Winter returned to raise a little last-minute hell this week, in the form of cold temps, snow, high winds, and the ever delightful wintery mix. Thing 1 told me it was “hell week” at school: That perfect storm when all the exams happen and everything is due at once. Despite joining us in Florida for two weeks, she’s already lamenting the fact that Georgia Tech is not having a spring break this year. Anywho here’s how the week in workouts went. Note a couple of our walks were shortened due to crazy weather and I kept one of my runs indoors.
Monday: Walk 4 miles, otherwise rest
Tuesday: Walk 2 miles, unplanned rest day
Wednesday: Walk 4 miles, HIIT workout
Thursday: Walk 4 miles, Treadmill run 3 miles
Friday: Walk 2 miles, Bike Intervals, Upper Body Strength
Saturday: Walk 4 miles, Run 4 Trail miles
Sunday: Walk 4 miles, Full-Body Strength
Oh hello again dirty snow. Thankfully this melted pretty quickly.
It was a hell week of sorts for me as well. I was up past my eyeballs with work. There are exciting times ahead career-wise, and I’m learning to work more efficiently and manage a growing workload, but yikes! See that unplanned rest day? While there was no official workout, that day was far from restful. Nasty weather sent me to the treadmill for the first time since January and oh how that run sucked. I think I naturally want to run faster on the treadmill and let’s just say my body was not having it. I’m going to blame the diet reset, which continues to go well but my body hasn’t yet adjusted from carb burner to fat burner.
I welcomed the arrival of spring (where else?) on the trails. A little jump for vernal- equinox joy was in order…hopefully nobody saw me.
Farewell to a Legend. I was sad to hear of the passing of the legendary Dick Hoyt. I first became inspired by him from the Ironman coverage on NBC. At my first Boston Marathon back in 2009, I came upon him on the course after the Newton Hills. He was pushing his son Rick as he always does. I got choked up when I realized I was sharing a racecourse with freaking Team Hoyt. I ran alongside them for a bit and we chatted. The following year we met again at the expo. Dick Hoyt was a true icon, an incredible athlete, and a testament to dedication and fierce, unwavering spirit. May he rest in peace.
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Who’s up for some HIIT? High-intensity, low-impact is how we roll this week. This workout requires no equipment but if you want to challenge yourself, grab some light-to-medium hand weights.
Join me for the Run for Girls Virtual Run
GOTR is an organization near and dear to my my heart. I’ve been a coach or run buddy too many times to count. My run buddy in this pic is graduating from high school this year!
This Thursday, March 25, I’ll be running the Run for Girls virtual race, sponsored by Fré Skincare. All proceeds from the race go to the Girls On the Run organization, in celebration of their 25th anniversary. Sign up here to join me.
The Runfessional opens on Friday! Join us!
How was your week? Are you as happy as I am to have spring officially here? Ever run to support GOTR?
I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Join us!
Yes yes. Very happy to see the snow and ice gone.
I have been a GOTR running buddy several times. Now it doesn’t work with my job.
I have also run their races every year.
It was a cold nasty week. I even skipped some runs.
Things are looking up for this week.
I still remember those hell week days of school. And law school with your whole grade resting on that one exam. Ugh. Hopefully the teachers will go easy on them afterwards even if there’s no official break. I’m in a holding pattern for a big project at work. I’m trying to enjoy the down time, but it’s just hanging over my head.
GOTR is such a great organization. I won’t run the virtual race, but I’ll make a donation. 😉
Work is really gnarly for me as well. On the plus side I’m working on a big project that I’ve been wanting to do for years, but on the negative side corporate is being a jerk so it’s a “best of times worst of times” situation. I am amazed at home much I can get done when I have 15 minute between meetings. Oh well, thank goodness for running.
Quite a few of my patients do GOTR. Obviously, not this year. And many of them, ahem, need to move it….
I guess it’s good that you’re so busy, right? I work one day this week, then I’m home for a virtual conference. Now I don’t mind that at all!
Enjoy the trails! I saw green grass along mine this morning!
I have really missed coaching my girls on the run team this past year. After coaching for the last 7 years, It seems weird not to have it in my life right now. hope you have a better week ahead!
I’ve wanted to coach GOTR but it never worked out with my schedule. The practices always started earlier than I could end my workday. I’m so glad that spring is here and I hope the weather starts to warm up for good now!
All of your work stuff sounds like it will be exciting, but sorry to hear that it’s making life super busy and stressful for you right now!
I was also really sad to hear about Dick Hoyt’s passing. He seemed like such a great man.
Thankfully no snow here but definitely some very cold weather and some crazy wind. We’re having lovely weather today — much appreciated.
Good luck balancing all your plates/balls, Marcia!
I was so sad to see news of Dick Hoyt’s passing. He’s been a great role model for a friend of mine who pushes her daughter in races and runs. A long mileage week for me so an early night and a couple of taper weeks for me – for a completely random 13.1 attempt in a couple of weeks. No race, just a thought to do it!
Hopefully, winter weather is finally in the rearview mirror.
Sounds like some fun things ahead for you work-wise – that’s exciting!
So sad to hear the news of Dick Hoyt’s passing. I used to love seeing him and his son Rick on the Boston course all those years. Truly amazing and inspirational.
So sad about Dick Hoyt. What an inspiration!
Sorry to hear about the rough weather but glad you had the treadmill as an option!
Sounds like some exciting things are ahead for you job wise! Very cool!
Sounds like you have a lot going on! For the diet re-set- you mentioned switching from carb burning to fat burning- do you do keto, or just a general low carb diet? There probably is an adjustment period where you’re not going to feel great.
Hope next week brings you some warm weather and sanity!
The wind was just awful this week. Hopefully this week is better. Gorgeous days yesterday and today, right? One year I was a coach for GOTR and then could not remember why I stopped.
I’ll be joining you (virtually) for the Run For Girls event on Thursday! It’s going to be great!
Winter is truly not giving it up without a fight. We aren’t quite as cold, but we are getting blasted with wind, rain, clouds and the like.
Boo on no Spring Break for Thing 1 — did they start later or will they at least end sooner?
Good luck riding the crazy work wave. Have no doubt you’ll navigate it, but hope you manage to wi th your sanity in tact
Team Hoyt news is so heartbreaking, had forgotten he lost his second pusher a few years ago too. So much bad news
So so so sad to hear of Dick Hoyt. But, yes yes yes to Spring! I think some of the Midwest cold followed me down to Florida…maybe it’ll just stay there (?).
curious about your work stuff! those are the things that take our energy but at some point give it back! but yeah I can imagine it was not really a “rest” day.
Spring is trying to pop her head in here – cooooold but no more snow so happy about that.