We escaped the wrath of another week of Chicago winter. We’re making the most of each day but still, the weeks are flying by if that makes any sense. We’ve gotten into the swing of life on Florida time and I have to say it’s pretty wonderful. Here’s how the week in workouts shook out. The run streak lives!
Monday: Walk 4 miles, Run 2 miles + Corework
Tuesday: Walk 4 miles Run 3 miles + Bodyweight Exercises
Wednesday: Walk 4 miles, Run 2 miles + Corework
Thursday: Walk 4 miles, Run 2 miles + Bodyweight Exercises
Friday: Walk 4 miles, Run 3 miles + Corework
Saturday: Walk 4 miles, Run 1 mile, Resistance Band Workout
Sunday: Walk 4 miles, Run 3 miles, Corework
While we had a couple of cooler, cloudy days, it was mostly hot and sunny here and I’ve taken full advantage of it. I’ve been making a concerted effort to slow down and savor each breath of beautifully warm air. I’ve made time for a quick daily yoga sequence (it’s really too tiny to count as a workout but it’s a start), some box breathing and I’ve been spending time on mindfulness.
Valentine’s Day
It was a low key day because honestly being here is gift enough. We did take a little road trip, more about that below.
Ozzy is my forever Valentine. Balega makes my fave heart socks.
Kennedy Space Center
On Valentine’s Day we road-tripped to Florida’s Space Coast for a tour of the Kennedy Space Center. While much of it was more touristy than I prefer, there was still SO much interesting stuff. How can you not geek out when you see the Space Shuttle Atlantis, which was retired in 2011? No? Just me?? I’ve always been fascinated, not with astronauts so much, but with the people in Mission Control. The engineers behind the scenes who design the space craft and those who figure out how the space expeditions will be carried out. I can’t even imagine doing a job like that.
New On YouTube
Plank Variation Workout. Tired of holding a standard forearm plank longer and longer? This sequence is for you. Challenge yourself to 10 minutes of plank variations. Your core will thank you!
We finished the second season of Blown Away and finished The Great Flower Fight, which is similar to the Great British Baking Show except the contestants create outrageous floral arrangements. Now we’re watching Behind Her Eyes. I’m not sure where it’s headed yet, but it’s a thriller.
Runfession Friday Linkup
Join me this Friday for a special Snow Bird edition of the Runfession Friday Linkup!
I’ll leave you with one of our gorgeous sunsets.
How was your week? Is an end to winter is sight? Any Valentine’s Day fun?
I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Join us!
I enjoyed every minute of my stay in Florida. It sounds like you are too.
Too bad it was so short. But I had perfect weather. Not complaining.
Now it’s cold wind grey skies and snow. Back to my real life. Lol.
Oh, look at that sunset! Glad you’ve managed to escape the terrible winter weather at home! Have you read “Hidden Figures” about the Black women who worked for NASA, and seen the film? The book was SO good. I expect you have, though!
I’m glad you’re enjoying your Florida stay! More snow in Iowa today (I assume you’re not too jealous). I’ll check out your planking YouTube later today.
So glad you are enjoying your time in Florida. I felt like the weeks flew by in Aruba even though I was not doing anything all day. Funny how that happens! Look at you on a run streak!
Totally with you on the NASA scientists! Glad you are enjoying your time in Florida. I guess checking the weather back home is a good way to appreciate the heat and humidity!
Kennedy is a must visit for us on family vacations. We timed our last two visits around rocket launches, but unfortunately both years the launches were delayed. I can’t wait to get back to FL!
Oh darn, you’re going to miss yet another snow tonight. Supposedly only 1-3 inches. We can do this! Lol. Enjoy that warm Florida air.
So glad that you’re enjoying your time in Florida and that the weather has been great!
Visiting the Kennedy Space Center is something I would definitely love to do while in Florida. I can’t imagine all the cool stuff you saw there!
I’m so glad you’re having such a wonderful time in Florida! It looks amazing.
That 10 minute plank workout looks great- thanks for sharing!
Glad you are enjoying your time in Florida! I’m really over the cold and snow right now. Looking forward to some warmer temps later next week!
Wow to that sunrise (I think it’s a sunrise, not a sunset)!
No end to Winter in sight. Well, that’s not true, it’s supposed to get above 40 on Wednesday. After snow tomorrow possibly. I try to embrace it as much as I can — what else can you do?
Box breathing is good for the soul. 🙂
Glad you’re enjoying your time in Florida! I’m so with you on the interest in Mission Control – so fascinating!
I’m bookmarking your plank workout!
Sounds like you’re taking full advantage of your time away from the winter woes. Enjoy every second!
So happy for you that you can enjoy Florida, Marcia!
I was so impressed with the Kennedy Space Center when we visited it many years ago.
It’s amazing how inventive humans are and how much they can achieve with technology. Perseverance landing on Mars was another mind-boggling feat.
We went to the Kennedy Space center when our kids were younger, and it is very cool! Glad you’re enjoy our balmy weather- that sunset photo is amazing.
I am so glad your visit is going so well!
I have wanted to take A back to Kennedy Space Center, but we just haven’t had the chance yet. He loves it there and it’s not that far away.
I am glad you are enjoying your time in FL! The tour of the Kennedy Space Center sounds fascinating! I’ve never been there.
A Florida getaway sounds really great! My family really liked the Kennedy Space Center. I was really intrigued with the huge equipment that moves the rockets. They are massive!
SO glad you are enjoying your time in Florida! I would LOVE to go to the Space Center!! I would definitely be geeking out. We have the International Space Hall of Fame where I was born / lived a few years – I always at least go up there when I visit!! Sometimes I drag someone in with me as well – haha!
OMG it’s almost time for runfessions again!!!