Spring is finally here, the daffodils are starting to pop up and it’s time to open the first runfessional of the season. Nice to let go of all that dirty winter baggage, right? Let’s get started!
First Runfessions of Spring
You know I love me some trail running solitude. While I run alone, I do take safety precautions. I am armed and dangerous, never post where exactly I run and do not run in any one place on a regular schedule. All that said, one of my trails goes behind a house where a “creepy old guy” lives. He seems to always be out lurking in the woods doing who knows what (clipping vines? Burying bodies?) when I come by. He rakes the portions of the trail that are nearest his home. One day, I runfess my leggings were sagging in the crotchular area so I stopped on the trail to hike them up. A little ways up and around a turn, there he was. Ugh. A couple of weeks ago when the trails were a sheet of ice, I came through very carefully and there was, I suspect, his wife. Out in the woods just off the trail with a pole saw, clipping vines. She warned me the trail was very icy. Ya think? What the heck are they always doing out there?? Is the woods actually theirs to maintain?? The answer is no.
If you’ve been reading here awhile, you may know that the March Madness Half Marathon was my first ever half back in 2007. It holds a special place in my heart and still stands as the toughest half course I’ve ever run. I’ve run it a half dozen or so times since then and on the years I don’t run it, I always monitor how quickly it sells out, as it’s been an incredibly accurate bellwether for the popularity of running. It, like most races, was cancelled in 2020. Registration always opens at 6am on 12/30, however this past year I did not receive an email, so I assumed maybe the 2021 race was cancelled as well. Imagine my surprise when I saw on their website that the race was in fact happening in person and had sold out. Upon further investigation, I learned that there were <100 spots available this year because they limited the field and honored those who’d signed up for 2020. With all the energy I’d focused on this race, one might think I was interested in running it. I runfess I am not. That course would eat me alive. I’m just nosey I guess.
I understand why someone wouldn’t want overly sweet stuff during an endurance event, however I runfess the thought of this GU flavor turns my stomach.
I also runfess that I’ve got lots of GU left over from when I ran the London Marathon…almost two years ago. Clearly a more thorough pantry purge is in order.
Ok your turn! What have you to runfess? Would you go for the Mayo GU? What flavor running fuel do you like?
I’m linking up with Darlene, Michelle, Renee, Jenn and Zenaida, for Fit Five Friday. Join us!
I runfess that March Madness blew right past me. I had no idea it even was happening until my trail running friends posted that they ran it! Who knew? Who cares? Who am I?
Funny that both of us runfessed about weird people on the trails…
Mayo Gu?????? I hurlfess that I just threw up a bit in my mouth. Who thinks of these flavors?
Nope definitely not interested in mayo flavored gu! I have also been guilty of saving gels for way too long. I learned that some have expiration dates on them and some don’t. When I can’t remember how long I’ve had them for I usually toss them.
That’s a no on the Mayo gu. But gu is my fuel of choice. Salted caramel or expresso love.
I go on the trails alone all the time. No strange men so far.
Ewww on mayo gel! Seriously, in what world does that sound like a good idea?
That’s too funny about stalking a race you have no interest in running. 🙂
NO!!! just no on the mayo gu. Though to be fair, all of the favors are pretty gross. I’ve settled on salted caramel as the least offensive.
Is that Mayo Gu an early April Fool’s joke? I’m not mayo-adverse, but it needs to be in a well-made sandwich! I hope those trail people are harmless. I’d have visions of horror movies stuck in my head!
Funny on the race-stalking. I’m interested in what “my” races are doing even though I’m not running them, but that’s pandemic-driven.
I runfess I actually thought that Mayo flavored GU was going to be a joke! I runfess i also have a box of GU left over from a few years back.
I am so impressed that even after having a really tough race for your first half that you continued to love running half marathons! ..lol
ha I actually thought that GU was a meme! Ugh never in a million years could I get that down. The people on the trail would freak me out for sure! Thanks for the runfessional 🙂
Omg that Gu sounds disgusting! Here’s a “would you rather ” question- run an entire marathon with no fuel, or only have miracle whip Gu? Ha ha…
OMG Miracle Whip GU?!?! There are just no words for this….
That Mayo Gu makes me gag just thinking of it. Gross!
I saw a weird guy on the trail the other day and was kicking myself for not having anything to defend myself. But it did give me ideas for a post. 😉
Haha, I’ve been looking at ALL the gels recently but never came across that one!
I think I will have the same problem with expired electrolytes powders soon. Honestly, I’ve been stashing so much for my ultra I think it will last me years!
Some friends did March Madness this year and had a good time. I would have died from the hills and distance. I did it in 2007 but since 2012, I’ve been doing NYC Half the same day/weekend. I’m so out of race shape! Oy.
I thought that Mayo-Gu was photoshop, no thank you!! I definitely prefer sweeter flavors but nothing too interesting, lol! Your runfessions are always entertaining!
nooooooooo on the Mayo Gu. GROSS!! and I love mayo!!
creepy woods people would likely freak me out. they are the stuff horror movies are made of.
I can barely stomach regular Gu. Mayo Gu??? Blech!!! I runfess, I sometimes stalk a race I wanted to get in and didn’t, sometimes just to see how I would have done in my age group. Please don’t judge! 🙂
Whoa whoa whoa. Is that gu flavor for real??? Nope! Do not want! Hard pass!
Those people sound creepy as can be! Please be careful!
A big fat NO on the Gu. Is that for real? I prefer chocolate.