It’s spring break here. Schools are out and from what I can tell, many people are traveling. Of course we’re not going anywhere since we’re pretty fresh off of our February Florida trip. Here’s how the week in workouts went:
Monday: Walk 4 miles, otherwise rest
Tuesday: Walk 4 miles, Trail Run 3 miles
Wednesday: Walk 4 miles, 20 min Bike Intervals + Upper Body Strength
Thursday: Walk 4 miles, GOTR 5k + Stretching for Stress Relief
Friday: Walk 4 miles, Lower Body Strength
Saturday: Walk 4 miles, Trail Run 3 miles + Balance & Mobility
Sunday: Walk 2 miles, 10 minute Bike warmup, Heavy Strength
I ran the Run for Girls 5k sponsored by Fre Skincare on our one sunny day.
After an exceptionally mild start to the month, March seems to be going out on a more seasonal note. It’s been colder and drearier around here, with some rain and wicked wind. Looking back to last year though, it looks like we had more snow so there’s that. It can always be worse.
It was another week of feeling very fatigued and my runs reflected that. My heart rate seems to jump right up, no matter how slow I go. My Garmin proclaimed a couple of my runs to be “unproductive” and warned me that I might be struggling to recover. I’m not surprised as I’m still pushing hard on the work front. On a brighter note, my sleep has been amazing lately. There’s been little-to-no middle of the night waking which almost never happens.
3D Insoles from Fleet Feet. A few weeks ago I took a field trip to my local Fleet Feet store to be fitted for some custom insoles. I picked up the finished product over the weekend and I’ve been testing them out. Stay tuned for the verdict!
Kitchen update. The kitchen project is already wearing on longer than anticipated. Appliances had been purchased awhile ago, but one of the pieces (cooktop I think) is still not in, and that’s ok because the cabinets haven’t even been ordered yet and they take 6 weeks. Looks like it’s going to be a summer project. All the better to grill and eat outside I guess.
New On YouTube
Standing Stretches for Stress Relief. I mentioned before how slammed I’ve been with work. I’ve been making a special effort to get up away from my desk for some quick stretching. This 10-minute sequence helps. Give it a try!
We started the new season of Shtisel. Loving it so far.
How was your week? Is it spring break where you are? Any fun Easter/Passover plans?
I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Join us!
Ooh ooh I didn’t know the new season of Shtisel was out! I guess we know what I’m doing for the rest of the day!
Hang in there with work…I feel ya.
Some weeks I just feel more tired too. I love my mid day stretch breaks as well. We are doing. couple of home projects and everything always seems to take longer than expected. You will be happy when it’s done!
Oh, I will have to do that stretching program. I am suffering from too much time at my ad-hoc work from home desk set up. No holidays plans here.
The longer I have my Garmin, the more I realize that it is quite good at detecting when something is wrong.
I hope work will ease up soon. At least you’re getting a good night’s sleep! Do you wear your Garmin at night, too?
I’d commiserate on the workload, but other than your Garmin, sounds like things are actually go well.
Renovations always take longer than they say. Always. It’s frustrating, though.
I’ve been really fatigued ever since my vaccine. A little scary thinking about the second one — and Mr. Judy gets his second tomorrow — but better to be vaccinated! And Mr. Judy and I had different vaccines. I, of course, had the one that you are more likely to get a reaction to.
Finally on Spring Break! Excited about it. I am curious about those insoles. I am thinking of getting some for me. Do you know if they last longer than the regular inserts? I’ve also been very tired this past week. Work related?
It’s spring break here too starting this week, but I still have to work. We’re still not comfortable traveling since Grayson won’t wear a mask and continues to put everything he sees in his mouth. I’m hoping the weather will be nice for Easter so we can see my parents outside!
Garmin is mean.
Yay on sleep. I go in fits and spurts with solid sleep
Spring break was last week (private), this week (public) and the following for the suburbs. So weird!
That’s awesome about your good sleep! If you have any tips, please share!
Those 3D inserts sound cool – I hope that they work out well! Sorry to hear that work has been so crazy and I hope that stuff slows down for you soon.
I hope works eases up a bit! A 10 minute stretch sounds perfect. No spring break for us this year…hopefully some travel later in 2021!
I could have used that stretch regimen last week when I was doing continuing ed from home. I did take stretch breaks because of all that sitting…ugh!
Anxious to hear about the inserts. I got that email and then I forgot about it, lol. Plus I’m afraid to mess with anything right now.
That’s great news on the sleep! I’m sleeping good (I think), but am waking up well before my alarm most mornings. And my back has been cranky, for the first hour or so, on some mornings. I think Max has been compromising my sleep positions. I love all the walking you’re able to do! I’m hoping to get back in a more consistent walking routine as the weather gets better this week.
I’m sorry you’re so slammed at work, but I’m envious of your sleep! I just can’t seem to get a decent night’s sleep these days. Sigh!
I’ll be interested to hear about those custom insoles. I hope you feel better this week!
Last week I was on vacation and had loads of plans. But I am just tired. So I just decided to let all that house stuff go and sleep. Sleep has been much, much better on HRT. Last week I have to say was amazing as far as catching some Z’s was concerned.
sorry to hear about the kitchen project drama. Par for the course I guess. Does it ever go according to plan anywhere?? Fingers crossed it won’t cause too many inconveniences!!
Happy Spring Break!
How do you like those insoles? I love my Superfeet Berry, but would love more feedback about the custom insoles.
We will se my parents for Easter, but that’s about it.
I had some AMAZING sleep following my covid vaccine! It was a revelation. Hope work stress lessens and you can run more comfortably soon.
That’s great that you’re getting some quality sleep. I’m waking up around 3 am on the regular – so not fun…sigh.
I’m curious to hear what you think of those inserts.
Right there with you on the work stress – hope things ease up for you soon!