We started this week with a new moon. I’d never have noticed, except that I encountered a few very emotional people on Monday, which started me wondering if there was a full moon. Apparently the new moon isn’t known to have this type of effect, so I’m not sure what was going on. We truly have no idea what others are going through at any moment in time. Anyway, the unseasonably warm weather we’d been treated to earlier in the month vanished this week, leaving behind cooler than normal temps that had me reaching for my winter jacket again. C’est la vie I guess. Here’s how the week in workouts went:
Monday: Walk 6 miles, Trail Run 3 miles
Tuesday: Walk 2 miles, Eccentric Strength Workout
Wednesday: Walk 2 miles, Balance + Mobility Workout
Thursday: Walk 2 miles, Trail Run 4 miles
Friday: Walk 4 miles, 30 minute Bike Tabata intervals, Upper Body Strength
Saturday: Walk 4 miles, otherwise Rest
Sunday: Walk 4 miles, Trail run 3 miles, Heavy Strength
The trails have been amazingly beautiful as they green up. They’re typically so much muddier at this time of year.
The Caveman is starting to go back to the office some days. He’s also got a few business trips on his calendar. When he doesn’t work from home there’s no time to walk together. I’m a little sad our pandemic walks are dwindling. It was a great way to connect. But he’s SO very loud on his work calls when he’s home, I look forward to having the house to myself again too.
Vaccine Uncertainty
Little more than one week after I got the J&J vaccine it was “paused” due to some women getting blood clots. Where does this leave me? I’m not sure. I’m not too worried about it to be honest.
Vitamin D/Thyroid Update
I had a follow-up with my endocrinologist. Since learning my vitamin D3 level was an abyssmal 16 back in January, I’ve been on a 10,000iu daily dose along with Boron to help with absorption. While my vitamin D3 level increased by 9 points, it’s still considered very low and it’s throwing off my thyroid levels too. The plan is to stay on 10,000iu daily and retest in a couple of months. The struggle is real. Maybe this is why I’m always feeling tired, stressed out and sluggish.
Birthday Boy
We helped Ozzy celebrate his 4th birthday with a little treat from Starbucks. Time has flown way too fast. He will always be a puppy to me.
New On YouTube
Full-Body Eccentric Strength Workout. This workout is a great change-up if you’ve fallen into a strength training rut. We focus on the eccentric part of the lifts when the muscle lengthens vs the concentric stage when it contracts. Give this one a try. I definitely felt it in a good way!
I’ll leave you with this springtime view from our back deck.
How was your week? Is it colder than normal? Have you gotten your vaccine?
I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Join us!
That view from your deck is stunning!
I thought of you when they “paused” the J&J vaccine. I guess this is one time you don’t want to be one in a million. From what I’ve heard, you’re probably out of the danger window already.
My goodness – that is the view from your deck?! Wow! So beautiful!
I hope your vitamin D levels will improve soon. Looks like you need to spend more time in Florida!
That view – wonderful! We had an uptick in panics about blood clots just after we got our AZ vaccines – but the risk is still lower than the one I had when I was on the combined Pill, so …
It cooled off here this week too, but as long as its not freezing Im ok with it! I’m sure its a little scary to hear about the blood clots but it sounds like the risk is SO low. Glad you’re not feeling too worried. I hope they can figure out if there are any contributing factors so certain people can just get the other vaccines.
My husband just started traveling again too. It’s kind of nice but kind of weird at the same time. you had some gorgeous IG photos this week! I would not worry too much about the vaccine either. Such a small number of people had issues. The vitamin D level would worry me more. Hope continuing to take the higher doses helps you increase yours. Do you take it all at once or split it up into 2 doses? I love to mix up the types of strength workouts as well! Thanks for linking
Sorry for the continued Vitamin D struggle – hopefully staying on the high dose will eventually help.
I think you’re right to not stress about the vaccine – it’s been truly such a tiny percentage given all who have received the shot.
That back deck view is just stunning!
Yes, what a thing to have happen- they paused the vaccine AFTER you got it because women were getting blood clots? Ack! But I’m glad you’re not too worried about it. It really is one in a million women, and from what I understand your chances of getting a blood clot from having covid are much higher (although still low.) Consider yourself vaccinated and don’t even think about it again.
I also have consistently low vitamin D levels unless i take a supplement (also taking 10,000 IUs.). And I live in Florida?????? You’ll definitely feel better once you get your levels up.
That’s a nice view! I was feeling emotional this week, but I think it’s because RA wasn’t playing nice and neither were my partners at work. Fortunately, we met and worked things out. But I loathe when people take advantage of me because I’m an NP.
So odd about the vitamin D levels. Where is it all going? Now I’m intrigued…
Your view, wow!
Happy birthday Ozzy.
Sorry to lose your pandemic walk buddy, but I guess your ear drums are a little bit in favor of it. Nice long walk to start the week. I need to find time for one of those soon
FIngers crossed you have no clot issues
What a view from your deck- wow!
Happy birthday Ozzy! 4×7- so 28 years old in dog years! All grown up 🙂 Ruth turns 2 in May. Time does fly!
I would not be concerned about J&J. It’s really too bad it got paused as I think its only going to make people who were on the fence more hesitant about getting any vaccine. Sad. 🙁
My mother in law and brother in law got the J & J weeks ago. I wouldn’t worry. You’re good.
I got both Pfizers.
Ha Ha, I never seem to notice the moon.
I hope you get that Vit. D stuff straightened out.
Our weather is psycho – cold, warm, snow, rain – typical spring.
My sister also got J&J last week & she is fine. My mom, who worries about everything now, was super worried about that news, of course.
Except for my long run, yes, a chilly week. And so it goes. 🙂 I haven’t had to drag out the REALLY heavy Winter coats though!
Happy birthday to Ozzy!
Oh, I hear you on how nice it is to have a quiet house. 🙂 Sad to lose that connection though.
It’s really unfortunate about J&J vax but it sounds like it will be back soon as soon as they figure out the safety guidelines. All of the health departments around here were going to start offering it this week but it sounds like they have plenty of the other vaccines to use instead – it just slows down progress from “one and done” to “3-4 weeks to get two shots”.
I was the offender for loud work calls this week! I was chatting with a coworker who I am on “f bomb” terms with and we were venting about a project that we’re working on and got a bit loud. The boys were greatly amused;-)
It did get really cold (for mid-April) this week! I had to dig out my winter jacket a few times as well. I immediately thought of you when I heard about the J&J vax. I’m gonna try that eccentric workout this week! Happy Bday to Ozzy…wow, those four years really flew!
My husband was scheduled for J&J vaccine but got pulled the day before so he got Moderna. There’s a risk for blood clots with Covid too. There’s so much unknown. I wouldn’t worry either because that won’t help. 🙂
Ozzy is so cute!
Our weather was chilly last week then hot this weekend. I’m not ready for hot yet.
Wow, beautiful view!! There is snow in the forecast for here tomorrow. I’ll believe it when I see it. It’s my birthday, and I can’t even remember the last time it snowed on that day (it did once a long time ago). We can keep it chilly one more week, and after my marathon, bring on the shorts and sandals weather!! Ozzy is a cutie!
I can imagine that you are a bit bummed out that the time you and the caveman spend together walking is dwindling. And I can also imagine you are ready to have your quiet house time back. Most of us haven’t been vaccinated here so it’s hard for me to imagine people traveling again for work and such. We also stopped the J&J (just called Janssen here) and AstraZeneca because of clotting. I’m very annoyed. there’s more clotting risk just from birth control pills alone. Sorry to hear you haven’t been able to bring up your vitamin D levels much. It would explain being tired though for sure.
Happy birthday, Ozzy!
It has been weird weather here. Last week was in the 80s and 90s. This week, it’s back in the 70s. What? Why? I mean, I love it cooler, but pick a lane.
We get our second dose of the vaccine tomorrow. I can’t wait to get it done with.
Mr PugRunner has some conferences on the horizon. He hasn’t registered yet because he doesn’t want to be out the money if they go virtual. we are all very much wait and see.
Running wise the week was fine but personally it was just a bad week. I am sure it was the moon. 🙂 Happy Birthday to the little guy. Did Ozzy enjoy hi Starbucks treat?