It was yet another week of glorious, mild weather, although we started with three solid days with zero sun. Mom Nature more than made up for it with mid-week temps in the 50s, before it all came crashing down with #alltherain. We did however manage to miss out on the snow…again. Here’s how the workouts went.
Monday: Walk 4 miles Track repeats
Tuesday: Walk 4 miles, Upper Body Strength/Cardio Blast
Wednesday: Walk 4 miles, Trail Run 3 miles + Core Interval Workout
Thursday: Walk 4 miles + much needed Yoga
Friday: Walk 4 miles, otherwise rest…well sooo much work
Saturday: So much rain, Heavy Strength
Sunday: Walk 4 miles, Trail run 4 miles
Our morning walks continue to be amazing. The later sunrise means we start in the dark but it’s all good.
Making it to almost mid-December with snow-free trails and mild temps is amazing. I’m taking full advantage.
It’s my birthday week and I already saw something arrive in the mail that turned out to by a gift from the Caveman. Since I saw it, the Caveman gave it to me early, and let’s just say it already went back and he’s moving to Plan B. In the old days I would’ve just sucked it up and kept it because it’s the thought that counts, but truly this item did not spark joy. Stay tuned for the Runfession Friday linkup, which will happen on 12/25 so mark your calendar now, to learn more about what got sent back, and what the Plan B gift will be.
Thing 2 had a Zoom holiday band concert. Her high school hired a professional “sound mixer” to put together each student playing at home. With 450 kids in the band program, this was no small feat. It was incredible. Where would we be right now without technology?
Still enjoying Shtisel but also started The Surgeon’s Cut on Netflix.
New on YouTube
Upper Body Cardio Blast. This is a perfect short sequence to train a little strength and get the heart rate up. It’s great after a run or walk or pair it with it’s partners, Lower Body Cardio Blast and Abs + Core Cardio Blast if you have a little more time. My goal was to reach 200 YouTube subscribers by the end of the year and while that’s a bit of a stretch it is within striking distance. Thanks a bunch to those of you who helped out on that front! I appreciate it. I have to remind myself that it took a full 6 months back in 2009 to have anyone comment on my blog so patience is a virtue.
How was your week? Has winter arrived? Happy Hanukkah!
I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Join us!
Mike won’t even shop for me–I shop and he wraps. I’m pretty excited about my gifts this year, lol!
I kind of have FOMO about the snow–Matthew sent me pix from Madison and it’s oh so pretty! But clear paths and streets are a win, right?
Hee hee…let’s just say that my husband and I got comfortable with only giving gifts that were explicitly asked for early on. He’s getting some new sweatshirts and I’m getting a jigsaw puzzle this year.
Speaking of gifts, our snow finally cleared out so I’ve been getting every mile that I can while it lasts.
Wow, well done for selecting what you actually want! Matthew and I give each other a bank transfer (me to him) and a spreadsheet (him to me plus money from his folks) as we have birthdays near to Christmas (well, Oct and Jan) and so this spreads the joy. I always have some Bank of Matthew money left at the end of the year for treats, too! Lovely photos!
Throughout the pandemic I’ve been super grateful for technology. I honestly don’t know how many of us would have gotten through the past 9 months without technology – it’s been a lifesaver!
We had mild weather here this week and luckily the snow missed us, but were supposed to get 6+ inches of snow of Wednesday – ugh! I don’t mind the cold weather but hate the snow because it makes things so messy.
We’re at the point now where we just shop off each other’s amazon wish lists. It gets kind of boring but at least we get what we want! No snow here yet but it’s supposed to be coming this week!
I always feel bad if my husband gets me something I don’t love. I do appreciate the effort though. Hope you have a fantastic birthday!
We no longer exchange gifts for Hannkah. I pulled out a lot of stops for Mr. Judy since it was his 60th this year, but I don’t expect the same from him in 2022 when I turn 60. Occasionally he gets it right though. 🙂 Usually we go out for a nice dinner on my birthday — which is expensive since it’s a holiday — probably not this year. Or rather next year.
Winter has arrived, left, and will come back, it appears, here.
I watched the first episode of Surgeon’s Cut last night- my sister Cresta that I often mention on the blog is a maternal fetal medicine doctor and I was texting her the whole time because I’m just in awe of the emotional capacity she must have to deal with that all day…makes my job in finance seem like a joke compared to what she sees! I look forward to watching more episodes.
Very curious about the gift and Plan B!
The hubs and I pretty much do our own holiday shopping as we see fit LOL Although, he did mention getting me a hybrid bike (WHAT???)…but I think I’m gonna defer that suggestion for a few months (my bday is in March) since I will zero opportunity to play with it anyways. Picky picky, right? Hope you have a grand bday week!!!!!!
It’s heading our way…NO!!!!!!!!!
Happy Birthday. Do you get short changed with a Dec, birthday. Mine is on Mother’s Day.
I have returned many of my hubby’s gifts. I used to keep them but no more. In fact, now I buy what I want.
My husband is a great gift buyer, but oh so hard to shop for. I did pretty well coming up with bday presents, but he sent me Amazon links for his Xmas gift list.
I would have missed runfessions without that head’s up — was thinking it would be the next week but by then it will be 2021 – hooray!
Now you’ve piqued my curiosity on plan B 😉 My husband does pretty well in the gift department, though I must admit in the past couple of years I’ve been known to drop some less than subtle hints LOL!
I hope you have a great birthday week!!
How will I teach with no technology? I cannot even imagine. Now I am so curious what you got and plan B. Ugh, you really cannot make us wait, right? 🙂
Lou!! I haven’t been over here in awhile, but I had to check on ya!! I love your workout vids and just sent them to my one athlete I can’t seem to get rid of (bahahahah). I asked to her to let me know what she thinks. I seriously need to do SOMETHING – I am such a blob. Thanks for inspiring me. Maybe I’ll get motivated here soon and workout with you 🙂 🙂 :).
It snowed here over the weekend. I’m over winter already. Haha.
I have a birthday gift for you that will likely be late. Not even “likely” but it WILL be late. The stupid people who made it made it wrong and I was so excited because I was actually AHEAD OF SCHEDULE with your birthday for once. Now it’s back in production and expected to get here later this week. *sigh* But it will come eventually.
OMG!!!!! Do you think we’re good to plan a fall weekend girls trip? I will have to see what happens with NYC but I SO MISS YOU!!!
I’m so happy for you that you have some awesome winter running weather!
We don’t give each other gifts anymore for exactly that reason, haha! If either of us needs something, we discuss it and order it online or shop for it together.
Last week my husband got a hydration pack and I got trail running shoes, so neither of us can complain, I guess.
Happy Hanukkah!
You know, Mr PugRunner is really on it some years, and other years he is astoundingly bad. This year, he found my Elfster wishlist, and so I have been making note of the boxes coming into the house. He did get me a new phone for our anniversary, completely unprompted, so there wasn’t anything big I really wanted.
Wow, gold star to your school for putting that concert together- that took A LOT of work!!! Our schools are hybrid right now- some kids live and some kids virtual, our choice- and my son’s band is having a concert for those who want to participate- it will be out in the courtyard, everyone will be six feet apart and wear masks (they have special masks for playing with holes for the mouthpieces) and it will be recorded- no audience. It’s different, but much better than nothing!
Winter sunrises are magic.
Gifts are so hard. Especially this year