Happy New Year! Over coffee I’d tell you I’ve not had one single Starbucks holiday cup so far this season…until today. I finally treated myself to a half-sweet peppermint mocha. Join me as I link up with Deborah and Coco for the first Ultimate Coffee Date of the New Year.
Over coffee I’d tell you that while many people act as if flipping the calendar over to a new year will magically make all the woes of 2020 go away, I hate to say it but I suspect probably at least half of 2021 will be spent digging out of the pandemic-induced hole. The BAA won’t even confirm a FALL marathon date at this point. Sigh.
Over coffee I’d tell you I’ve never been one to chase a run mileage goal. My miles are typically determined by what I’m training for. Because ZOOMA Run Club was new in 2020, and I work for ZOOMA, I was “strongly encouraged” to set a mileage goal. I went with 1000 miles, which I reached back in September, only because we’ve been walking about 28 miles per week since mid-March. You’d better believe I’m counting it. Join the 2021 ZOOMA Run Club here.
Over coffee I’d tell you I’m a little sad that Thing 1 will be headed back to Atlanta in less than two weeks. We’ve loved having her home. She will be joining us for a couple weeks in a “snowbird” location to be named later, so I can’t be too sad.
Over coffee I’d tell you the winter-dry Chicago air is taking a toll on my skin. I am grateful to have Cocoa Butter and Shea Butter from Now Foods to the rescue. I’m also very excited to tell you that I have a brand new BETTER discount to share with you. Save 20% off your entire purchase at Now Foods with code MARCIA.
What would you tell me over coffee? Did you set any goals for the New Year?
I agree, 2021 is not going to be all rainbows and unicorns, at least not right away LOL But, we have so much more hope than even a month ago, so I’m forging ahead with a great deal of positive mojo. I had my first Starbucks holiday cup yesterday LOL We don’t have Starbucks in my itty bitty town, but in a normal year, there would be a few trips to “the city” for shopping…and that didn’t happen this year. Way to go on all those miles, especially all the walking! I need to dig through my log, I’m sure I’m well over 1,000 with combined walking/running…my running came in at 701, which reflects a nice stress fracture sabbatical. Oh well, 2020 was a piece of work! HaPpY NeW YeAr, Marcia!!
I don’t set running mileage goals either but this year it kind of set itself. Without races to train for, there really wasn’t a whole lot to focus on. Grateful for my body letting me push it. 100% agree with your sentiment that the new year isn’t going to magically reset all the damage done in 2020. Getting the vaccine was like getting an injection of optimism, tho.
Happy New Year!
I did set a running goal and I met it. 1000 miles thanks to wfh during the pandemic.
Goals for 2021? Hard to say. Don’t think it will be normal until fall.
That’s exciting that you and the family are leaving for a vacation.
My hubby’s tennis team made it to finals in Orlando. The same weekend as my ft Lauderdale race.
I don’t usually set mileage goals either but I was kind of thinking about it for this year. I also hit more walking miles than ever before this year. Agree, we will be dealing w this crap for at least 6 months. my parents reminded me yesterday that after the Spanish Flu in 1918, came the roaring 20’s. So..who knows! I am glad you figured out how to get away too it did wonders for us!
So far I never set mileage goals. I’m with you. I usually don’t track my walking miles but I might this year.
I have to slather my hands & they still get flaky!
I agree that 2021 will have it’s challenges. Hopefully there will be triumphs too. I think every errand I did in December ended at Starbucks, and I didn’t just get coffee. The caramel brulee latte has become a favorite.
Happy New Year!
Yup, I totally agree with you about 2021 looking much like 2020, at least for the first half of the year. I think it’s great that people are very optimistic but we also need to be realistic too. We’ll be wearing masks for at least the next 6 months I think. One thing that I am going to change in 2021 is my mindset. It is what it is and I want to find ways to be more positive instead of dwelling on the bad.
I think you are so right about 2021…there’s still a long road ahead. I’m hopeful for the fall.
How awesome that your family will be getting away for a bit!
Happy New Year Marcia!
I don’t usually set mileage goals, but when I added up my miles this year and found they were just under 1500 (and Bill’s were over 1500), I decided to set a mileage goal next year. I am going to check out the Zooma Run Club. Thanks for the link! Meeting your daughter at a snowbird location sounds wonderful. So jealous!!!
2021 is going to be interesting. I feel like things may get worse before they get better. And we are finally sending our kid off to the dorms, so I’m a teeny bit (ok a lot) nervous about that.
We’ve now taken 3 “vacations” AKA rented 3 private houses we could drive to and basically holed up there instead of our house. All have been on the water though. Totally worth every.single.penny.
That’s awesome that you made it to 1000 miles! :]
Ooo, that cocoa butter would be perfect! I’m in CA but my skin tends to get super dry too during the winter too.
I have a minimum mileage goal of running 50Ks a week. It is relatively low for me, especially now that I’m training for an ultra.
But it also means that I have enough time to rest after the ultra (if it even happens) and even an outage due to injury will not have too much impact on my goal.
And I agree with you that 2021 will be much of the same… At least now we’re better prepared!
I generally don’t set those types of goals but if I do, I usually keep them to myself. So much less pressure that way!
I have yet to fall into the Starbucks coffee craze – regular Dunkin’ Donuts with just cream is all I ever need!
We’ve definitely enjoyed so much more family time due to the pandemic. Even our two boys who are out of the house have spent much more time at home with us.
I am afraid 2021 will in many ways still look like 2020, but something about turning the page to a new year lets things seem a little brighter… I do hope that 2021 will be a lot kinder to us (with a new administration coming in and all).
Happy New Year, Marcia!