Just like that it’s September and the leaves are changing colors prematurely in these parts. I blame the hot, dry weather. Let’s sit down over a hot brew and catch up. I’m joining Coco and Deborah for the Ultimate Coffee Date. Today I’m sipping a cup of Trader Joe’s Autumn Maple Coffee and to be honest, it feels premature. Remember when pumpkin spice wasn’t a thing until maybe October? Starbucks rolled it out in late August this year. Nothing like rushing the seasons.
Over coffee I’d tell you it’s been a difficult week. My sleep has been horrendous.
(Google images)
Over coffee I’d ask you if you find the type of the shirts/merchandise with slogans like Will Run for Cupcakes/Beer/Pizza etc., Run All the Miles, Drink All the Wine, Rosé All Day, etc. offensive. Recently I watched an internet “bully” take offense with one of the companies that creates this kind of merchandise, saying slogans like these encourage “disordered eating and drinking”. Say what?? In my humble opinion, these are jokes, nothing more, and they’re meant purely in fun. Do you see it differently?
World Marathon Majors
Over coffee I’d ask you if you saw that the World Marathon Majors announced a Global Run Club. I got the email but haven’t investigated what the offerings are. Whatever keeps you moving though is ok by me. Would a virtual run club motivate you?
If we were having coffee I’d ask you if you saw that Now Foods just got the naming rights to what was formerly the Sears Centre here in the Chicago area. Cool, right? If we’re lucky enough to have COVID under control by 2024, Thing 2 will have her high school graduation ceremony there.
What would you tell me over coffee? Is fall in the air where you are?
It doesn’t feel like fall here and I keep having to remind myself that it’s September. Since I haven’t been going to stores I haven’t seen any of the pumpkin/fall stuff. I don’t think those shirts are offensive. I guess its possible for people to take them the wrong way, but I think for the most part people get that they are just for fun.
Sleep? What is that? I woke up at 2 this morning and that was it for me. Sigh.
I think those shirts are funny, but last year I wore one that said ‘proud member of the slow runners club’ and I got so much flak for it. Some people told me I wasn’t slow enough to wear it and others said that I was hurting my self esteem. Ayyyyy! People need to get a sense of humor. Life is hard enough.
Sorry you’re not sleeping…definitely an off and on struggle for me these days.
I can’t believe people would find those shirts offensive?! With so many things to get worked up over these days, this just doesn’t seem to be one of them.
I’ve been sleeping really badly lately. What’s up?
No no on virtual races. Esp. Long ones.
I think some shirts are funny even if I wouldn’t wear them.
You know I’m a huge fan of those types of shirts. I find them to be very funny and I don’t see how they could be offensive. It does seem that people want something to complain about these days.
Nutpods is my favorite type of coffee creamer but I haven’t been able to find the pumpkin flavor. I will try their website.
I love those fun shirts! Who cares what that guy thinks 🙂 Sorry you are not sleeping well. I go through phases like that as well and then it just improves. Need to try the nupods sounds good! Thanks for joining for coffee
The other day I read about a family in the States that has started to decorate their garden with Halloween stuff!
I love those t-shirts! I want to create a biker shirt which says: powered by muscles. That would upset all the e-bikers. 😄
Noooo!!! Not pumpkin spice! I’m not ready!!!
I think many people are looking for something to be offended by these days. Everyone on social media seems to be outraged about something. Righteous indignation is at an all-time high. It’s why I almost exclusively follow runners. We are a pretty laid back, happy bunch! 🙂
Sorry for the tough week, Marcia. I’m thinking of you and your family <3 I think those slogan shirts are funny. I pity the trolls/bullies that take offense at the most innocent things. Take care…
The shirts are hilarious and that’s the end of the discussion as far as I’m concerned. I’m ready for pumpkin, though I do think it’s probably just a bit Too Soon for the one house in my neighborhood that has Halloween decorations up. Sending internet love to your family.
Ir’s definitely too early for pumpkin spice, but by the time I’m ready they will be selling peppermint mochas instead. I hate seeing “if” and “2024” in the same sentence. Ugh. But I guess we shouldn’t count on anything anymore. it’s great to see NOW so prominent though!
OMG….people will find any reason to be offended these days. NO, I do not find those t-shirts offensive at all. They are fun, just like you said. And now I am wondering in what context these people were offended?
How many students do you suspect will be in your daughters graduating class? I just wonder because that arena is huge!
Have a great holiday weekend Marcia!
I think those shirts are hilarious, haha, but to each their own, I guess. (There will always be someone who’s offended, but I think there are way better things to be upset about than this!)
I hope your sleep gets better soon!
I just got some caramel popcorn Beanies instant coffee and it’s lovely (and not autumnal though I fear we do have autumn flavours in the coffee shops here). I’ve had a tricky week though so it’s been tea all the way!
Fall is definitely in the air here & I’m loving it! Snapped my first photo of changing leaves in the neighborhood on my run today. Actually, in years past we were often seeing it in August, so this is a bit more normal.
I’m not that much into slogan tshrts in general but like you say, whatever floats your boat these days & really every day.
I never really seem to connect with people that much in virtual run clubs. I’ve done Another Mother Runner in past. I think it just tends to be too many people to truly connect with someone. But there are many who swear by them!