Well hello April! It’s that time of the month to sit down with Coco, Deborah and You and catch up over a cup of your favorite brew. I’m going with my usual Starbucks blend with a scoop of collagen and a splash of half & half. What would you tell me over coffee?
Over coffee I’d ask you if you felt like camo print for fashion (and workout) purposes had an expiration date. Over the past several weeks I’ve heard a few women say they felt “too old” to wear it. One even ruled it out for her 30 something daughter, because she considered that too old to rock some camo. What say you? Is camo the new black? Or is it better left to the military and hunters?
Over coffee I’d ask you if you’ve refreshed your workout or civilian wardrobe for spring. I’d tell you that Spandits! has some fresh (non-camo) patterns that are well worth considering PLUS you get a free fleece-lined headband with your purchase of two or more pairs of tights. Remember to use SPANDITSLOVE to save 10% as well and tell them Marcia sent you.
Ok this is not the basket of goodies that went to college.
Over coffee I’d tell you I got a little nervous when the spring goodie box I sent to Thing 1 at college went a little MIA. After spending $32 to send what was mostly Easter candy, I got a little pissed when a week passed and there was no tracking update other than it left the post office here. Thankfully it eventually did make it to Georgia Tech, late of course, but better than not at all I guess. Speaking of Thing 1, I’d tell you that the countdown is on for her to finish out her semester! She booked her flight home on May 8 and we’re doing a little parental happy dance, as we expected her to work in Atlanta over the summer.
Over coffee I’d tell you that while not many things are blooming here yet, I can’t resist dragging home spring flower bouquets every time I’m out shopping. Speaking of plants, I’d also tell you that the peace lily in one of the arrangements I received when my dad passed away back in October is starting to bloom. That makes me happy!
These are the dates of the “real” World Marathon races, not to be confused with the virtual ones.
Over coffee I’d ask what you thought about the “fake” Boston Marathon. Actually all 6 World Marathon Majors are having a “fake”…I mean virtual version of their race that’s open to anyone who shells out the cash. I totally understand how difficult the past year has been on the race industry but is a virtual race for $125 to get your very own unicorn medal and Adidas shirt the right thing to do? Or is it a total sellout? Would you really feel like you “ran Boston” even though you were likely nowhere near the actual racecourse?? I know a few runners who’ve registered because, in their words, its the “closest to the actual Boston Marathon” they’ll ever get. Is it really though? Someone else I know chose virtual Boston as their first marathon. Yet another person asked me if virtual Boston needed to be completed in one run or could it be broken up into several. Insert wincing facial expression here. A good friend of mine called virtual Boston “a slap in the face and total insult to anyone who’s ever busted their tail to qualify”. I suppose there’d be a fair amount of non-runners who’d be impressed with your “fake” unicorn medal because they don’t know any better, but still, you’d know the difference, wouldn’t you??
What would you tell me over coffee?
I’m linking up with Darlene, Michelle, Renee, Jenn and Zenaida, for Fit Five Friday. Join us!
Yay for Thing 1 coming home next month! Enjoy!
USD 125.- for a fake marathon?! Wow.
I don’t mind anyone doing a fake marathon as long as they don’t go around bragging that they “ran THE Boston marathon”. When actually they did it in their backyard over several days…
Our postal service here has still been horrible. I am still getting return to sender Christmas cards that I sent out in mid-December. I think they gave up and figured they would just send them back to me because the addresses are correct. I mailed something to my son’s pediatrician 2 miles away and as of 3 weeks after mailing it it still hasn’t arrived.
I’m not sure how I feel about a virtual Boston. Personally I wouldn’t pay that much for a virtual race. I also hope to qualify someday. I think its great if people want to do it to support the race organization, but there is a difference in saying you “qualified for Boston” or you “ran the virtual Boston marathon”. Running any marathon, especially a virtual one, is always something to celebrate. I just wouldn’t want this to take away from people who qualified or raised money for a charity to run it.
Hmm, I never thought of being “too old” for camo print – I actually have a black camo print Athleta hoodie that I love.
That’s great that your daughter will be coming home for the summer! And May 8th is just around the corner.
I know a few people who registered for the virtual Boston under the “closest to the real thing” guise, but personally, I’m just not buying it. Given all that goes into running Boston (whether you qualify or raise huge sums of money as a charity runner) the virtual option just feels wrong to me.
I wasn’t aware of any camo-related age restriction! I guess ignorance is bliss and I will continue to wear mine, lol!
Lucky mama to have both girls under one roof soon! What will Maddie do over the summer?
The Spandits prints are cute! But I love my camo. No expiration date here.
I was just telling Laurie we have 2 peace lilies. One blooms almost continuously, the other never has — until now. Just make sure Ozzie can’t get at it — any lily is highly toxic to dogs. Mr. Judy had to take them in when we had the cats, since they could get at them, but they’ve been home a long time now.
I have seen many people very excited to do the virtual Boston for that very reason. It’s their life, so I try not to judge, but no, as someone who’s not going to qualify — just no. It wouldn’t be anywhere near the same.
Nice that your daughter will be home for the Summer!
While I’ve never run Boston (and, honestly, probably never will), I can see this issue from both sides. I have total respect for all the charity runners, but the virtual ones are another story. I can see where it’s their “only chance,” but I can see the slap-in-the-face to the qualifiers. Ironically, as military wife, I don’t have much camo. I like it, and I see it as kind of a neutral pattern, but I don’t think there’s an age limit on it. That’s great that you’ll have both daughters home for the summer!
While I’ve never run Boston (and, honestly, probably never will), I can see this issue from both sides. I have total respect for all the charity runners, but the virtual ones are another story. I can see where it’s their “only chance,” but I can see the slap-in-the-face to the qualifiers. Ironically, as military wife, I don’t have much camo. I like it, and I see it as kind of a neutral pattern, but I don’t think there’s an age limit on it. That’s great that you’ll have both daughters home for the summer!
I bring home flowers every time I go to TJs.
I think you can wear whatever print you want no age restriction IMO
I admit that spandits prints are cuter than the latest Skirt sports.
I have a few Camo print leggings and joggers that I love. I say rock it friend! Also, bc if you are too old to wear them,then I am too old to wear them lol. We should both rock them! Our mail has been awful and takes forever to receive stuff. I send anything important fedex. Have a great weekend!
I think you can guess my opinion on the virtual Boston, but I do think they probably need the cash and charity runners get to do Boston without qualifying. While it’s not for me, I think people should do it if they want. There should be an asterisk next to their finish or air quotes or something.
I don’t think camo has an age limit but I never “rock” it.
I’m just not a fan of camo, but I love those Spandits prints! Yeah for Thing 1 coming home for summer. Now that my kids are truly on their own, I know those times are to be treasured. I’m not surprised about the virtual Boston event, but was confused about the possibility of it selling out or not getting in? The medal should NOT be the same though. The accomplishment isn’t the same, even if you factor out the need to qualify.
Oh Boston, I also mentioned it in my post. For sure I never thought about signing up and now it is sold out. I don’t own any camo print but saw some cute pants on Amazon that I might get. The pants are comfortable and I can wear them with many different tops. Finally some nice weather there!!
I had a peace lily that my coworker gave me for Christmas and it bloomed + was super pretty but I couldn’t keep it alive. :'(
I think $125 for a virtual marathon is super steep and unlikely to feel anything like the real thing (esp if it’s for Boston Marathon), but maybe it’ll do some good in that it hopefully gets some people to start/continuing exercising? As long as they don’t go saying they did the real thing…
I’m pretty sure that if I ran the virtual Boston, I’d feel obligated to go into a long boring story every time I talked about it, how it wasn’t rhe “real” Boston, etc. etc. Doesn’t really seem worth it, but on the other hand I wouldn’t criticize anyone for doing it- to each his own.
i’m sorry to say, do not trust the USPS! I had so many issues this year- the package I sent to my sister that arrived five weeks later, then the next one I mailed 2-day priority that took two weeks to arrive, the Christmas present for my daughter that arrived on New Year’s Eve… everything got there eventually but if you care WHEN it gets there, mail it a different way!
The peace lily blooming makes me happy too. I hope it brings back good memories of your dad.
Ummm…I wear a pair of camo tights, and I am OLD!!! I love them and I am not going to apologize to the fashion police. 🙂
I got in to the London Marathon. The real one. It just happened this week. It was a weird but fortunate string of events, so I will probably write about it in an upcoming post. I am very excited!
I never heard anyone say camo is restricted to a specific age group. I say wear it if you want. As for Boston, I think you know how I feel. I understand they are trying to recoup some money but really? How could anyone justify wearing any Boston Marathon apparel without qualifying and /or running it…for real. I still haven’t worn my jacket because I don’t feel like the virtual marathon I did makes me worthy, even with qualifying.
First off, I don’t think I knew that your dad passed. I am so sorry for your loss.
I don’t know if there is an age limit for camo but I’ve never thought it was fashionable so I’ve never worn it.
Hmm, yea, there have been a lot of virtual marathons going on that people are doing for the sole purpose of getting that medal when it was a marathon they would not have otherwise run had it been in person. Disney comes to mind as well. BUT…I do think the marathon majors are “sacred ” and they shouldn’t just be handing out those medals to anyone that can hand over the $125 or whatever it is. I can understand the race industry needing money but they should have named it something else, like the “Support the Boston Marathon” run…or something like that. I do hope the medal says virtual on it. Ok, was my response too harsh?
Whenever someone says I’m / someone is.too old for something I usually do it full force. It started already when I turned 40 – many friends and colleagues said I had to cut my hair. Excuse me? Why? Apparently you shouldn’t have long hair after 40. When I started coloring my hair in non-standard colors I was told that that was for teenagers. Honestly? I don’t care able these rules. I love camo actually and I now want to wear all the camo hahahaha!! If only I could go shopping!
I’m going to look at the spandits site now as well. What’s the sizing like? pretty true to size? do you wear InkNBurn? I’m usually in an 8 or 10 at INB. I really do want some more colorful leggings and hope they ship to NL. Just have to be careful that I won’t get double charged at customs.
I’m glad the Easter basket made it.
Honestly, I don’t have strong feelings about virtual races, even for ones as prestigious as Boston. At this point, I’m very much in favor of “whatever gets you through.” I’m not registering for virtual Boston because I have no desire to run 26.2 miles by myself but I don’t care if anyone else does.
I honestly don’t have a strong feeling about the Boston Marathon in general, so I don’t relate to the outrage that I’ve heard about the virtual race. I didn’t realize it costs $125 though, yikes! I’m sure most people will realize that 2021 is an asterisk year for racing. I just don’t like the “real vs. fake” narrative and I don’t see how anyone would really be able to equate a virtual race to the real thing.
I think there’s a HUGE different between qualifying and running on the Boston course, than doing the virtual race for the medal. I don’t see a problem at all with the virtual medal race….let these races make a little money and let those that qualify run the course! I utterly do not understand “fake”. It’s virtual for crying out loud! My NYC virtual medal from last fall says “virtual” on it.
I didn’t know that the other majors all moved to within a couple weeks of one another. I got an email from NY yesterday that asked us to pick our preferred year to run (choice 1 and choice 2) and it will be yet another lottery. I’m fairly sure I can’t run a mile without stopping so whatever year they give me, there’s a high chance I can’t finish. Bye Bye marathon :(.