind!
Glad you had a nice quiet week. I’m looking forward to your banana bread recipe 🙂
The weather was also super wacky here this week too, but thankfully we didn’t get snow. I was shocked at how many places received snow a few days ago. That super cute photo of Ozzy just made my day!
Can’t wait to check out your new YouTube video and catch up on any that I missed these past few weeks.
I have definitely come to realize the importance of mobility and flexibility especially as we age. A not too exciting week is not a bad thing! Your pup is too cute!
I bet its weird but also kind of nice to have a quiet house! When Grayson started daycare and I was working from home it was SO weird to be the only one in the house. That hasn’t happened since before he was born!
Well, now I want chocolate chip cookies!
I haven’t been alone in our house for over a year, which is so weird. My son still does school virtually so he’s always here. Big changes coming up next year- after I get over being lonely, I’m hoping I’ll start to enjoy a quiet house.
Ozzy looks so spiffy! What a cutie. I’ve never had a dog that needed haircuts, but I love seeing before and afters with the grooming. So cute!
That break looks delicious.
Sounds like a great week Marcia!
Quiet weeks are nice — although I’ve been going full out for a while now (aside from resting after the vaccine, which was completely necessary for me).
You know I’m all about mobility!
April has been back & forth all month, but it often is so you just gotta embrace it.
Ozzy is just adorable! I am sure he treasure the time he spends with you. How is it going with your daughter in school?
LOL re: seasonable, which season would that be?
I’m on a banana bread kick lately which is surprising as it’s not one of my usual go tos. Must be in season in the bakereries.
Ozzy is so cute. Don’t think I’ve noticed that lighter brown patch before
So glad you had some time one on one with Thing2. Hope school routine is going well for her
Our weather is all over the place. It’s bizarre.
Movement is so important. I feel like things really start going downhill once we stop. I vow to never stop if I can help it.
Ozzy looks so cute. I need to give Luna a bath (no cuts for pugs), but she fights like a tiger s I’ve been putting it off.
Seems like a good week for you – even though the caveman was away you got some quite time and time in with Thing 2. Always good!
weather is shaping up here. still cold but I’ll take cold and sunshine any day over snow and hail in april!!
Thanks for the heads up – I’ll have to check out that podcast!