October, with its prime running weather and fall foliage, is just about gone. That means it’s time to open the runfessional and get the Runfession Friday linkup underway. Let’s get started.
The onset of cold weather added to the morning darkness makes it more challenging than ever to get out to run early. I runfess I have an additional “force” keeping me inside.
My Lazy Dog likes Balega socks too.
That “force” is a certain Malshipoo who loves sleeping late. On a typical day I’ll get up 5-5:30ish and, if I let him, Ozzy will lounge in bed until 8:30 or so. If I were to “let sleeping dogs lie” and go running without taking him out first though, no doubt he’d be pissed and there’d be…well…consequences.
I runfess I’m feeling guilty about trick or treat this year. With the whole Covid thing, sending kids door to door seems like a really bad idea. I’m grateful my kids are past trick or treating age, but still…I’d feel bad about not opening the door should some come knocking. I’d rather not leave candy outside either. Color me conflicted.
I love our morning and evening walks. It’s a habit we adopted ever since lockdown started. I runfess that I don’t love it so much when the Caveman gets like 30 feet ahead of me and Ozzy. What’s the point of walking together??
I runfess it seems like the number of people DMing sales pitches is at an all-time high. Shakes, wraps, CBD, coaching…it’s all so very annoying. One woman even DM’d a sales video, and then a follow-up. I’m not sure if I should be extra irritated or impressed with her creativity. I get that people need to make a living but in the words of Joe Biden, Come on man!
Some actual “art direction” I received. It’s not every day I get asked to “show as much skin as possible”.
Is it just me or are there tons of ridiculous offers in the social media world lately?
I runfess I’m beginning to wonder if I’m putting out the wrong vibe or something. Here are just a few things I’ve been asked to promote:
Red white and blue “VOTE” pasties. I don’t mean the kind you eat.
Make a video eating a bowl of oatmeal…while in a headstand.
Panties Galore. ‘Nuff said right there.
Ok your turn. What have you to runfess? What are you saying No to? What are you doing about trick or treat?
OMG, I don’t know where to start! My covid-conservative husband insisted I buy Halloween candy this year, probably because there are kids who live next door. So, I guess if they ring the door bell we will give them candy, and if they don’t, maybe I’ll offer it to them on Sunday. 😉
I wish Scooby would sleep in. As soon as I’m up, he’s up.
That video solicitation seems all kinds of slimy. I’m surprised one of the suggested camera shots wasn’t a close up of specific body parts. Ew!
Let’s see…I will runfess on my dog’s behalf that she really got into the habit of sleeping in last spring after school shut down. Now that the boys are back in school, she’s become a “morning” dog again so that she can walk them to their bus. The lunchtime dogwalk is a staple of quarantine life, but my husband and I walk together. On the rare times that one of the boys comes with us, they will walk either far ahead or far behind. We always take a selfie with the dog afterwards, I believe we’re up to 200 pictures at this point and counting.
How cute is Ozzy on your bed! My lab puppy will sleep as long as I let her, my Golden puppy is ALWAYS up and in my face by 6 am! Now THATS annoying!..lol
We never get trick or treaters here anyway, but usually if you have your porch light on, it is a sign that you are participating in trick or treat. If your light is off they probably won’t bother coming to your door.
Well, heck, I haven’t received any of those offers! Just offers to meet with people who have dubious fitness claims. Ugh. And what is up with all the requests to DM odd fitness clothing people on IG?
At least your hubs ‘walks’ with you. I can’t get Mike to do that! We are going to the lake this weekend. I highly doubt we will be handing out candy. But you never know.
UGH, I have been getting hit with numerous DM’s as well, and I just delete them (and many I report LOL). Max used to hop out of bed with me (similar wake-up schedule as you), but in the past couple months, he just snuggles closer to Daddy. I’m thankful the hubby walks with me, though it’s been awhile (ahem, #stressfracture), but we’ve been doing lots of biking. Not sure on our Halloween candy plans; I’m so out of the loop on that stuff since our “kids” are well past that age.
Haha, that photo with Caveman ahead!
We sometimes go for a walk in town and we actually manage to lose each other. I usually don’t carry my mobile with me so we have to meet up at home again. It’s hilarious. You wouldn’t think we’re two responsible adults.
Yuck to those weird DMs. So far, mine have been very boring in comparison. I expect that will change over time.
I am with Ozzy on not wanting to get up early these days! I have gotten so many ridiculous DM offers lately. My newest was for a pink vibrator! I can only imagine those photos 🙂 All I could think about was the Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin show lol. Trick or Treating is really discouraged here now so I am not going to put anything out this year. Kind of feel like the Grinch. Thanks for the Runfessions
The constant stream of DMs I have received lately on IG is just truly bizarre – but that “offer” you received takes the cake!
I feel really bad about the whole trick or treating thing but I don’t plan to answer the door. I’m hoping that most of the parents will be smart and keep their kids home.
Ozzy is just too cute! My dog would sleep as long as possible in the morning if I let them LOL.
I hiked once with the hubby and walked way ahead. Kept asking why I was so slow. Um looking at nature the views etc.
We have a lot of little kids in our neighborhood.
Not sure what to do.
Soon it will be light in the morning and dark after work. Hopefully I can get mojo to run before work.
Yes, I’ve received more crap recently in my DMs and it’s super annoying. Between that and all the voting stuff, I feel like I’m constantly getting messages.
I usually hand out candy on Halloween but I don’t feel comfortable doing that this year. For me the compromise will be to place a small table outside my door and I’ll have a bowl of candy snack bags available. I’m going to leave a sign so that any kids that do trick or treat can help themselves to one snack bag of candy. While I don’t think kids should be trick or treating, I do know that some will so that’s why I ultimately decided to leave out candy.
Our neighborhood pretty much decided to do away with Trick or Treating this year, so we will likely just sit here with all the lights out LOL. I’ve gotten some weird offers, but yours definitely take the cake!
Ok, the oatmeal upside down would have been fun(ny!)
Trick or treat is on here. We are staying close to home with an outdoor movie and socially distancing outside. I got candy. I also got adult beverages. That’s where we are at.
While Delilah could stay in bed all day, Luna does NOT sleep in. Yet.
Our county (in MD, near DC) put out a directive saying trick-or-treating is not allowed this year. So it’s sad but, problem solved as to not knowing what to do. We’ll be sitting inside with the porch light off. But at least we don’t have to debate with ourselves about it.
“Show more skin” – omg!!
That’s pretty funny – maybe you get the sexy ones b/c of your YouTube videos? Mine are mostly PG and are sometimes strange. This was the weirdest one a brand who sells “refrigerator locks to keep kids and house guests out of the refrigerator.” Um… what?!
Our building is creating trick or treat candy from households and dropping off cute bags to the families with kids/grandkids in the building who sign up. That seems like a nice option. If I were you I’d leave some outside and hope that kids take one or two.
Ruth is always really hungry by 5, 5:30 am, but after she eats, she is the best snuggler who makes it hard to get up, so I totally get it! I like the bonding of cuddling in the morning with her, but I also enjoy running with her (or just getting my run done!)
I don’t think we’re going to leave candy out…there are a lot of little kids in our neighborhood though, so I feel bad. I might change my mind 🙂
Thanks for hosting the link-up!
OMG, it drives me nuts when Mr. Judy walks ahead (most of the time) or behind (he’s checking his phone). He doesn’t walk ahead so much on dogwalks, but behind, yet. Anywhere else — ahead. It’s so rude. Definitely a pet peeve.
Bandit gets up with me. Lola gets up with Mr. Judy typically. Never really had a late sleeping dog.
Haven’t done Halloween since we moved here, basically, raised ranch & would have to camp out on the landing. No conflicts at all. But I get that it could be a small point of normalcy in a very not normal year.
Ummm…”VOTE” pasties? Yuck! I am conflicted about trick or treating too. I saw this thing online that was basically a long tube that you could slide the candies down to kids while maintaining social distancing. I never got around to buying it, though. I think we will just leave a bowl on the porch. We never get too many kids on our street anyway.
The number of people on Instagram DM’ing me to ask me to promote their gear is insane! I am so over it. Most of it is stuff I haven’t even heard of, let alone have ever tried! I just started blocking and reporting them as spam comments.
Also, that’s a lot of really weird stuff they are asking you to promote haha.
I love the look on Ozzie’s face there. “Who me?”
Some of the pitches are nuts. But pasties are a whole new level of NO