It’s coffee time! Let’s sit down with Deborah and Coco and catch up over a hot cup of coffee, tea or whatever you prefer. I’m going with Starbucks Winter Blend along with some collagen and half & half in my new Kennedy Space Center mug. Yes, the girl who has a billion mugs got another one. I found this Space Shuttle one pretty much irresistible.
Over coffee I’d ask you if you’re ready for spring. I’d tell you we’ve been back from Florida for a few days now and I’m still in that glowy, relaxed state. Even though we were lucky enough to miss the brunt of winter in Chicago, I’m more than ready for spring, and I have to say the weather in Chicago has vastly improved since we left town at the beginning of February.
Sad Ozzy is so tired of being pent up under the seat.
Over coffee I’d tell you that on our flight home from Florida we were nowhere near as lucky as we were heading down from Chicago. On the flight heading to Florida, the crew allowed Ozzy to sit on my lap the entire flight and they’d stop by to pet him. While Ozzy continued to be the best-behaved boy ever on the return flight, the flight attendant took one look at him curled up on my lap before takeoff and told us he needs to be IN his carrier UNDER the seat. Alright, I get it, I complied, and Ozzy was wonderful and completely silent in his carrier for 2 freaking hours. With 45 minutes left of the flight though, he started to whimper and try to get out. Finally I took him out for a second to settle him and almost on cue, the flight attendant swooped in, got within 3″ of the Caveman’s face (he had the aisle seat) and yelled at us to put Ozzy back in, saying how he was going to “report” us and we’d be banned from traveling with a pet in the future. I well know what the rules are and yes, I “broke” them by taking Ozzy out of his carrier for a whole two minutes. But I truly believe there was a better way to handle it than full out yelling at us. If a passenger had dared shout at a crew member the way we were shouted at, I can just imagine what would’ve happened. We’ve flown a ton on American Airlines over the years. The Caveman reached million mile status on American a few years ago. You know how they say on the intercom when you land that they know you have a choice when it comes to air travel and their grateful you chose them? Yeah well it looks like we’ll be choosing a carrier other than American Airlines going forward. Rant over.
Over coffee I’d ask you if you are as frustrated with Instagram as I am. I think I’ve mentioned the creepy men before but add to that the foot fetish people and now the people who DM mysterious links. I feel like I spend more time blocking people than anything else. Recently someone tagged me in a giveaway. The next day a name very similar to the person who was holding that giveaway followed me and DM’d me, saying that in order to be considered to win I had to “register” at their website. For the “registration” you had to give your credit card number for some “totally safe” reason. I swear I can’t make this stuff up.
Over coffee I’d tell you Thing 2 is now able to attend in-person high school for a half day every day vs 2 or 3 half days per week. I’m so grateful for our fantastic teachers and amazing school district for working hard to make this happen. I’d also tell you that Thing 1 landed an amazing internship for the summer. She was understandably uncomfortable turning down offers, holding out for a position that really resonated with her but in the end, it all worked out in it’s own perfect way.
What would you tell me over coffee?
I’m linking up with Darlene, Michelle, Renee, Jenn and Zenaida, for Fit Five Friday. Join us!
Sorry that happened on your flight! That doesn’t sound very professional at all. Instagram is getting crazy with all the creeps and scams. I heard some people have lost their accounts after hosting a giveaway and another fake account being made. I have so many messages in my “requests” folder that I just dont even want to go through because they are all so ridiculous.
Yeah, what is up with all those group messages I’m getting on IG? Like you, I’m reporting and blocking people like it’s my job. I heard that scamming is really on the increase–I think people have way too much time on their hands. My favorite was the call I got reminding me to renew my Geek Squad membership for $399. Riiiiggghht….
That’s terrible about the flight attendant yelling at you–sounds like he needs a little Ozzy in his life!
Congrats to your “things”! In person school started last fall here, and although they did have to go remote in December, overall it’s been a really good experience. And yay for Thing 1 being smart enough to know that you don’t have to settle! It’s really OK to keep looking until you find the right fit.
My miles are all AA so that’s what I fly. Sorry you had that experience.
So ready for spring. Maybe even more so because I tasted it in Fla.
IG is my fav platform but yes on freaky followers.
Will I see you in Cape Cod? Hope so.
Sorry you and Ozzy had a bumpy flight home! I get those annoying DM’s everyday now w weird links to accounts. Why? What do they want exactly? Great news about your daugher’s school. The public schools just started to go back here as well. A nice step towards normalcy. Have a great weekend
Huge congrats to Thing 1 and yay for Thing 2 going to school more. Does she have a hard time transitioning to more virtual school in the other half of her day? Or is that just self-study and homework?
Ugh on the rude flight attendant. When we went to CO a passenger a row ahead of us on the other side had a lab that I didn’t even notice until we landed!
I’ve been very annoyed with Instagram this week – lots of spam DMs but also there are now spam accounts on the lookout for giveaways. Apparently they will make a fake account pretending to be the account doing the giveaway and then contact people who entered the giveaway and try to scam them. It’s just so ridiculous and these new scammers are out of control.
Totally not cool for the flight attendant to 1) get that close to your husband (um hello, pandemic?!) and 2) yell like that for no reason. Like you said, it’s all about the approach and there was definitely a much nicer way to handle that.
Yes, unfortunately, I had a similar experience with a flight attendant with Chester — who never made a sound. Even Lola was quiet, and her whine made you want to slap here.
Now Simba . . . oh there’s a very different story on that one.
Our weather is terrible at the moment, but after a few Winter-y days it should warm up. I hope they’re right!
Very cute mug. I love mugs, too.
Sorry about that flight attendant being so mean and rude. What’s the harm in having a small dog on your lap anyways? She’s obviously not a dog person (which makes her already not likable).
Hmmm, sounds like that flight attendant has some issues! Yes, you did technically break the “rules” but no need to be so rude about it. i’m sure all the passengers near you would much rather that you had Ozzy on your lap rather than whimpering in the carrier! Well, traveling is hard.
Yay for your kids! Getting back in school (somewhat) normally is so important. Congrats to Thing 1 : )
Oh, poor Ozzy….he was a trooper, but your treatment was horrible. Ugh…I’m getting added to these DM groups daily, and am blocking & deleting all day long. Yay for Thing 2 and huge congrats to Thing 1!!!!
LOVE that mug Marcia. I’d have bought it too. I’m your twin on another continent with a thousand mugs.
sorry to hear about the shitty situation on the flight back. I don’t know why people have to be so unfriendly and aggressive.
YES to the IG DM’s. Every. Frickin. Day. Almost as bad as seeing 100 reels or worse reels with tiktok videos before I actually get to see a photo from a friend.
Congrats to Things 1 and 2. So awesome to have some sense of normalcy.
AA has been increasingly more disappointing lately. I know they are dominant at O’Hare, bummed for you.
What a shame the flight attendant was so nasty! Poor Ozzy!!! Even if he felt it necessary to enforce the rules to the letter, he didn’t need to be rude. We used to fly American Airlines years ago, but no more!
Good news about both of your daughters. Way to go, Thing 1 and Thing 2!!!
Ugh that flight attendant sounds beyond rude – there was a better way to handle the situation rather than yelling!
That’s great news that Thing 2 can attend school daily now! A little sense of normalcy. And, huge congrats to Thing 1 on her internship!
The DMs have gotten very bizarre on IG – I’m so over it.
Being a flight attendant myself, I hear where you are coming from. But I am also a dog person as well. You will always get one of those flight attendants that feel the need to be authortive. When I see that, I honestly just turn the other way bc I feel like it’s traumatizing enough for the dog in the carrier and if it takes for them to get out in order not to hear them wimper than so be it. I’ll give ya a hint, next time say it’s an emotional support animal and then you can keep it on your lap and they can’t question you….shhh! You didn’t hear that from me:)
That seems so wrong. A flight attendant yelling at you i not acceptable! You really should email American and tell them what you wrote here. Yes, you may be been technically wrong but a little empathy not to mention kindness from the flight attendant would have been nice (especially if they want to keep you as a customer).
How awful of that flight attendant!!! She could have just given you a small warning instead of yelling. You left Chicago at the perfect time and came back when things are better. Spring will be here soon!
By the way, I love that coffee mug!
I get all those IG messages, but they go into my “spam” folder and I just delete the heck out of them. I don’t pay them any mind.
I’m so sorry for your experience. I think all of our nerves are so frayed right now, it’s sometimes hard to manage in high-pressure situations. I know Ozzie was the bestest boy, and I’m so sorry he had to be under the seat. Luna would have had to be sedated. There is no way she would have stood for that.
Ugh, I’m sorry the flight attendant was not as nice on the way home. Glad Ozzy took it mostly in stride.
Congrats to your kiddo. Mine wants to come home this summer, so we are struggling to figure out what he’s going to do with nothing opening back up here yet. And the other kiddo is staying virtual – I hope we both survive…