It occurred to me the other day that we’ve made it a third of the way through winter. That said, it got cold this week. More seasonable winter temps had to arrive at some point, right? Here’s how the workouts went:
Monday: Walk 4 miles otherwise rest
Tuesday: Walk 4 miles, Treadmill 3 miles, Balance and Mobility
Wednesday: Walk 4 miles, 30 minute Bike, Upper Body Strength
Thursday: Walk 2 miles, Treadmill 4 miles, Corework
Friday: Walk 4 miles, 30 minute Bike workout
Saturday: Walk 4 miles, Run 4 miles
Sunday: Walk 4 miles. Heavy Strength
I think I’ve said this before but I’ll say it again. We haven’t gotten much snow so far this year, but the little we do have seems to hang around, which beats a brown, desolate landscape in my book. This trail run was a great one but the rest of my runs this week were nothing special. Kind of not feeling it.
We’re trying to get Ozzy to get used to wearing his boots but he eventually kicks them off and we end up carrying him home.
Back to School
Thing 2 headed to school for in-person learning for the first time since the pandemic shutdown started back in March 2020. All of her teachers and some of her friends were there and she loved it! It means lots of mom-taxi duties for me since I missed the bus sign-up memo, but overall I’m so grateful the school found a way to offer some in-person learning.
Kitchen Update
Do I go with a double oven and cooktop like I have now? Or a range with oven + single wall oven??
So many fridges, so much $$$
After lots of research and shopping, we decided on appliances and the order has been placed. Yippee! Quotes from two of the kitchen designers are in, and one designer seems to be dragging her feet…or maybe she’s gone AWOL too like the contractor, one never knows for sure. Par for the course I guess. We still need to decide on a floor and we still don’t have a contractor, although we’ve got a couple of new recommendations. The plot thickens.
She Runs It Podcast
I mentioned I was a guest on another podcast. I sat down with Sarah Ratzlaff and Nicole DeBoom of ZOOMA and Skirt Sports fame respectively, and shared my insights on post-workout recovery and why it’s such a valuable yet overlooked part of training. Give it a listen here, and make sure to downloaded it and review it on Apple Podcasts for a chance to win a $300 Skirt Sports shopping spree. Hurry though cuz that giveaway ends on January 31.
New On YouTube
Balance and Mobility Workout. Now that it’s icy outside, good balance is more valuable than ever. This sequence will help train your balance and range of motion. Try it, share it and thank you for subscribing!
We finished The Flight Attendant and the Tiger Woods documentary. We need a new series to watch.
Runfession Friday Linkup
It’s time for another installment of the Runfession Friday Linkup! Join me right here this Friday. I promise you’ll feel better!
How was your week? What are your favorite podcasts?
I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Join us!
We have quite a lot of snow here and I am very fearful of going out running in it, especially as being a self-employed person with 80% of my income coming through my ability to transcribe really fast, I can’t risk falling and breaking a wrist …
I’m so glad the first week back at school went well. LOL on missing the bus memo — maybe that’s for the best? Which stove option did you go for? We have a gas cooktop and oven, and electric wall oven + microwave. I listened to your podcast this morning. Such good advice I need to take.
I am not a podcast person at all but I did watch yours. You were great! Exciting shopping for all new kitchen stuff. It blows my mind how expensive refrigerators are! We just started “His Honor” on Showtime it’s good so far. Thanks for joining today
We watched both of those shows–I’m now looking for something new as well. I may have to sign up for Apple TV–there are a few shows there that look good.
Only 1/3 of winter? It seems like we’re almost to February…how long do we have to go? :p
We had some pretty cold weather last week and I think we are supposed to get some snow/ice this coming week. Not looking forward do that! Glad your daughter did well going back to school and that your kitchen process is coming along well!
I’m always searching for new shows! The Jonestown documentary on HBO was good; I think it’s pretty old, but I hadn’t seen it. Just watched the Tiger doc and Flight Attendant as well…Have you watched Succession? I look forward to that one coming back.
Lovely sunrise! I can’t get our dogs to keep the boots on- their legs are too skinny 🙂
Our snow hasn’t hung around. It snows, it melts, it snows it melts. Right now it’s super cold & super windy so I am not missing running — especially since I was up to my eyeballs in creating other stuff anyway.
Right now it looks like we could get some significant snow the beginning of Feb. Just in time for me to start running again, no doubt!
I have a double oven which I love. I also have a relatively small kitchen with zero room for a wall oven, mainly because our kitchen renovation when we moved here was knocking out walls so we could put in cabinets, LOL!
Hooray for thing 2 to be back in school!
We’ve had a pretty mild Winter (40s) but this week we had temperatures in the single digits so Winter is here with a vengeance! I’m okay with that as long as we don’t get a lot of snow.
So happy for your daughter! She must be thrilled to be in class again with her friends and teachers. These kids have been through so much in the past year.
That’s exciting that you ordered new appliances for the kitchen! It’s such a hard decision because there are so many great options to choose from! My parents just went through this process and finally ordered new appliances on Friday. It took them weeks to come to a decision though!
We’ve put a dent in winter, that’s for sure. I was so happy to make it for the first part of the month outside that I can’t be too mad about being stuck inside now.
We have HBO right now so I finally got to see the Lindsay Vaughn documentary and Tiger Woods sounds like a good follow up.
Hooray, 1/3 over. I hate winter!! If it never snows, I’d be fine.
Can’t wait to listen to your podcast. It’s on my list!
Ugh on decisions regarding home improvements. But anything we do in our kitchen will be an improvement.
I ran outside yesterday and froze to death. Today was cold but less windy which made all the difference.
Your outdoor pictures are gorgeous! You definitely captured the pretty side of winter.
Glad your daughter is back in school. Is she the one who plays the flute? My daughter is doing school in-person as well, and for band they all have special masks with a hole in them for the mouthpiece (the flute players have a special mask so the flute sticks out on side) and then all have bell covers that go over the ends of their instruments. I can’t even imagine how terrible it all sounds, but it’s better than nothing.
That balance and mobility workout looks good- as we age, balance is THE MOST important thing!
So happy to hear your daughter’s first week went well! Makes such a difference to be back in the classroom.
Congrats on settling on your appliances! I can imagine with so many options it can get overwhelming.
I’m looking forward to your podcast!
I was just thinking of your winter revelation the other day when I realized it was already a month since the Solstice. WoW! I hate to wish the time away, but I am ready to move forward to warmer weather (though this winter hasn’t been too brutal yet). Max has winter bots, but he doesn’t like them, so we don’t bother anymore. He gets the back yard on the super cold/snowy days, and we walk him on the “nice” days.
Your kitchen will look fabulous! What did you end up getting? More snow tonight. When will it ever stop? 🙂
You know I really should have looked here or your instagram before texting you for the podcast link – but yay a reason to say hi!
That sunrise <3 Are you sure it's not all a plot from Ozzy to be carried?
I look forward to your house warming – your kitchen is going to be AMAZING
I do agree that sticking snow is way better than the stuff that turns to mush right away.
do you guys have the same problem with contractors that they are all busy so it doesn’t give them any incentive to provide any communication and/or service? Here it’s insane! We found a door guy (we want to replace doors with more original doors) and he said he’d come by because he’s in the neighborhood anyway, but don’t count on any work to be done before April… Ugh. Really? They are just doors! Anyway, looking forward to seeing how your kitchen turns out!!
Still need to give your podcasts a listen. I’ve been completely without music or podcasts on my walks but sometimes I wish I had my headphones with me!
Oh, those fridges! I swoon! I love the idea of a double oven, but I don’t know that I would NEED it. But it would be nice to have.
I’m so glad in-person learning is happening for you. We have it here, but we are holding off with a virtual option until next school year. It was just more certain, when we didn’t know what was happening.
Ozzy!!! I love that he has boots <3
That’s great that you are making some progress and decisions on your kitchen project! I’m sure it’s a bit overwhelming. And hey, you can’t take it with you, so get something you like 🙂 We have a double oven and one of them is out. I keep getting on my husband’s case to fix it, but when one still works I guess there isn’t much motivation to fix it. Sigh. My kids went back to school in person last week. I’m glad they can see some friends again although it’s just not the same obviously. It’s a step forward I think.