5 months have passed since Thing 1 returned abruptly from college, her spring semester upended by Covid. The days and weeks at times felt long, but here we are. This week we dropped off Thing 1 at college for her sophomore year. I didn’t take my usual Monday rest day because I knew my workouts in Atlanta would be spotty to non-existent. Here’s how the week shook out.
Monday: Walk 4 miles, Super Set Strength Workout
Tuesday: Walk 4 miles, Trail Run 3 miles
Wednesday: Walk 4 miles, Full Body Strength
Thursday: Atlanta
Friday: Atlanta Stair workout
Saturday: Atlanta
Sunday: Return home, Summer Swizzle 6k
Wicked Storms. Our weather this week was nice until it wasn’t. On Monday afternoon a storm blew in super quickly on very high winds. We sheltered in the basement while Ozzy howled at the tornado sirens. So many big trees are down. Thing 1’s friend’s Jeep was completely smashed by a tree in their driveway. Thank heavens nobody was hurt. Turns out it was a Derecho coupled with a handful of tornadoes that touched down in the Chicago area, thankfully we were spared.
Yearbook Pictures Pandemic Style. This week I drove Thing 2 through one of the high school parking lots where she took an outdoor, socially distanced, touchless yearbook picture. Whatever works I guess. She also passed the written test for her driver’s permit. Heaven help me.
Ozzy was none too happy about Thing 1 leaving. The pouting started before we even left.
College Move-In. I’ve gotta hand it to Georgia Tech for designing such a seamless move-in process. Back in March when the campus shut down, Thing 1 dragged home as much as she could on the plane and her amazing roommate was kind enough to schlep everything else to her parents’ home an hour outside of Atlanta. Retrieving that stuff was our first order of business. Thing 1 is sharing an apartment this year with three sorority sisters. Fingers crossed they’ll have a fun and safe year.
I had the honor of being a guest on not one but two podcasts recently, both of which aired last week. Here are the links in case you want to check them out.
Becoming Elli. I loved chatting with the ladies of the Becoming Elli podcast. We talked about running of course, workouts and how my fitness priorities have changed as I’ve aged.
The Silver Edge. Kevin interviews people over 50 doing “extraordinary things”. While I hardly think the things I do fit in the extraordinary category, I was happy to sit down and talk with him about running, fitness, aging, and how they all fit together.
How was your week? Are kids back to school where you are? What are your favorite podcasts?
I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Join us!
Very cool to be featured on TWO podcasts! You are a star!
Georgia Tech’s campus is pretty! That’s where my dad went to college, but obviously a very long time ago 🙂
Aww, poor Ozzy misses his buddy. How sweet!
GaTech’s campus is GORGEOUS! My favorite of all the schools we toured. U Miami was nice too and I’m all for a milder winter. : )
Congrats on a successful move in! It’s different for sure right now. I’m exhausted! I hoped to get some real workout in while here but not sure that’s happening
So many people took their kids back to college this weekend. Praying that all the kids stay safe and healthy. I have yet to see Matthew’s new house that he’s sharing with 8 OTHER GUYS! Heaven help us….
I had never heard of Derecho before this week. I was shocked at all the damage, especially in Iowa. I hope that all the people affected are at least able to get power back soon.
Kudos to the high school for finding a creative way for students to still get their school photos. It’s been nice to see all the creativity that the schools have put in place. A school here is going to do socially distant outdoor classes until the Winter. I’m glad that Georgia Tech made the move in process as easy as possible considering the circumstances. It seems like a lot of the colleges have great plans in place for the start of the school year.
School doesn’t start til after Labor Day here.
Poor Ozzy! A double whammy for him this week.
Congrats on your podcast appearances? What do you call that?
Um, HELLO! Ms. Marathon Majors! You are extraordinary for sure! Loved the podcasts. 🙂 Yikes on the Derecho and the smashed Jeep that is so scary! That reminds me, when we had a Derecho 7(?) years ago, a smallish tree smashed a neighbors car about a block away from us. Congrats on accomplishing the DMV test and the move-in last week — I hope you get to do something for yourself this week.
So glad to hear the move-in went smoothly – fingers crossed she has a good, and uneventful year!
I’m looking forward to checking out those podcasts!
Both podcasts were great listens and I highly recommend them. It was great to hear to you.
Congrats on a successful move in — and being pod famous!
SO glad you didn’t have much damage. Ozzy v. the sirens had to be somewhat entertaining once you knew you were ok
So cool about the podcasts, Marcia!
It’s great that they feature women over 50 who care about running and fitness. It’s so important and yet many neglect it as they age.
Hopefully, we’re going to read more about that Summer Swizzle 6K!
I can’t believe you had such bad weather this week too! I feel like alot of these crazy storms aren’t really making the news (or I’m just missing it) maybe because there are so many other things going on too.
I hope your daughter has a good year at college! It’s such a hard time to be that age. I’m glad she can still be on campus this year.
It was a horrible storm on Monday for sure. Glad to hear you are OK. Derecho, is a “new” word for me. In Spanish it means straight, right, and erect.
I am sure it was hard to drop off your daughter in college. I hope she has a great year and manages to stay there till May. I went to NIU in DeKalb and it was the best years of my life!
Hey Marcia, Chris and I loved having you on our Fit Strong Women over 50 podcast. Our listeners liked what you had to say. I love how you post your weekly workouts. It’s very inspiring.
I love that you were featured in two podcasts, well done! My kids are heading back to school next week after a few weeks holiday. We have a different school year to yours (January – December) so they will now be going into their third and final term for the year. Can’t wait for them to be a bit more active again and to see friends (even with the covid-regulations).
You’re a natural. You should start your own podcast series!!
GL with the kids and school. So happy that is in my rear mirror.
Awesome! I’m going to listen to both of the podcasts. How fun! The college campus looks gorgeous. It will be an odd year for sure. So far it sounds like our local campus residents have been just sitting in their rooms taking online classes. I hope they get to attend some classes in person very soon!! School hasn’t started for my kids yet.
I hope your daughter has a great year of school, and that move-in went smoothly.
A starts tomorrow. He is going to the state virtual school, so they are starting ahead of the brick and mortar and distance learning options. Fingers crossed that it goes well.
I really hope to checkout your podcast guest gigs…I’m in the midst of playing a long game of catch-up first, though. Those storms last week were like nothing I’d ever experienced, glad the majority of the damage (at least in my town) was more environmental than structural. Still lots of devastation…
So grateful I heard your interview on Becoming Elli which lead me to this blog! You spoke right to my heart-it was exactly what I needed to hear today.